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Merlin Recover - Briefing

Posted on Sunday 8 July 2018 @ 21:11 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Lieutenant Michael Ki MD & Lieutenant JG Saren Barel & 1st Lieutenant Cara O'Reilly MD & Lieutenant Colonel Kachiko Bayushi

Mission: Lost Souls
Location: USS Merlin - Main Briefing Room, Deck 3
Timeline: MD3, 0830 Hours
5475 words - 11 OF Standard Post Measure


The USS Merlin was now on its way to Starbase 306. On board, there was the bare minimum crew to operate her to get to a destination. She was being escorted by the USS Grissom as there was no way she could defend herself at this time.

The Commanding Officer, Commander John Barstow, had called a meeting for the lead officers assigned to the Merlin to discuss the fate of the Merlin and maybe some insight or inquiries about what had happened to her. Fortunately for all, one of the two survivors found on board the Merlin was the CFCO of the Merlin.

Sav entered through the doors to the briefing room, carrying her Coffee-Tea Service. The set was still intact and in her quarters as though nothing had ever happened. She brought it because it was unknown if there was enough power to run the replicators in ancillary offices, such as the meeting room. She churred lightly, happy to be back on board, but saddened at the thought of not knowing what happened to the rest of her crew who had just 'warped' out in front of her eyes and off of the ship. She went to a seat at the table with the coffee service and opened the ornate crystalline-ceramic chest. Inside was a heating pot filled with water, several containers of teas and coffees, and straining spoons. She touched the base of the pot and applied telekinetics to the material there. It glowed and quickly heated the water to boiling. Sav was now ready to serve coffee and tea at the meeting.

Kachiko was standing at the porthole looking out into space, her back to the Mephetian Lieutenant Commander. She was wearing Command Red, for once, thankful to still have access to the Grissom while they were still working on getting systems like the replicators online. She had felt her young friend's presence before she had walked in, keeping a faint smile hidden as she continued to silently gaze out into space, eyes dull as stars streaked past with the Merlin at warp.

Since the Merlin had returned to the stars Michael was requested to serve as the Chief Medical Officer. So he was given a temporary transfer from the Grissom. Along that line he was summonsed for a briefing. He walked into the briefing room and was elated to see that some semblance of normalcy was returning to the Merlin. He had his PADD containing the latest reports on his patients in hand and took his seat at the table after getting a cup of Oolong from the replicator.

Sav smiled to Dr. Ki as he came in, but the doc was intent on getting a beverage from the replicator and not fresh from her set. She glanced at Kachiko standing at the window, not saying anything as she did not want to disturb her thoughts. Sav did wonder, though, at the Naval Command uniform instead of a Marine uniform being upon her. She sniffed the aroma and found it to be Oolong tea. She smiled to him and asked, "Dr. Ki, sir, would you like some fresh brewed Oolong instead of the replicated stuff?"

Michael smiled at the mere thought of fresh Oolong. "My great grandmother had a saying. Fresh Oolong is a science as delicate as brain surgery. One wrong flick of the wrist and the patient goes brain dead." He chuckled "Commander if you have perfected the science of my ancestors I would love some." He sighed as he slumped into a chair.

Sav churred gently and replied, "While I am not so sure of your Ancestors, I do brew the Oolong according to L'Tandrey customs, and they are very picky when it comes to their tea." She put the leaves into a crystalline strainer, put it over the cup, then picked up the hot water pot and touched a design on the spout. She poured the now 85 C water into the strainer. Its capillaries inside washing the tea leaves over and through the leaves, brewing them for 42 seconds before flowing into the second chamber to brew the second set of leaves for 42 seconds, and out. It took a little over 167 seconds, but as Sav removed the strainer, there was a perfectly colored Oolong tea in the cup with that very heavenly fresh brewed smell emanating from it. Sav moved it over to him, saying, "There you go."

John walked in after finally having slept, showered and gotten a fresh uniform. The two days leading up to Merlin's resurrection had seen him not sleep at all, if he wasn't helping to get Merlin repaired he was in sickbay with his daughter. Towards the end of the second night there one of the nurses threatened to sedate him, have one of the corpsman give him a bedbath and then, just for causing the inconvenience, schedule him for an immediate prostate exam. Needless to say, Barstow had decided to follow medical advice at that point. The CO sat at the end of the table and gave a brief nod to the gathered officers, "we'll begin once the last few arrive," he said with a smile as he noticed the coffee near Sav, "may I?" he asked and motioned to the coffee.

