Category - Science
- Bajoran
- Benzite
- Betazoid
- Bolian
- Borg
- Breen
- Caitian
- Cardassian
- Changeling
- Deltan
- Denobulan
- Efrosian
- Ferengi
- Gorn
- Hirogen
- Jem'Hadar
- Kazon
Mephetian Racial Information
This document covers Mephetian Racial Personality Traits and Physiological similarities/differences to base humanoid Terran - Nausicaan
- Ocampa
- Orion
Planetary Classification
Natural characteristics of planets, such as age, mass and distance from their sun, place them in 20 naturally bounded classes which have been assigned an arbitrary alphabetic designation.
Location refers to the planet's relative distance from its primary star (Hot zone is closest, then Ecosphere, then Cold Zone). Depending on the star's magnitude and amount of energy it radiates, the distances of each zone from the star will vary.
A planet's mass determines its internal heat generation and - in combination with its zone - its ability to hold an atmosphere. Some planets pass through distinct stages as they form and age, which may put them in separate classes.
Evolution refers to the geological evolutionary process of the planetary body itself. It does not refer to life-form evolution. - Rigelian
- Risian
- Species 8472
Stellar classifications
A list of Main Sequence stars and classifications used in the 24th century - Talaxian
- Tellarite
- Tholian
- Trill
- Trill Symbiont
- Vorta
- Vulcan