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Sunday 9 July 2017 @ 00:21
Lieutenant Commander David Tan
Name David Tan
Position Chief Operations Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 30: D.o.B: 236408.22 | |
Starfleet ID | ![]() |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'10" / 1.7 m | |
Weight | 168 lb / 76.2 kg | |
Hair Color | Black (when not clean shaven) | |
Eye Color | Black | |
Physical Description | Stocky build, athletic, always clean shaven, with short cropped hair / shaved head. Small scar over right eye. Scar from stab wound: Lower left back - Latissimus dorsi region. |
Spouse | Lana | |
Children | Mackenzie, aged 6 years. D.o.B: 238710.19 & Mia, aged 4 years. D.o.B: 238910.30 |
Father | Thomas [deceased] | |
Mother | Vanessa [deceased] | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | Mark and Pamela Tempest, and their Daughter Eliana. David's Adoptive Family. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Married to Lana, he has two children to which he is devoted. David is enthusiastic, though tends to be very precise in his actions or decisions, sometimes to the point of annoyance for some of his fellow Officers. While quiet, he is not one to stand by if he genuinely feels there is an issue to be addressed. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Confident. Thorough. Hard working. A dedicated Officer. Weaknesses: Consciously aware that he has a tendency to be slightly obsessive regarding tasks to be carried out. Can be shy in group situations. Dislikes public speaking. |
Ambitions | Would hope to progress through the ranks, and in due course attain a Command Role. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Martial Arts: Attained Nidan Level, 二段 (2nd Degree black Belt) in both Kyokushin and Jeet kune do styles. Former Instructor in Kyokushin. Collector of old firearms: [Specialising in the sixteen hundreds onward] Shooting: [Ancient weapons] Shooting: [Competition] Archery: [Both Longbow and Compound] While a hobby, he has entered numerous competitions, reaching the top three on several occasions. |
Medical Record
Injuries | Suffered minor sprains and numerous dislocations of fingers and toes as a child and in his early teens while practising his chosen hobby : No recurring issues. Fractured sternum and break of Xiphoid process from sternum body : Healed / No recurring issues. Fractured two ribs in Martial Arts competition : Healed / No recurring issues. Suffered from motion sickness as a child, but has overcome the problem thoroughly in adulthood. |
Mental Health | Summary of Psychological Examination : Name : Tan. David. Lieutenant ID # SC-23064-869 :: Lieutenant Tan exhibited above normal aptitude in every aspect of his examination. He can be obsessive, but not to the detriment of his duties or his fellow Officers. He can and does, put others first, and in the three recommended Psychological Tests carried out on this Officer, he excelled above and beyond the scope of his role and position. Mister Tan showed a level-headed approach to all tasks and in his replies to questions placed. Re : Evaluation for Advancement : As of this review, there is no evidence that Lieutenant Tan would have issues if advanced in rank. In summary : Lieutenant David Tan is fit for active duty at this time. To see the full Psychological Evaluation please contact: Dr Phillipa DeLongi Star Fleet Medical San Francisco Earth |
Personal History | David was born to Thomas and Vanessa, August 22nd 2363 in a small province of Osaka Japan. His parents, both Research Scientists, were killed in an accident while in orbit around Jupiter’s moon Callisto following a catastrophic drive system malfunction. David initially lived with his Aunt, but following an incapacitating illness, there was no option open but to have two year old David adopted. The Family, Mark and Pamela, and their two year old Daughter Eliana, completed the adoption, moving to Tokyo before eventually relocating to the United States of America when he was seven. Enrolling in school, David had an instant aptitude for Maths and Science and he excelled in both subjects throughout his academic life. Looking for a University, he finally settled on Stanford, the main reason being their prospectus and academic success, in the area's he wished to pursue. Focusing on Science and Technology he settled in quickly, but he was unhappy, feeling that he was not being taxed enough despite the intensity of the classes he undertook, finally making the decision that he needed to change his focus. After enrolling, he easily settled into academia. Meeting Lana, they very quickly established a firm relationship, becoming almost inseparable both at the University and in their social life, their first child, Mackenzie, was born a year later. Lana, now a school teacher in San Francisco was completely supportive of David's wish to enter Starfleet. At the age of nineteen, David enlisted in the Academy, where he found he thoroughly enjoyed this phase of his academia. With the Academy allowing his credits from Stanford to be transferred. Entering his fourth year, and assessed in the top ten percent of students, it was felt that he would benefit from serving the remainder of his last year aboard an active vessel rather than being confined to the classroom environment. he and Lana discussed his leaving their home long into the night, but they both knew that he should go, so when the official transfer orders came through, he accepted eagerly. This proved to be the correct move, as within three months he was assigned as assistant Chief Security Officer aboard the USS Galapagos. Following the promotion and transfer eighteen months later, of the Galapagos Chief of Security, and despite some minor reservations, solely due to his age, from her Executive Officer, David was first choice of Captain Franz Komin to take the position of Security Chief, and the Exec’s concerns were quickly erased. When the role of Security Chief and that of Tactical Officer were merged, again David rose to his new responsibilities, able