Sav grinned and said with a light Churr, "Of course, Sir. Give me two shakes of a tail.." She put a tablespoon of beans into the strainer and activated the internal sonics. They shattered into small flakes and she put the strainer over a cup. She now touched an emblem on the spout of the hot water pot, setting the outflow for 96 Celsius, the perfect temp for coffee brewing. The other emblems were for tea temperatures: Green and white 73, black and Oolong 85, herbal at 100. The water in the pot itself was kept at 100 C. As she poured the water through the strainer, the smell of fresh roasted, organic, Peruvian Andes Coffee filled the air. She now slid the cup to Barstow, "There you go, Sir."

"Thank you," the CO replied gratefully and took the offered cup.

Cale was the next to walk in the briefing room. He looked well rested considering he had just made sure the ship was spaceworthy and had not gotten the requisite amount of sleep in several days. "Greetings and salutationisms to all," he said as he looked over to Commander Tillatix, "And it's good to see you up and around, Commander."

The entrance of Cale Llewelyn was a surprise to Sav. He had left the Merlin right after a talk down sit with Apollo, Caleb, and herself to explain away his threats and what happened the first time they met when Sav was CAG during the time before she was freed from the mesh and imprints. Still, he was here, so he must have 'gotten his act together', as the saying went, from everything happening to him with his empathic abilities blooming at that time. She brought her ears up into a forward friendly position and replied, "Thank you, Commander. Welcome back to the Merlin." She glanced at Apollo, then back to Cale, and asked, "Are you XO once more, sir?"

"Thank you, no, Commander. I am not. But I would love to make a fresh start with you, if you're willing that is." Cale turned to Barstow and said, "Commander, I've taken to inviting my old assistant Jon Kael to the briefing if that's permissible to you?"

"That's fine," John replied with a nod and sipped the bitter beverage.

Cara snuck in at the back of the room and took a seat in a chair against the wall behind Dr. Ki.

Sav's right ear tracked Cara and as she sat down, her tail shook once to try and get Cara's attention. Sav shifted her Tea Set so that Cara could see it and she performed a right hand gesture along it in an inquiring 'Anything for you, Dr. O'Reilly?'

Cara smiled and shook her head, Mouthing the words, "no thanks."

Sav's ear flicked twice in response that she had caught the response and wouldn't press further. She returned to waiting on Apollo speak, even though her body unconsciously shifted slightly to move a little bit away from Cale was sitting.

Apollo sat forward now that what ships senior officers were aboard were gathered, "alright, ladies and gentleman," he said and looked around the table, "as you know we are currently en route to starbase three zero six with an eta of eight hours. All of you have done an outstanding job, especially with how we found the ship," he started then looked at the table top for a second, "so, we all have the same question and that's what happened here. We have a few pieces to that puzzle, Commander Tillatix, I'm going to start with you, please tell us what happened after you made contact with the colony that claimed to be the Merlin crew descendants.''

Sav got a surprised look upon her face. She responded, "Wait, what? Colony, Merlin crew descendants? Sir, we never made it that far." She took a sip of her coffee, composed herself, then continued. "Here is what I know. First, it is true we encountered a 5000 year out of place Merlin. That ship blew up when the computers were brought online as it was set for self-destruct and we lost an away team and two fighters. We moved on to the Lazarus Star and took our readings there, but the close proximity to it was draining Merlin, so Melody let me do what I needed to do as CFCO and I sling shotted us around the star and out of its range using its own energy. Next we went to the newly found Class-M planet. In initial orbit, we detected sentient life signs on it. Melody gathered together an away team for the shuttle as I was relieved of duty to get a nap in... I'm still on light duty, you see. That is when all heck broke loose."

