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Save'ena - Dorm Nightmare Encounters

Posted on Thursday 31 May 2018 @ 01:12 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & 1st Lieutenant Cara O'Reilly MD

Mission: Academy Days
Location: StarFleet Academy - Student Dormatory B731
Timeline: 0145 Hours, September 6th, 2389 SD65353.79
1956 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Wthing room 731 of Dormatory B, the slow breathing of deep sleep of the occupant of the upper bunk began to change. The breathing began getting deeper, and faster, while the Mephetian girl began to shift and move under her sheet. She began to cry out in small whimpers as something within her dreams or memories disturbed her what was probably pleasant sleep before.

The whimpering increased as the movements turned to tossing and turning within that bed. Now occassional words could be heard, pertaining of 'No', 'Stay back', 'Not again', 'Stop', and growls. Whatever nightmare she was having was growing worse.

Rina heard her roomie through the fog of sleep but did not open her eyes.

The tossing and turning became quick movements, Sav lashing out at the sheet over her, while her voice grew louder as well as the whimpers and growls. Slicing and ripping sounds could now be heard as Sav's claws were extended as she fought in whatever dream had her captured.

The bunk bed shook and Rina finally opened her eyes.

Sav suddenly sat upright, screaming out, as she had performed a final move of ripping through the remains of the sheet about her. She looked around, wild eyed, breathing quickly, as small words escaped her of "no", "not again", "not slave", "my pelt, mine, not yoursss".

Rina jumped out of bed and stood on the first wrung of the ladder. She grabbed Sav's shoulders to keep the girl from falling out of bed. "Savvie....wake up," she called out.

Sav's eyes cleared up as she looked down at another pair of eyes looking up at her. She swallowed, asking, "Rina? Is that you?" She glanced around and let out a relieved sigh, saying, "Dorm room... Academy Dorm room..." She let out a small hermm and said, "Sorry.. Sorry to wake you." She let out another sigh as she said, "I did let you know I have nightmares once in a while."

"Are you alright?" Rina asked, stepping off of the ladder.

Sav climbed down out of the upper bunk and sat on the lower bunk with Rina. She shook herself as the last vestiges of her dream left her, as shown by her climbing claws fully retreating and the hair of her tail laying more natural instead of being fully puffed out in protection. She looked at Rina, then said, "Yeah, I am. This has been occurring for the last two years. I'm used to it." She sighed, then, decided to hit the proverbial elephant in the room on the head. She continued, "I could make us some tea.. I do have my tea set with me... and.. did you need to request a different room? I wouldn't blame you, honest, its all on me."

"Oh stop it," Rina said with a sigh, sitting on the edge of her bed. "I'm not going anywhere. I just want to make sure you're ok."

Sav wiped away the few tears that she felt stinging her muzzle as they slowly released from her eyes from how the dream had affected her. She smiled to Rina, churring lightly, as she said, "I.. thank you, Rina. I am definitely feeling better now." She lifted an eyebrow and asked, "So, can I get a hug? And, I do have very fresh tea in my tea set and would love to make us both some chamomile and lavender tea... it's a great tea to help one get back to sleep.."

Rina got up and pulled Sav into a tight hug. "You're not alright, Savvie," she whispered as she could feel the girl trembling in her arms. "But whatever it is...we will get through it together," she whispered and tightened her hug.

Sav returned the embrace, gladly holding onto Rina tightly. She closed her eyes and put her head along side of Rina's neck, breathing deeply of Rina's scent, to anchor herself that this was not a dream, that this was real. She could feel the jangled nerves causing tremors throughout her body slowly clearing. She sat there holding Rina, just feeling, just breathing, enjoying having someone to hold who was not family. Mephetians were very sociable, needing contact with friends and close friends, and Sav had not had anyone since her near death experience at the hands of the rich and powerful. She almost fell asleep within Rina's arms, then jerked awake.

Rina stroked Sav's head and purred softly. When the girl in her arms jerked, she tightened her hug. "It's Ok, Savvie. You're safe," she whispered.

Sav giggled a little, saying, "Safe, yeah, safe. Hmph, I almost fell back asleep." She churred gently as she kept a tight hold of Rina, the began to gently move her arms over Rina's back. "It has been several years to have a friend, like this. I hope we can become bestest friends, honest." She sighed, loathing to release Rina as she felt so.. safe, in Rina's arms. Still, she couldn't stay like this all night, Rina had to get her sleep too. "So, ready for some tea? I... keep asking because to invite a person in to become a good friend, we, that is, Mephetians, make a personal cup of tea and share it. It's a ritual we picked up from the L'Tandrey millennia ago. That is, if your up for it."

Rina brushed a stray hair off of Sav's face and smiled. "Sure....why not?" she said. "I'll be up 50 times between now and morning peeing but who am I to fight tradition?" She giggled.

