Enlisted Guide
Created by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. on Tuesday 10 July 2018 @ 17:55
It has been said that the enlisted personnel are the ones who really keep Starfleet running. Indeed, taking up over eighty-five percent of the total personnel serving in Starfleet, enlisted non-commissioned officers are the ones who truly make sure that Starfleet doesn’t grind to a halt. While their roles are not normally glamorous, and don’t often bring them much fame and fortune, their importance cannot be overlooked.
This course will attempt to introduce a more clear role for enlisted personnel in Starfleet, both for those officers serving with enlisted personnel, as well as those who are playing (and are looking to portray) non-commissioned officers.
2a. Rates & Ratings
Many current simmers have been incorrectly lead to believe that enlisted personnel have “ranks” just like their officer counterparts. While it is similar, enlisted personnel actually do not have ranks at all. Instead, they have rates and ratings.
The simplest explanation of rates and ratings is that an enlisted rate is the equivalent to an officer’s rank, while a rating is normally a combination of “rank” and “position”, or simply just position.
Rates have both formal and informal version, the latter normally used for conversations, while ratings have specific and general versions. Specific ratings include your rate inside, while general ratings only state your position.
For example, there is a Petty Officer 2nd Class is working as an Engineer’s Mate. The formal rate would be Petty Officer 2nd Class, and the informal rate would be simply Petty Officer. The general rating would be Engineer’s Mate, while the specific rating would be Engineer’s Mate
2nd Class.
All are correct in terminology and usage, and both rates and ratings are used.
2b. Table of Rates/Naming Table
Formal Rate Informal Rate Insignia Specific Ratings
Crewman 3rd Class(CRM1) or Crewman | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Crewman 2nd Class(CRM2) or Crewman | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Crewman 1st Class(CRM1) or Crewman | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Petty Officer 3rd Class (PO3) Petty Officer or Petty Officer | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) or Petty Officer |
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Petty Officer 1st
Class (PO1) or Petty Officer |
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Chief Petty Officer
(CPO) Chief |
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Senior Chief Petty
Officer (SCPO) Senior or Senior Chief |
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Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) or Master or Master Chief |
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2c. Descriptions of Ratings
The following are job descriptions for the Senior Enlisted person in the department, however, they show some of that enlisted personnel are responsible for. More junior rates are often responsible for similar things, just on a smaller scale, or on a more limited basis. Further descriptions on what the jobs and common duties of Enlisted personal are can be found in “3a. In Character Enlisted Roles”.
Engineer's Mate (Engineering)
The Engineer's Mate trains and supervises Engineering crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Engineering personnel; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief Engineer if so ordered. The Engineer's Mate reports to the Chief Engineer
Gunner's Mate (Tactical)
The Gunner's Mate trains and supervises Tactical crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Tactical personnel; supervises ordnance inventory, preparation, and deployment; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief Tactical Officer if so ordered. The Gunner's Mate reports to the Chief Tactical Officer.
Master-At-Arms (Security)
The Master-at-Arms trains and supervises Security crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Security personnel; supervises weapons locker access and firearm deployment; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief of Security if so ordered. The Master-at-Arms reports to the Chief of Security.
Physician's Mate (Medical)
The Physician's Mate trains and supervises Medical crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Medical personnel; leads triage and emergency medical efforts when necessary; coordinates all personnel cross-trained in emergency medical operations; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief Medical Officer (except where surgical procedures must be performed) if so ordered. The Physician's Mate reports to the Chief Medical Officer.
Behavioral Health Specialist (Counseling)
The Behavioral Health Specialist conducts entrance interviews, going through basic intake questinairs, can conduct group meetings and can advise different departments, such as security. Reports to the Chief Counselor.
Quartermaster (Bridge)
The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in Bridge operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains the ship's compass, the ship's chronometer, the ship's log, and watch and duty assignments for all Bridge assigned personnel; ensures that Bridge and Bridge-assigned
personnel are properly equipped, supplied, and maintained; establishes procedures and checklists in the proper operation of the Bridge, auxiliary spacecraft, and mission execution; performs CONN (Flight Control) duties; may assume any Bridge role as required. The Quartermaster reports to the Chief CONN Officer on ships or the Chief of Operations on bases.
