Lieutenant JG Eleena
Name Eleena
Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Bajoran/Cardassian | |
Age | 31 | |
Starfleet ID | ![]() |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'8 | |
Weight | 145 lbs | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | At first, the most visible features are the contrasting Bajoran nasal ridges and Cardassian features, both subdued a bit by pureblood standards. Eleena keeps up her athletic body type because of her work. She may be considered attractive, though she would never see herself that way. All in all, she looks every bit of a soldier. |
Father | Unknown Cardassian | |
Mother | Unknown Bajoran | |
Other Family | While not knowing if she has any blood relatives, she has many brothers and sisters who grew up as a war orphan at a Bajoran monastery turned orphanage. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Eleena, upon first glance, is cold and calculating. She focuses on the task at hand and seems indifferent to anything outside if those bounds. However, she is a thinker and loves putting together the big picture. She is just uncomfortable giving her opinions on matters outside her job as she still lacks the confidence in her own value. She is also honest to a fault. She is very slow to anger, she’s been through enough to keep herself under control. She is, however, quick to action when faced with injustice. She has been known to bend, if not break, a few rules for what she feels is just. Eleena also has an unflinching loyalty to Starfleet because it saved her life. Overall, she is the best friend a person could have, but it takes effort to transition from an acquaintance at arm’s length. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Combat trained (space and martial arts) + Loyal + Intelligent - Emotional scars exist - Will bend or break the rules to stop injustice - Slow to anger, but explosive when pushed over a point |
Ambitions | Ambition has never really served her well. Eleena's chosen mission in life is to prove that she is somebody and to end the kind of suffering her people went through by any means. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Eleena enjoys learning, especially the military history of various cultures. She has a collection of holo-programs that involve martial arts, historic battles, and epic stories. She also is an avid player of parisses squares and was the captain of the championship team at the Academy. |
Medical Record
Injuries | 2389 - Broken arm, Defensive fight with Orion slaver 2384 - Broken orbital bone, Parisses Squares 2383 - Broken clavical, Injury caused by Parisses Squares Otherwise, various scrapes and bruises that were omitted from official record. |
Mental Health | Battles depression and has feelings or worthlessness. Mental health is improving as her career in Starfleet becomes more fulfilling. |
Personal History | Eleena was born to an unknown Bajoran woman. None of his earliest days were recorded and are forgotten. She likes to believe that her father was a Cardassian Gul instead of the possibility of him being a lowly grunt. She also envisions that her mother made a noble sacrifice and went on to be a resistance hero, though knows that the truth is likely to be much less glamorous. As with all of the forgotten Cardassian-Bajoran hybrids, she was pushed off to an out of the way monastery in the Rakantha Provence. There those like her were forgotten by Cardassia and pushed away as harsh reminders by the Bajorans. The well-meaning priests and workers at the monastery did what they could, though with little resources that was very little. She came to learn that visiting dignitaries and politicians would only help for a short time, and that would only be while they needed to appear compassionate. Her and her brothers and sisters in the orphanage were only political pawns. She was educated in Bajoran religion as well as the basics in history, science, math, and literature. When she was in her early teens, the Dominion War finally came to Bajor. With Rakantha already being devastated by the Cardassians, the flooding and other disasters only made matters worse. What little they had became less and less. Eventually, Eleena aged out of the system and was let loose. She was not content to stay on a world which didn’t want her, so she hopped on the first transport off-world. Eleena lied about her experience and became a crewman to pay her way. The transport turned out to be a smuggler’s ship, which brought Eleena to both sides of the law. On her 20th birthday, Starfleet caught up to them before their competition. Instead of prison, Eleena was given the chance to join Starfleet. In Starfleet, the orphan began to flourish for the first time in her life. Due to her previous line of work, Eleena chose to go down the Tactical and Security path. She also took more classes than she needed simply because she enjoyed learning. Her interests were spread out among all of the Academy’s offerings. While there, she joined the Parrises Squares team as an outlet. While there, the team made progress each year until finally winning the championship in her senior year. Eleena graduated with honors, though it still bothered her that no one was there to see her off after graduating. Her first assignment was aboard the USS Marshall, a Sovereign-class vessel. There she started out as the Security Officer in charge of the brig. She served between that posting and as a Gunner’s Mate in order to become familiar with Tactical’s protocals. Soon after the Hobus disaster, the ship’s crew was broken up in order to get more ships in service. She was transferred to the USS Ardeshir, a Luna-class that was tasked with monitoring the situation in the Romulan Empire from the Federation’s side of the Neutral Zone. She eventually was promoted to the Assistant Chief of Tactical and Security. Eleena was in charge of Beta shift and made it the pride of the Ardeshir. While aboard the Ardeshir, Eleena took part in humanitarian aid missions as well as combat oriented sorties that involved discouraging Ferengi and Orion Syndicate incursions into the reeling Romulan Empire. After that, she was offered a spot as the aboard the USS Merlin. |
Service Record | (Ranks to be added after starting rank is given) USS Merlin, Excalibur-Class (2393-Present) - Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Aredshir, Luna-Class (2388-2393) - Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, 2390 - Tactical Officer, 2387 USS Marshall, Sovereign-Class (2386-2388) - Security Officer and Gunner's Mate Starfleet Academy (2382-2386) - Tactical and Security Path - Minored in Galactic Cultures and History - Captain of Parisses Squares Team, 2385-86 Champions |