Sav churred at the gentle brush of fingers across her face. This was something her mom was want to do when visiting with her kids. It felt, nice, and something good in Sav's life once more. She cocked her head at the '50 times' comment, then gigged herself. "That is one small bladder, there, Missy. So, tradition it is." Sav leaned in to give one more hug, separating by a gentle kiss to Rina's neck. Getting up, she went to her locker to get out her tea set. She coyly looked back to Rina, saying, "I.. am from a culture where kisses can be exchanged between girl friends. I.. hope the neck was okay? Umm, lips are fine for me as well?"

Rina was tempted to kiss Sav on the lips but she refrained. She was still getting to know the girl and the subject of sexuality hadn't come up between them yet and she didn't want to scare Sav away. "Yeah. Me, too," she said simply and turned her attention to the tea set.

Sav secretly smiled at finding a kindred soul and turned around with her personal tea set. It was made of Crystalline Ceramic Material, and with engravings of idyllic sharing scenes of Mephetian families having picnics on very large tree branches.

She sat down next to Rina, loving the feel of the Caitian's body heat against her side through her pajama short gown and their thigh fur touching each other. She touched the bottom and four legs unfolded to go to the floor. Now stable, Sav opened the chest. The top opened away while the two sides opened out. The saucers and cups for the tea were on racks from the sides, while there was a tea pot in the front middle, and behind that along the back of the set were various containers of tea leaves and herbs.

"It's beautiful," Rina said.

Sav replied, "It was a gift from my grandmother. She gave it to Mom before my parents immigrated to Apollonia. And, yes, we are a tree dwelling race, our tails give us a great sense of balance." She moved the pot towards them and touched its base, it glowed, and the water could be heard heating up inside. Sav churred and said, "Psychosemantic heating plate, all it needs is a little TK and it boils the water. The water inside is gathered from moisture in the air so a pot is ready at any time. The set is of L'Tandrey manufacture and so why it can do this."

Rina tried to focus on what Sav was saying but her attention kept drifting to how holding the girl had made her feel. It made it hard to focus.

Sav opened two containers and brought out the specially prepared leaves for the plants in question. She put them into two tea strainer spoons and placed those over two beautifully inscribed crystalline cups. Picking up the pot of now boiling water, she poured the hot water over the strainers slowly, letting the leaves inside steep at a correct temperature and give their essence to the water flowing through. The tea strainers changed color and Sav churred out in pleasure. "They are just the right temp... now to finish..." She finished the water into the cups, picked up each strainer, then tapped them against the side of the cups. They chimed and seemed to shimmer. Sav stirred each cup with its respective strainer, then lifted both out and placed them to the side in a space specifically made for them to be held and cool.

Sav shoulder bumped Rina, grinning, and said, "Okay, they're ready. I drink mine straight, but I do have some creamer and sugar if you take either of those."

Rina took hers in silence.

Sav lifted her cup and held it out to clink against Rina's. "Here is to budding friendships and roomies until graduation."

"And after," Rina said, clinking her cup with Sav's then taking a sip. She watched Sav over the rim of her cup as she took another sip then set her cup down.

Sav leaned over against Rina, sipping her tea, and just enjoying this quiet time, and contact, with her friend. She sighed, saying quietly, "I wish I didn't have my nightmares... I would love to sleep next to you... but can't chance it." She moved her head to brush her whiskers through Rina's to show support, then she said in a conspiratorial voice, "So, miss small bladder, need a buddy to go to the communal fresher before we try to get back to sleep?"

Rina shook her head and wrapped her tail around Sav. Putting her arm around Sav's shoulders, she lie down on her side, pulling Sav down in front of her. "Humans call it spooning," she said, her voice so soft it was almost a whisper.

The tail wrap surprised, and thrilled Sav. She was not expecting such a close girlfriend embrace so early, but would gladly accept it. She followed the directions given her by Rina's arm and body movements, she found herself with her back up against Rina, and, it felt very good. She giggled at the 'spooning' comment and whispered back, "I think that term's for boys behind girls, but works for me." She moved her tail along Rina's leg, then whispered, "Lift your leg..." Sav placed her tail between Rina's legs, bringing it up and behind Rina to enfold Rina into her own special protective hug. She churred in pleasure and sighed out, "Night Night."

Rina pulled the covers over both of them and said, "lights out," and the lights in the room went out, except for the small colored lights she and Sav had hung over their window. In the soft pink glow, Rina nuzzled her nose into Sav's fur and pulled her close so she would feel secure.

Sav, in having the embrace of a caring friend, and in returning that embrace with her tail, was already under the sandman's influence, and drifting into more pleasant dreams of the past.


Cadet Save'ena Amilia Tillatix
Apollonia Sponsored Cadet
San Fransisco StarFleet Academy

Cadet M'Katerina
First Year Student
San Fransisco StarFleet Academy


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