Scientist's Mate (Science)
The Scientist's Mate trains and supervises Science crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Science personnel; supervises all specimen preparation, cataloguing, and storage; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief Science Officer if so ordered. The Scientist's Mate reports to the Chief Science Officer.
The Yeoman, the personal assistant of the commanding officer, performs secretarial and clerical work; deals with visitors, communications, and inquiries; coordinates departmental records and supplies; and prepares official departmental memoranda, directives, forms, reports, and briefings. In this way, he or she represents the noncommissioned element of the Administrative and Diplomatic functions within Starfleet. The Yeoman serves the Commanding Officer of the ship
or starbase and reports directly to him or her.
Spaceman (Fighter Operations)
The Spaceman are the deck crews in Fighter Operations. They repair the fighters, act as air traffic control (liasing with the Chief Helm), move fighters in and out of launch position and act as load masters for transports. The Spaceman reports to the CAG.
Legalman (JAG)
The Legalmen are Starfleet's paralegals. They assist Staff Judge Advocates in the proper administration of military justice and administrative law, such as courts-martial, nonjudicial punishment, and administrative separation. They work in Sector Legal Service Offices (SLSO), Starbases and starships, and at various independent duty locations. Legalmen assist service members, retirees, and their family members with powers of attorne and, wills.
Stratiegic Operations Crewman (Strategic Operations)
The Strategic Operations crewman operate sensors and monitorcommunications in the shipboard combat information centers (CICs) or bridges. They detect and track ships, fighters, and ground forces. They provide the Strategic Operations Officers with data allowing the officers to coordinate friendly forces. The Physician's Mate reports to the Chief Strategic OperationsOfficer.
Intelligence Specialist (Intelligence)
Intelligence specialists are involved in collecting and interpreting intelligence especially secret information about enemies or potential enemies. They analyze holo-photos and prepare charts, maps, and reports that describe in detail the strategic situation all over the their assigned sector. The Intelligence specialist reports to the Chief Intelligence Officer.
2d. Promotion
Promotion of enlisted rates works in a very similar manner to that of Officer ranks. Senior Enlisted promotions must also go higher up through the chain of command, like the officer ranks, and each step up has its own different requirements. These basic, minimum requirements are listed here, but remember these are only minimums to just be eligible for promotion at all.
Other considerations for promotion include logging quality and consistency, player maturity, sim needs, and position availability to name a few. Also note that time minimums do not include time spent on leave of absence.
3a. In Character Enlisted Roles
Enlisted Personnel often handle duties which are routine, such as minor repairs, monitoring equipment, cataloging sensor data, things of that nature. Under each Department Head, there can be hundreds of people working on anything from brig guard, to physician’s aide. Commonly, NCOs are highly trained in a single, very specific area of expertise, so their roles often reflect this. But more Senior NCOs often gain knowledge through experience in other fields.
The following is a basic description to general roles of enlisted personnel in each department. Remember that this is not an “end all” list, but just a few general ideas.
NCOs in this area include sensor technicians, who maintain the various sensor arrays, transporter chiefs, and communications specialists. They are often the ones who keep ship systems and sensors in tip top shape (i.e. properly aligned, running right, calibrated), but they are not technically responsible to make sure the item works, just what the actual system does.
Physical repairs and maintenance are directed to these NCOs. Such jobs as shuttlecraft mechanic, warp field specialist, replicator technician, all fall under Engineering. These are the folks that literally keep the ship running and working (your lights on, and your toilets working =).
Enlisted Security members are assigned to such jobs as Military Police, Guard Duty, Boarding
Party, and other such tasks that directly involve the safety of the crew.
Although similar to Security, Tactical NCOs are assigned to jobs that help defend the crew from “outside” threats. Some of their jobs include Phaser Technician, Torpedo Specialist, and Shielding Technician.
One of the biggest parts of Starfleet is science, and enlisting in Sciences gives many people the chance and opportunity to gain hands on experience with their trades. Many enlisted in this area have a background in science (some even with degrees), but use their time in Starfleet to gain field experience and practical working experience. Jobs include lab technicians, and department specialists (such as an archeology or exobiology specialist).
Similarly to Science, many in this field are looking to gain practical medical experience in the field. Often, prospective medical students jump into this field for the exposure of the craft, of sometimes just to start helping without the burden of at least another six years of school to be a doctor. Most are orderlies and nurses, but are an integral part of the medical team of any crew, helping with triage, first aid, treatment of minor bumps and scrapes, running tests, and assisting Doctors.
