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Friday 30 November 2018 @ 11:53
1st Lieutenant Cara O'Reilly
Name Cara Bridin O'Reilly MD
Position Assistant Medical Officer
Rank 1st Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 35 | |
Starfleet ID | ![]() |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'6" | |
Weight | 125 | |
Hair Color | Red | |
Eye Color | Emerald Green |
Father | Dr. Robert O'Reilly (Civilian) | |
Mother | Mika (deceased) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Cara is a strong individual and an honest and loyal friend to those she trusts. She loves to joke around and rarely is serious. She absolutely loves practical jokes. When she loves she loves hard. When she plays she plays hard. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | She is almost anal when it comes to her job. She is a stickler for everything in its place. She is a generous leader yet she is tough when needed. She respects those who work with her and never asks anything of those under her that she would not do herself. However....she has a short fuse and a hot temper. You definitely do not want to get on her bad side. She also has little tolerance for chronic sniveling. Probably her worst attribute is her propensity to speak her mind no matter the consequences. | |
Ambitions | To be the best physician she can possibly be, to help those in need and to contribute to the health care field in the universe. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Horseback riding, exploring nature, Holodeck fantasies, medicine and music. |
Medical Record
Injuries | Left knee cartilage replacement 2 rib fractures Dislocated left wrist |
Mental Health | Cleared by Chief Counselor Taylor, Starfleet Command (routine physical 2380) |
Personal History | Dr. O'Reilly was born, raised and practiced medicine in Lucan, Ireland (just outside of Dublin). Due to the growth of Starfleet Medical's Academy and hospital in Dublin, people in the smaller towns began to seek their medical attention there instead of from the small town doctors and O'Reilly had to decide what to do about his practice. He was still young so he decided it was time for a change and packed up his bags and moved to the US, settling in the coastal city of Newport, Oregon. There he opened a private practice that flourished almost immediately. He met Mika, the daughter of a surgeon at Samaritan Pacific Hospital (and descendant from many generations of Lakota Sioux Medicine Men), fell in love and got married. Cara was born a year later. She grew up learning to love medicine of all forms and loving the two cultures she was born from. Mika passed away when Cara was 13 from a rare cancer that, even the highly educated Starfleet physicians at the Medical Center in Portland could not treat. Cara decided at an early age that she would follow in her father's footsteps and she spent many hours after school, shadowing her father and grandfather in their practices. But the death of her mother led her to decide that private practice was not what she wanted and she began taking extra credit courses in biology, alien biology and trauma. By the age of 17, Cara had accumulated enough credits to be accepted into the Starfleet Medical Academy and begin her official training as a physician with an emphasis on emergency medicine. She then made a bold move and joined the SFMC. Boot camp was rough but she came out a stronger more confident woman, ready to take on the Universe. Her first assignment was with the 8th Marine Regiment in the Sinbad System as a Field Surgeon. During her 4 years stitching up Marines who fought in the Four Year War she saw more than her fair share of action. When the war ended she was transferred to a MARS (Medical and Related Sciences) Station near the Neutral Zone where she served as a trauma doctor in the medical facility's ER for 4 years. She was rotated out and spent the next 5 years on the USS Wilkesboro as their ACMO/Trauma Physician. The Wilkesboro was being decommissioned and four days before it was to dock at the Mars shipyards, she received her orders that the only available position was ACMO on the USS Merlin. She was way over due to be promoted and qualified to run her own Medical Department but she would have had to go back to Starfleet Command and teach while she waited for a CMO position to open up on a Marine Ship and she knew that once she settled into a teaching position she would never see space again so she took the position. |
Service Record | SFMC 8th Regiment - 4 years - Field Surgeon MARS 495 – 4 years – Trauma Physician USS Wilkesboro - 5 years - Trauma Physician & Assistant Chief Medical Officer |