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Saturday 8 February 2025 @ 11:41

Captain Melody Jones

Name Melody Jones

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human / ex borg
Age 33
Starfleet ID

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9'
Weight 135lb
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Melody wears her hair straight and its long, right past her shoulders. She is tall and slender but has more strength than people first give her credit for. She has some borg implants still in her body left over from her time spent in a borg maturation chamber before being rescued by the USS Thunderchild.


Spouse Ricardo Draxx
Children Sansa Draxx-Jones
Rick Draxx-Jones
Alex Draxx-Jones
Father Commander Alex Jones
Mother Victoria Jones nee Braithwaite
Other Family Pet Hedgehog - Nibbles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fresh out of the academy, Melody is a highly motivated and dedicated young Ensign with exceptional maths and special orientation. She is rather detached from her emotions at times due her past and sometimes finds it hard to integrate.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths -Calm and level headed
Does not frighten easily
Fast reflex's

Weaknesses - Traumatic history from memories of being matured and being partially assimilated
Can take a while to trust and warm up to people
Can act spontaneously without thinking things through sometimes
Ambitions Rise through the ranks and be a good officer
Travel faster than anyone else has ever travelled
Make a connection and find and understand the true notion of family
Hobbies & Interests Speed freak
Classical pianist
Plays chess

Medical Record

Injuries Captured by the Borg at age 18 Months. Was placed in a Borg maturation chamber for 3 months. Rescued by the crew of the USS Thunderchild before maturation cycle was completed.

Both parents assimilated by the Borg

Some internal Borg implants present which could not be removed. Most external Borg implants were removed after rescue.
Mental Health Physiologically distressed after assimilation experience.
Suffers from nightmares.
Trouble making permanent family connections.

Personal History Melody was assimilated along with her parents at 18 months old. They were attacked by a borg cube on the USS independence during a mission to explore the Chrstolis system on the edge of the beta quadrant during a deep space exploration mission.

She was placed in a maturation chamber that accelerated her growth to about 12 years old when she and a handful of drones were rescued by the USS Thunderchild 3 months later. Unfortunately, her father a former Starfleet commander and her mother a famous holonovel author were not. The borg cube severely damaged managed to retreat.

She was brought to earth and rehabilitated. She has seen many counselors over the years, however, she found the correct words to say that they wanted to hear but never truly believed them.

Starfleet medical was not able to remove all the implants without killing her and due to this fact, there is a lingering telepathic connection, augmenting her mother's latent telepathic side. Occasionally when her drone mother is regenerating there is contact. Melody puts this down to nightmares and doesn't really understand the nature of it.

She joined Starfleet as she was rescued by them and saw it as a potential way of rescuing others in need. So they too had a chance at a life.

At the academy, she held the title of the fastest pilot on the Earth-Mars supply run.

Piano music was used during her rehabilitation, heavily to relax and help with the healing process. A hobby she picked up. To this day classical music is the only thing that can fully relax her.

Upon graduating from the Academy, Melody was assigned as the new Chief flight control officer aboard the USS Merlin with the rank of Lieutenant junior grade. Melody made a big impact very quickly and soon found herself promoted to the ship's Second officer with rank of full Lieutenant.

Melody made a big impression on the Merlin and was soon promoted to Executive officer with the rank of full commander.

Later that year, Starfleet started a training program for officers wanting to expand their careers and Melody took the opportunity to retrain as an engineer with a specialty in advanced warp technology and warp field theory joining the USS Sarek as Chief engineer. An accident in engineer resulted in a fellow crewmember briefly being trapped in a static warp bubble. The incident further developed the chemistry between Melody and Lieutenant Draxx which led to a drunken one night stand and the conception of a child. Due to Melody's unique blood chemistry after spending time a in a Borg maturation chamber as a child, her baby developed at a highly accelerated rate and Melody gave birth to a baby girl, Sansa, after only a few months. Sansa contained to age rapidly until her ageing was stabilised by Starfleet medical

Due to her expertise in warp fields, Melody was asked to command the advanced starship development team at Utopia Planitia on Mars.

Later that year she returned to the USS Merlin and reassumed her role as Executive officer.

Shortly after her return, Captain Barstow was lost in the line of duty in a confrontation with the entity known only as "The Puppet Master". Melody assumed Command of the Merlin at this point.

It was during shore leave on Risa while the Merlin was being repaired that Meloy married the love of her life and Sansa's Father, Ricardo Draxx.

Under her Command, the Merlin quickly established itself as one of Starfleet most important exploratory vessels, making first contact with numerous species including the race which had, in the past sent a probe to Earth to communicate with Humpback Whales and rescuing the crew of the USS Darwin. During this first contact, Sansa's daughter was used a vessel for an alien ambassador which helped secure peace

On return to Earth, Melody was promoted in rank to Captain.

Her next tour as Captain of the Merlin saw Melody face off against an old and family adversary, the Amelia Fox from the mirror universe who had poisoned a planet. Unfortunately, this time Mirror Fox was able to escape justice.

Melody soon discovered that Draxx was wanting to have more children, having missed most of Sansa's childhood and with the help of Doctor Miller and Starfleet Medical she and Draxx were able to conceive twin boys named Ricky and Alex who appear to be ageing normally.
Service Record 2389 - 2393 - Starfleet academy
2393 - Joined the USS Merlin as Chief flight officer, rank Lieutenant junior grade
239307.27 - Promoted to Second Officer with rank of full Lieutenant
239401.11 - Promoted to Executive Officer with rank of Lieutenant Commander
239406.03 - Promoted to the rank of Commander
- Studied Engineering and advanced warp filed theory at Starfleet headquarters
- Transferred to USS Sarek at Chief Engineer with a temporary reduction of rank to Lieutenant Commander
- Asked to join the advanced starship development program at Utopia Planitia. Rank of Commander reinstated
2395 - Returned to USS Merlin as Executive Officer.
- Assumed Command Of USS Merlin

2397 - Promoted to rank of Captain