Sav took another sip of her coffee, then continued. "So I'm on my way to visit the Kitlings at school to get a nap in with them. I was outside the school when... I felt... a presence. The Merlin seemed to lurch, shudder. My fur began standing out on my neck, as though someone, or something was watching me. I felt my tail go into protective response. The Emergency alert went off and I started to turn around to head back to the bridge, but I was interrupted. Right in front of me, I saw a couple of running officers suddenly warp, as though through a kaleidoscope, and disappear. Melody's voice came across a ship broadcast saying all crew to emergency stations, and then her voice was gone mid sentence. As I am on light duty, that is Medical. I rushed into the classroom to find no teacher and only three kitlings of the normal 20. I grabbed the two youngest into my arms and shifted the oldest over my tail and I ran to medical. The one in my right arm was Sierra."

Sav continued, "However, when I got to medical, panic was everywhere. Right in front of us, more crew disappeared. I had to do something, so I motioned for a couple of medtechs to follow and we went into the iso chamber and activated it, trying to keep ourselves from disappearing. I gave each meditech a child, while Sierra glommed onto my leg and stayed with me. I did a remote life sciences search and found only fifty people left, and those were disappearing rapidly. Sierra whimpered and I turned around to find the other four who were with us were gone. I gather my tail's protective field had kept Sierra and I from being sensed by whatever was removing crew from the ship. In checking on ship status, I found it was going into long term orbital standby mode around the planet we were orbiting. Engineering must have realized what was going on and wanted to preserve the ship to be found in the future."

"However, with so few people left, if I was going to have a chance to stay with the ship and protect Sierra, I had to find a way to continue to hide our life signs, as my tail would not continue to envelope Sierra and I when I went into deep sleep, and I had to do it quickly. So, I set up a timer and activated the Cyrostasis chamber as it would put us under much faster than the full Stasis, and freezing us would dampen our life signs to help keep us hid. So, I let Sierra know we were going to sleep for a bit, then wake up later to find Daddy. It was at this time I felt the ship shudder and slow. I checked ship status again, and found the Merlin had entered the planet's ocean. So, I set up several defensive measures as well as more ways to hide us, and then I climbed into the pod with Sierra and started the cycle. The Merlin came to rest on a shelf in standby, and the next thing I remember is seeing a Red headed female Terran looking at me through the frosted cyroplastic window of the chamber. Sierra and I were safe from whatever that presence was that affected the ship and crew." Unknown to Sav as of yet was that the Merlin was found in a planet's ocean light years from the planet the Merlin had initially investigated.

Still standing, looking out into space with her back to the table, Kachiko spoke, "I have accessed what I could of internal sensor logs. They back up what Miss Tillatix just told us. Even down to people running down gangways before suddenly disappearing."

"We may want to deploy a beacon to warn other vessels away, before we're out of the system," the diminutive officer offered.

"I would, but.." Barstow paused and looked to Sav, "the Lazarus star was where we started looking, it's at least three months behind us at maximum warp, he explained, "and dating of some of the gel packs shows extreme age...two hundred years extreme," he added slowly and looked around the room, "Commander Tillatix, do you know what capra is?"

Sav looked confused once more as she worked through what Barstow just said. She looked up into the air as she built inside her mind a spatial mapping of space for the system near the Lazarus star and three months away at max warp. The fingers of her right hand traced routes and systems only seen by her in the air. "Wait... three months, 431.43 light years, transverse distance from orbit to atmosphere... rifting no.. ftl no.. transconduit no... translocation?" She now blinked and looked back at Barstow, saying, "We were translocated over 430 light years? That much shift harmonic interstitial point energy... whether psi or harmonic shift thread based... wow, no wonder the gel packs show extreme age, they were accelerated in the translocation. Huh, I would say also check any not shielded crystalline harmonic structures for hairline fractures, such as the dilithium as well." She blushed lightly and continued, "My apologies, sir, I had not realized the Merlin was Translocated through a probable shift farpoint interstitial travel. I have not accessed the sensors to see where we are at. And, umm, sorry sir, I have not heard of Capra... wait.. mom's Latest Book, the Rugged Ranger's Requiem... he took care of various Capras on the reserve... but, you wouldn't be asking about err, Goats, right?"

All of the techno babble was lost on Cara so she sat silent wondering what exactly translocated meant.

"I wish it was just goats," Apollo replied with a grin, "we were hoping you could shed light on that because it's not the first time I've heard that phase," he said, but, didn't elaborate, wanting to let Sav finish before getting into where the crew had gone.

