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Posted on Sunday 20 January 2019 @ 15:30 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

Mission: The New Collective
Location: Bridge
Timeline: During the Hunt for Red O'Hara posts
680 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After Cale Llewellyn returned to the bridge, he entered and asked for a status report, in the not so normal British inflection. Yee Gods and little fishes>, it was coming back despite all of his efforts to cut it out of his life. He wanted to forget about Britain and all things British. He never wanted to think about Britain or London or his erstwhile parents or family ever again! He was thinking so deep in his mind that he nearly ran into the helm and the officer occupying that station. "Ooo, I'm sorry, Lieutenant Ellis. I wasn't even watching where I was headed. I keep forgetting to watch where I'm going," Llewellyn said in apology.

"It's quite alright, Commander," said Aron Ellis, one of many flight control officers. He was young, tall, blonde and very attractive or so Cale thought to himself. This lieutenant was muscular and fair-skinned and smooth. He was only 23 and a full lieutenant already. He was so good at his job, very good indeed. Parsoon had come to the Merlin as an ensign, straight out of the Academy. He had worked with Melody and Sav both through the years so.

"No it's mine to apologize. I nearly ran into you whilst I was thinking back on my life," Cale said. "And I will now sit down and get out of your way," Llewellyn went and sat down in the captain's chair. As he was seated there, he kept up with the search for Lieutenant O'Hara. Despite her disregard for the command structure and her brash nature, he thought it would be a shame to lose such a well trained officer. What he knew of her, he liked. He saw why she was only a lieutenant, junior grade and that was mainly her fondness for the drink and foul language. And if she could calm those tendencies, she might get a promotion sometime soon. But that wasn't up to him.

He thought about the first time he stepped on board the Merlin as Chief Science Officer. He frightened he had been and how inexperienced he was and in someways he still was. He felt he had advanced through the ranks too quickly. Sometimes, he wondered how Barstow could be captain and not see that. He could remember their first mission together and meeting Melody, how much he liked her and how much he hated to leave her when he left. But more than that how much he hated to leave Caleb Mitchell behind. The two of them were only just beginning to get acquainted when he left. He was just getting to know everyone on board when he left, including his captain. And now he had a chance to get to know them all over again. And possibly even make some new friends, he thought as he looked over to Aron Ellis.

But where to start, he wondered. Who was he going to get to know on this go round? There were nearly a thousand people on board and he needed to be at least familiar with each and everyone of them as Second Officer. So where to start? The crew records were a good place to begin, he thought to himself. But as he looked at Ellis once more, he thought he could put that off for another day. He had a pretty good place to start right here in front of him; the handsome young man seated at the helm looked back at him and smiled and Cale just smiled right back. Now THAT was a great place to start, he thought.

And just then he got a report from Melody Jones waking him from his reverie telling him the O'Hara was in custody and he was thrilled. He wondered if he should go down to Sickbay or not. Maybe, he should let the doctors do their thing. Or should he check in with the captain or the other departments?

Commander Cale Llewellyn, DSci
Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
USS Merlin

A Cameo by:

Lieutenant Aron Ellis
Helm Officer
USS Merlin


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