While not technically in command, these NCOs are grouped into that category. Their jobs are often those of clerks, aides, and secretaries, responsible for keeping things running smoothly. They fill out the requisition forms and make sure everything is where it should be, when it should be, with all the proper clearances. Some serve as assistants to Captains, or diplomatic aides, others in supply, there are normally a few in every department.
Command Chief / Chief of the Boat:
This is the title and position given to the most senior (and thusly qualified) enlisted person in the crew. On ships, they are called the Chief of the Boat (COB), while on Stations and Bases, they are titled Command Chief (CMC).
In addition to their normal duties and rating, the COB/CC performs the following duties: serves as a liaison between the Commanding Officer (or Executive Officer) and the enlisted crewmen; ensures enlisted crews understand Command policies; advises the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer regarding enlisted morale, and evaluates the quality of noncommissioned officer leadership, management, and supervisory training. The COB/CC works with the other department heads, Chiefs, supervisors, and crewmen to ensure discipline is equitably maintained, and the welfare, morale, and health needs of the enlisted personnel are met. The COB/CC is qualified to temporarily act as Commanding or Executive Officer if so ordered or needed.
A Senior Chief Petty Officer may be called a Senior Chief of the Boat (SCOB) or Command Senior Chief (CSC). A Master Chief Petty Officer may be called a Master Chief of the Boat (MCOB) or Command Master Chief (CMC).
3b. Out Of Character Enlisted Roles
Enlisted simmers are no different from officer simmers, and should not be treated as any
different in an OOC setting. Remember that while In Character, any officer can outrank an NCO. Out of character, the simmer may have more or less experience than you as a simmer.
If you are a department head, the best thing you can do is work with your enlisted personnel just like you would with a junior officer. Just keep in mind the very minor differences in job descriptions, and slight changes in protocol.
Portraying enlisted characters is often very valuable to a simulation, by creating a more “rough around the edges” character, and commonly helps lead to a more realistic, but fun role-playing experience.
For those who are playing, or considering taking up an enlisted character, remember that enlisted training is initially very short, and specifically focused. A new, young crewman may only know specifics in one narrow field, and even then still be much further behind his fellow senior NCOs in the same area. Remember that much of the knowledge an NCO has is gained through the experience of simply being there, having seen it from others before him.
Often, a good dynamic to portray is one of a eager young crewman, who really want to be that officer one day. Another idea could be of an old salt, who becomes a mentor to junior officers not because he outranks them, but because he knows more, and can teach the younger officers a thing or two.
4a. Signing Up
Enlisting in Starfleet as a noncommissioned officer is much easier than trying to gain entrance into Starfleet Academy. There is no rigorous entrance exam, nor are there four years spent
learning and training. Instead, there is a very basic physical fitness, and intelligence/aptitude test, that has a very high acceptance rate.
For humans, the minimum application age is 16, with parental consent, and 17 without. Upper age limits are different for each species, but it is generally accepted that there must be enough time left to serve through training, and four years of service before their retirement age, in order to be eligible. They also, of course, must be able to perform just as well physically and mentally as any other person enlisting. A high school diploma is highly recommended, but not a
requirement. Other species have varying minimum requirements, adjusted to their physical attributes and cultural differences.
When signing up, the recruit must sign for a “contract” of four years of service, plus training time. This helps avoid people who sign up for the training, and leave right away after graduation (since training is free, and everything is provided, plus you are paid). After that, with every four years of service, they are required to either sign for another four years (re-enlistment), or are allowed to be honorably discharged. A disruption of this “contract” is not normally allowed, but there are always exceptions to that rule.
All enlisted personnel first go through a three month basic training course. Basic Training gives all NCOs the core tools and survival skills needed to live and work in the still very military- styled Starfleet. Here, they are taught everything from basic military discipline and courtesy, to teamwork, to physical fitness, to care of the uniform. They are given basic skills such as survival training, combat training, even how to take and follow through with orders. Essentially, everything someone would need to live, day to day, in Starfleet.
There is no leave granted during these three months, and in this time they live as a large group, learning to live together and work together as a single group. They are only set “free” after Graduation, where they are normally given anywhere from one to two weeks of leave.