Kachiko sighed silently and turned around, leaning back against the bulkhead, "Wait, what? Goats?"

At that moment, the doors to the room opened and Saren stepped through the doors. His Science blue uniform had a stain on it, his face was blushing green, and he looked quite annoyed.

He stood at attention and then said, "I apologize for being late Captain. It seems Engineering needed more practice opening stuck turbolift doors, mainly mine." The Romulan took his seat and just listened at the moment.

Kachiko arched a bright white eyebrow at the appearance of a Rihanns in Starfleet uniform, "You'll have to excuse the dust, Lieutenant. We just recovered the Merlin and she's in need of a little work."

"Thank you Commander", Saren replied, the green blush tone in his face slowly starting to fade. "I just dislike being late."

He had been late once. He cringed slightly at the memory of the day he was late to his engineering class in academy. The results were painful and humiliating to say the least.

Cale simply looked at the Romulan in a Starfleet Sciences uniform and wondered just what he was doing here. He felt a palpable swath of embarrassment and irritation coming from him. He also felt something else but wasn't quite sure what it was. But one thing he was sure of; he knew he was going to like this fellow. As he ruminated on the Romulan, he couldn't help but smile and his smile grew ever larger by the second.

He turned his attention to the briefing at hand. Cale listened to the officers talking about issues that needed not be issues here and now. He felt that the only issue at hand needed to be the Merlin and the crew that they discovered in the stasis pods. He thought about speaking up but then decided to simply listen to the other officers speaking their minds. So Cale simply sat back.

Michael was in disbelief at everything that he heard. "Sir with all due respect. We have the Merlin. These descendants you are speaking of. If all you say is correct it is best to leave them where they are. I believe the Prime Directive would apply here." He leaned in on the table. "Uprooting these peoples lives, and taking them from all that they have known just to make yourself feel better is a horrible act. Sir..." Michael was almost imploring.

"Doctor, we don't even know what we're dealing with yet," Kachiko said from the side. "After we're fixed up and back underway, why don't we go discover who and what we're dealing with?"

"Also, they're an alien species, or several such species, on that world. For all we know, that world would or will evolve sentient life of its own," Kachiko reminded him. "For all we know, they could be violating the Prime Directive themselves."

"If they aren't UFoP they have no Prime Directive," Cara heard herself saying. It was meant to be a thought but it slipped out. Well....she was in it now. Might as well jump all the way in. "I agree with Dr. Ki. Our focus should be on getting the Merlin back to the base so she can undergo repairs. I, for one, am having difficulty with the smell of rusting metal and mildew."

Michael smiled, while he disagreed with her assessment of the Prime Directive. Michael was happy to see that his Assistant was on the same page as him.

"It's alright, Lieutenant, grab a seat," Barstow replied as he looked to the new Romulan science chief and made a note to greet the man properly later before turning back to the table, "well, let's do this, Commander, we'll come back to Capra...Lieutenant Ki, this kind of drifted to the research project I had you start this morning. Can you give us you preliminary findings of at least the three files I gave you?" he asked, looking to the new medical chief, glad the science officer came aboard in time to hear this part.

Michael stood up and tapped some commands into the wall mounted console. An image of Master Chief Burgess appeared for all to see. As Michael progressed through his report he would change the screen to reflect whom he was speaking about. "It seems that Master Chief Burgess married and had a rather large family. He met his wife in the United States of the 2360s. From that point on the Burgess clan bloomed. It seems that he led a rather fruitful life. He continued with Starfleet becoming Master Chief of Starfleet." Michael spoke as he scrolled through the report on Burgess. He did find another point that would add insult to injury to what he and the Commander had spoken privately about. "Sir it would also seem that Burgess' grandson would go on to invent the isolinear chip. The very same chip that powers our computers. The next person I looked into was Chief Warrant Officer Jessica Briscoe. It seems that Ms Briscoe had a mediocre life. According to records she first appeared during the Eugenics Wars, but toward the end. The exact calendar date is unknown. She managed to survive the war and go on to assist in leading people in the aftermath. Including helping Zefram Cochrane learn about Vulcans after First Contact. I guess it was a good thing she was an anthropologist. History later records her name as Jessica Cochrane. Finally, Petty Officer Thomas Kincaid. The journey through time was not kind to him at all. It seems that there are no records of him at all. Which could been that he avoiding history making events like a good Starfleet Officer should when faced with his situation or he died. One will never know. It is clear though that we cannot go retrieve these people from time as their contributions in the past would be erased." Michael stood behind his chair waiting for the questions that he was sure would arise.

