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Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 @ 18:36 by Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

329 words; about a 2 minute read

I feel like hiding from my sister is the only way to not be confrontational in this time of problems and issues in this ever changing centaurians mind. The things I have seen and being XO of my sisters ship was fun but I feel my issues need to be sorted out first before making physical contact in person with Rosie and her female shipmates. I also feel like running away into a corner and never coming out for a while till whatever this centaurian thing is passes or disappears but it is something I must live with and my own race has to deal with it as well nothing our CMO can do something about its just part of our culture and who we are these issues and the lack of sleep. The lack of sleep I have yet to pin to anything that has triggered it but the food and sweets are slowly helping in the matter but the disgusting mess of myself makes me feel ashamed to be part of the crew at these moments in time or be in front of anyone senior within the crew especially Barstow.

I feel like if this continues I will need to confront whatever is causing it head on and try and fix the issue before it goes on into more weeks and weeks plus I don't want to suddenly conk out in an important meeting and not wake up for a while well more than 4 hours. I have decided to stay in my quarters and decline to go to the senior staff meeting in my volatile sleepless state with myself in a mess and quoting Carter smelled like a dumpster at the back of a seafood restaurant with rotting food in there which is quite bad for myself/. I have decided to spend a few days in my room until something is done about the state of me and my hygine and my state of mind is repaired.


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