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Sunday 29 October 2023 @ 17:14

Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Name Ricardo Draxx

Position Assistant Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6"0"
Weight 210lb
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and a decent amount of muscle, Ricardo is nice on the eye and he knows it. He keeps his hair mid length and his body in tip top shape.


Spouse Its complicated
Children Sansa Draxx-Jones
Father Draxx Theon
Mother Draxx Cersei
Sister(s) Draxx Jatyi

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ricardo or Rick/Ricky to his friends didn't do relationships but sure does like girls. That may all change due to a spunky lady he refers to as "Red". He never bought into all the prophets nonsense from back home and rebelled against the mild, meek and spiritual that surrounded his people. He likes to live. Life is for living right? He can deal with any prophets when he's dead. He's confident and willing to take risks. He likes to get the job done so will often be found negotiating if needs be to ensure all ship resources are met. Sociable and competitive when the mood takes him. He also likes to put the "sexy" in scanning!
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - takes risks, sees things through from start to finish, sociable

Weaknesses - needs to grow up in terms of proper relationships, womaniser, gets annoyed when he fails and can be over competitive on occasion.
Ambitions Professional - Be good at his operations role.

Personal - Be a father, improve his golf handicap, catch a Bajoran spiney lobe fish and mount that bad boy in his quarters.
Hobbies & Interests Fishing believe it or not every Romeo needs their occasional solitude time
Tinkering with archaic vehicles - preferably motorbikes
A fondness for archaic cartoons
Golf - Ricky has on hell off a back swing
Gym - preferably weights and swimming
Moonshine, preferably brewing his own

Medical Record

Personal History Ricardo parents were never a good example at being married. As such he learnt early on to keep any affairs of the heart', short and sweet. Why stick around and fight? Life was for enjoying.

He resented being forced to pray to invisible prophets growing up. They never did him any favours anyway. He rebelled as a teenager and often embarrassed his family with his nonchalant attitude to religion.

He get shipped away by his parents to earth at 14 to live with a cousin who ran a restaurant in Italy. He picked up a fondness for the place, language and food. He worked bar and as a waiter until he was 20 often looking after and being responsible fir ensuring the restaurant was stocked with ingredients. Occasionally he would barter by more creative means.

Plenty of Starfleet personnel frequented the restaurant and he often got talking to them. One day he decided why not apply. The restaurant business was fun but not what he intended to do his whole life. When he got to San Francisco he found he really knuckled down and was serious about a career and seeing the stairs.

He got his first commission on the USS firebird as an ensign and worked up to assistant ops chief in the five years he served. The chief ops officer mentored and pushed him to aim higher. He misses his old ship and friends but had become very compliant. A change of scenery and more responsibilities not to mention challenges is warmly looked forward too

A tour on the Sarek introduced him to a argumentative yet spunky young Lt Commander Jones. A drunken one night stand later, led to the conception of their equally as unique daughter who came back in time solely to ensure her Parents both existed in her time. Sansa and her mother both rescued Draxx from a static warp bubble to which he is very grateful.

Just as Draxx was coming round to the idea of giving this "love stuff" a proper go, Jones upped and ran. Him later finding out he was about to become a father. He had been reassigned on a deep space mission so the plan was to come visit once he was back in the sector. Unfortunately Nature took a strange term and upon his return his daughter was biologically 8. Recently she has had another age spurt and is a young woman. Draxx put in a transfer for fear his daughter would be older than him when he finally got to hug her.

He has taken a lower position to make this move.
Service Record Starfleet university - 2385-2389
USS firebird - 2389 - 2394 (operations officer, 2392 - assistant chief)
USS Sarek - 2394 Chief of operations
Classified Deep space vessel - 2394 - 2395 Chief of operations
USS Merline - 2395 - Ops assistant