to lead what had essentially become one of the largest Departments aboard a Star Fleet vessel. Several times David proved himself and his dedication to the USS Galapagos and Captain Komin. In his third year aboard however, he disobeyed an order to return to the ship while participating in what should have been a routine Away Team mission. While observing the indigenous Humanoid species, They received information from a local source that had been aiding the Away Team, that Commander Aroll, the Galapagos Executive Officer and leader of the Away team, had been taken prisoner and was to be sentenced to their harshest punishment, death. This terrible act would be carried out on the ceremonial dais located in their settlement ! Ordering the Away Team to return to the ship, he trekked the six miles to the native settlement, then waiting until nightfall, he and the informer entered the encampment, they managed to reach and rescue the Executive Officer. Initially they remained undiscovered, but during their escape they were seen by two of the local population, in the subsequent fracas, the two locals were seriously injured. they needed help help beyond their current level of achievement. David requested they be brought aboard the Galapagos to be treated and Captain Komin finally allowed this to happen. The two males were returned to the surface after being administered with a drug that would temporarily clear their short-term memory. Despite being rescued however, the Exec’ filed charges against David, these charges were eventually dropped and wiped from his permanent record by the Captain. Despite all his attempts to forge a working relationship with the Executive Officer, Aroll remained somewhat cold to him for some time, feeling he should have been left behind despite his impending execution. They finally sat down and discussed the incident, the Exec thanking him while simultaneously warning him of any further occurrences. To his surprise, he was placed on the promotion list shortly and was more shocked that it had been the Executive Officers recommendation. He knew he needed more now, feeling he had done as much as he could in his current role, he began to feel he needed a change of speciality, and with the blessing of Captain Komin, he applied for a position aboard a relatively new vessel, the USS Merlin. Having been accepted, he took up his role with enthusiasm, but within days his thoughts began to dwell on a change of position. He approached the Merlin's commanding Officer, and after a lengthy conversation, Commander Barstow agreed to his switching from Security to Head of Operations. Following the completion of his transfer to the Merlin, David was told that his Family would be allowed to board the Merlin on their next visit to Earth. Having read his file, it was suggested by Commander Barstow that Tan's wife, Lana, Head of a school in San Francisco, open a school on the ship once settled into their new home, which would replace the former 'one to one' education the crews' siblings currently had ... After contacting Lana with the suggestion she agreed almost instantly, saying it was a fantastic opportunity. After informing Commander Barstow of his wife's enthusiasm, Cmdr Barstow immediately dispatched a shuttle to bring his Family to the ship. Lana, six year old Mackenzie, and four year old Mia, boarded five days later and were assigned Family quarters on Deck Two. The school opened for the first day, three days later, on SD : 239310.16 At the last Bio update David has been aboard the USS Merlin for approximately 7 months and has settled into his role. The Tan Family are gradually making new friends, as are the Children. The Family have formed a friendship with the ships Executive Officer, lieutenant Commander Melody Jones. They have had meals at each others quarters and the girls love Lt Commander Jones' pet, a hedgehog named 'Nibbles' ... It is likely David will bow to sibling pressure and need to purchase one at some point. Following their surprise visit to the Shuttle-bay, thanks to Lt Commander Jones and subsequent journey in a shuttle to a nearby nebula, Kenzie has been taken under the wing of the Exec' and is being instructed in basic flight control. Mackenzie is only six but her knowledge and aptitude outweighs her young age. We shall have to see how she progresses, but I am grateful that the Exec' is taking time out to devote it to my Daughters. Following her efforts during the flight tests, Commander Jones has offered to teach my eldest, Mackenzie in various forms of flight. hopefully this will lead to her making a decision in due course regarding a career, but both Lana and myself are acutely aware that Kenzie is still only six years of age. I am sure the Exec' will not put too much on her young shoulders though ....... . |
Service Record | . Starfleet Academy :: 238502.02 - Applied to and Accepted to Starfleet Academy .... 238508.21 - Enrolled at Starfleet Academy ~ First Year Cadet ![]() 238808.22 - Assigned to USS Galapagos at commencement of fourth year ![]() 239003.25 - Graduated Ensign while on assignment to USS Galapagos ![]() 239004.30 - Assigned Assistant Chief Security Officer ![]() 239102.21 - Assigned Chief Security Officer ![]() 239202.10 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade ![]() 239202.10 - Assigned Chief Operations Officer ![]() 239306.14 - Recieved transfer to USS Merlin ![]() USS Merlin :: 239306.29 - Assigned Chief Security/Tactical Officer ![]() 239307.06 - Departmental transfer to Chief Operations Officer ![]() 239309.21 - Promoted to Lieutenant ![]() 239406.11 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander ![]() Commendations: 239307.30 - Awarded: Captains Personal Merit 239308.15 - Awarded: Unit Award of Merit ~ Gold 239308.16 - Awarded: Most Improved Player Award 239308.21 - Awarded: Departmental Service Badge ~ Service 239309.21 - Awarded: Professional Merit Award 239312.15 - Awarded: Unit Award of Merit ~ Bronze 239406.11 - Awarded: Good Conduct Medal 239407.08 - Awarded: Obsidian Fleet Merit of Time Served |