Cara leaned forward, her forearms on her thighs as she looked at the CO and XO to see if they were actually comprehending what Michael was saying. "Michael...I mean Dr. Ki is right," she said, not at all shy about chiming in. "If Starfleet's history with messing with our pasts is any's that it shouldn't be done. What's past is past. The people that were in those pods....we can't help them now. Nor should we try to."

Sav had followed along with the animated discussion. She had not had a chance to get another word in edgewise, but now the situation turned to the people on the planet she knew nothing about anyway. However, she did send to Kachiko, ~The message said Capra is here, and the only Capra I know is the Genus Capra, as in Terran Goats. Sorry, my mind zagged instead of zigged on that one.~

Saren continued to listen. One of the many things he struggled with in Starfleet was the Prime Directive. Having served in the Romulan Navy for twenty years, this was foreign to him. New species, regardless of how primitive, were to be subjugated and cultivated to be of service to the Empire. If they resisted, they would be terminated. It was a continual internal struggle as the scientist in him could see the value of letting a society thrive with minimal influence, but it still conflicted with his Romulan training. To top it all off, his 'elemental' status started making him wonder about a race's value to the universe as a whole. He decided to stay quiet on the matter.

"First things first," Kachiko sighed, before glancing at Barstow. "The Captain and I will need to confer with Temporal Investigations before we do anything else. Which is a discussion I am not looking forward to."

"If that is the case, should this meeting continue?", Saren chimed in. "Logically after all, if you are worried about any further temporal contamination that may be going on, additional discussion of this matter should cease. So should our journey to the starbase, unless we can not make long range communications. That is my perspective at least."

"The good Lieutenant has a point, Sir, at least partly. Shouldn't we table this discussion about the colony and continue on with making sure the ship doesn't 'fly apart at the seems', to quote another famous commander. That is just my humble opinion, Commander," Llewellyn said in response to the new Chief Science Officer's statement.

"We have plenty else we need to discuss, actually," Kachiko gestured around herself dramatically. "Status of systems, critical requisitions and the like. We have a monumental task ahead of us. Fortunate, really, that we have the ship itself to grant us these tasks and that she's space worthy."

"Yeah, Dock workers will be doing the heavy lifting, but I need requisitions filed with me before we reach Starbase 306. I would like to be loading stores and preparing to put back in the black as soon as the Yard is finished laying carpet," the newly minted Executive Officer looked around at the gathered officers. "We want to be ready to get systems testing underway immediately while we await the remainder of the new crew."

"Are we certain that Starfleet plans to bring the ship back into action?", Saren asked. "I would think that it would take some time even to confirm that the ship is truly space-worthy without a major refit. Despite the engineering specifications, even short periods of submersion can involve at least a month in the shipyard. "

"We're certain of nothing, Lieutenant," the spiritedly Commander replied. "I want us to be prepared for any eventuality."

"So see, Lieutenant, we have the time to get what we can up and running before we make it to Starbase 306," Cale said with an impish grin.

Sav was sitting back and just observing the crew and what was being said. She had been out of it for six months, even though only a couple of hours for her, and had said what had happened. She was not sure there was temporal happening as the translocation could easily age what was showing age, but, then again, if whatever being had transported the Merlin over 340 light years from her previous position could do that, it could have easily put crew on differing planets across time, besides distance. Sav waited, just wanting to get back to flying the Merlin, and getting rest, as she lightly fingered the light duty marker on her collar.

Apollo looked around the table as the topic once again shifted and fought the urge to rub his his face with his hands, "first, lets back up for just a second. As CO I deemed the dissemination of that information and discussion necessary and before jumping ahead of me will allow that to continue," he stated calmly, but firmly as he looked around at each of the officers in the eye, "I realize some of you have not served with me before, however, I have good reason for bringing information to you," he added, more to let them know he was regaining control of the meeting that had spiraled out, "before we continue I need to make sure we are clear on that point? Because which one of you can tell me with certainty that whatever pulled the crew off ship and scattered them through time is not still lurking? And Who can tell me what or who Capra is and it's significance or how it played into the crews being scattered? Information and understanding is power ladies and gentlemen," he ask, not trying to dictate, as he did value their opinion, but not liking being run over as he had been.

