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Senior Staff Meeting

Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 @ 18:48 by Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

231 words; about a 1 minute read

I have decided in my volatile state to decline my presence at the senior staff meeting would not be the best time to be in front of fellow senior crew members in my current state and mindset. I feel id embarrass myself during the meeting maybe even fall into a deep sleep more than 4 hours and never wake up till my mind said so so I am staying put and if anyone needs me they know where to look unless its urgent I request to be left alone in this state till I can fix it. I will still be on duty but I do not want to be spoken to or interact in my mindset and condition, I hope Barstow understands this and will respect my wishes rather than dragging me to the meeting by a security team.

I decline to be seen by senior staff and have at occasions changed my route to avoid them and others but it seems it can't last forever If needs must be then I need to confront the issue head on in a way that will get me better and back to full mindset ready for the new mission and be fully capable of doing my job. I don't know when this will be triggered again but I hope it doesn't last this long a period and get this bad of a condition.


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