Sav blushed and looked down at the table, saying, "Sorry, Sir, you have everything I know... I have nothing else I can add..."


The CO replied simply nodded as everyone replied affirmative, "as to the refit, we wouldn't be sitting on her if she wasn't," he added with a wink, his sternness relaxing now, "however, we are looking at six months in Starbase and relaunch at the end of July, beginning of August. As Cale said, we have plenty of time to work, we're at warp three so it'll be a while. During that time I want a complete assessment of the ship and it's systems as well as inventory of all cargo and torpedo bays."

"I'll get right on that, with Lieutenant Scarlet's help, Boss," Llewellyn spoke up. "Mr. Scarlet, would you be so kind?"

Scarlet just nodded simply.

Cara leaned forward more so Michael could hear her without her voice interrupting the conversation. "I have already started an inventory and have a list of equipment that needs to be replaced," she said, quietly. She wasn't going to spend the next six months lazing around the starbase. She was happy to be working. And if she was going to be a permanent fixture on Merlin she was going to do her best to initiate some major upgrades in its Sickbay.

"Thank you Cara. Please take the lead on getting the Merlin's Sick Bay up to par. Including an upgrade to the EMH if we can manage it. I will continue to press the Commander to not pursue this folly of a rescue plan." He paused as he looked at the woman he reflected on what he had learned about her the past few days. Smart, Efficient, Skilled, and a very handsome woman to boot. he thought. "Commander Barstow has invited me to transfer to the Merlin as Chief Medical Officer. I would be honored if you would be my Assistant Cara." He said with a smile.

Cara smiled. "The honor would be mine, Boss," she said with a wink.

Sav perked up at this. Six months at the starbase, that meant the rest of the Toluene should be gotten rid of out of her body and she would get off of light duty. That meant the world to her. Next, she could try and hook up with her family through missives, besides get some shopping in. She glanced at Cara and Kachiko, wondering if either of them liked clothes and knick knack shopping. She said to Apollo, "That sounds like heaven to me, Sir, six months tah finish mah light duty and become fully me once more, for me and for crew, ayuh."

John nodded, "excellent, Sciences, I want you to chase down any references to Capra," he said and looked around, "I know you all don't see the relevance of discussing people long dead now, but, if it were any of us I'd want to know that I was at least acknowledged and that even if I couldn't come back something was being done to keep others from being ripped away from their loved ones. That's why we were discussing it, rescue missions and whatever else aside," he explained as a quick flash of guilt crossed his features before he was able to hide it again, "I apologize for my outburst, but I let these people down," he added, deciding to trust the senior staff with that before looking up, "any questions or anything else to add?"

"Understood Captain", Saren replied. He typed a few commands into his data padd to start the computer systems running a search algorithm. He wanted to get to work immediately when he stepped into the Science labs.

Sav raised her hand and said, "Sir, I realize I am still ona light dutah, but ama Ah allowed tah take helm for four hour shifts, once or even twice a day? I am up for it, truly, and I would go by sickbay tah get meself checked out after shift ifin that helps, Sir?"

Barstow nodded, "as long as medical gives the ok," he replied before taking a breath, "alright, if there's nothing else, let's get to work, dismissed."

Sav churred in pleasure at having been given the okay. She really needed flying with her companion as it was way more therapeutic than talking with the counselors.. and, right now, with a skeleton crew, she doubted there were any on board. She looked forward to merging with Merlin and flying among the stars in the shift dilation that was Warp.


Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin
Commander, Task Group 47-A "Musketeers
Task Force 47

Commander Bayushi Kachiko
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Junior Grade Michael Ki MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

Lt. Commander Save'ena Amilia Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Commander Cale Jason Llewellyn, DSci
Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
USS Merlin

Dr. Cara O'Reilly
Assistant Medical Officer
USS Merlin

Lt. JG David Scarlet
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant (j.g.) Saren Barel
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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