The next stage of training is the specific nitty gritty’s of what their job will be. They will be trained by Senior Enlisted personnel, a few officers, and sometimes even highly respected civilians in their trades. While leave is allowed during this time, it isn’t often granted. This stage can last anywhere from six to nine months, depending on the school they are in, and the rating they have been assigned.
Only after this, are they assigned to their first posting. Exceptional NCOs can leave this stage as
Crewman 1st Class, but most leave as Crewman, and are promoted during their first tour of duty.
4b. Career Path
Enlisted Personnel have a similar career path to that of Officers, but normally on a different and smaller scale. An NCO commonly starts out at the bottom of the chain, working on the small
jobs and duties himself. Later he might be promoted to a position where he is overseeing that job for a particular shift, as a Petty Officer.
Still later, he may be promoted to a point where he is in charge of all enlisted personnel in the department, working side by side with the Department Head. Some are selected to be Command Chiefs or Chief of the Boats, the highest and most senior enlisted position on a ship or base. There is even a post for the Senior Enlisted member of a Fleet, and the whole of Starfleet, each responsible for the enlisted crew in that particular fleet, or the whole of Starfleet itself.
Like officers, NCOs are commonly shuffled around to different postings, and like officers, can also climb the ladder on the same posting.
Some enlisted members choose to try to gain their commissions, to become officers. Starfleet does reserve a certain percentage of its seats at Starfleet Academy to those who have served as NCOs. There is also the Officer Candidate School (OCS), for those enlisted members who have served in Starfleet for a minimum of eight years and holds a minimum rank of Petty Officer 2nd Class.
The reasoning behind the minimums is that OCS is not the Academy. It simply gives formalized training to experienced personnel in specifics like how to lead, and how to act as an officer. It is often said that an experienced NCO may well know how to lead, but was never formally taught to do so, unlike an officer. It is assumed that after a minimum of eight years, and a minimum rank of PO2, the experience picked up in the field would offset and make up for the academic learning (for the most part) that Cadets received at the Academy. OCS is simply there to formally teach the crew how to lead, and be officers.
4c. Protocol
Enlisted and Officer personnel have set protocol on how to act and behave amongst and towards each other, just as there are protocols between senior and junior officers. While some of these are rules, and others historical conventions, most are followed as best as possible.
An officer (Ensign and up), is always addressed by an enlisted as “Sir”, or by the specific request of a female officer, “Ma’am”. Enlisted crewmembers are often addressed by just their rate or just their last name (without the “Mister” attached). Both are acceptable, and correct. All crewmen can be addressed as simply Crewman, just as all Petty Officers can be address as such, regardless of actual rate.
However, common tradition and convention dictates that calling a Chief Petty Officer (or higher) simply Petty Officer is considered an insult to that NCO. Simply “Chief” is acceptable for CPO, SCPO and MCPO, as are “Senior Chief” and “Master Chief”, to their respective ranks. As well, Command Chiefs and Chiefs of the Boat can be addressed by their position, unlike other ratings.
It’s rare to have an officer and NCO who are close friends. Because of the nature of their working relationship, the officer needs to be able to maintain professional distance to be a good leader. This doesn’t mean they can’t be friends or have a good professional relationship, or even be mentors, but close or intimate relationships are generally frowned upon.
While Cadets do not outrank anyone (including any NCO), the moment they become Ensigns, they have been commissioned as officers. This means that they now, as officers, officially outrank any NCO. While this may be true, junior officers would be wise to hear and follow the advice of senior enlisted personnel. Often, those senior NCOs speak as someone with literally a
lifetime of experience in Starfleet, as compared to an officer with maybe a few weeks of active duty experience.
Salutes are often waived for day to day use, and reserved for formal parades only, similarly to calling room or giving eyes. Starfleet has long since been “slack” on these, although they are still a part of the more formal parts of Starfleet (including the Marines).
4d. Uniform
Enlisted Starfleet Naval personnel wear the same duty uniforms as all other Starfleet Personnel. The uniforms themselves are identical, with the different colour undershirt/collar to designate department, as well as the enlisted rate insignia on the right collar.
Enlisted dress uniforms are the same as the junior officer dress uniform, with the grey undershirt. Again, the rate is placed on the right collar, just like the officers. However, there is no senior rate that wears the white undershirt like Captains and above, and no NCO has rank insignia on both sides of the collar.
Other “special duty uniforms” (such as athletic gear, desert uniforms, etc.) are also all the same with the obvious exception of the rank/rate difference.
4e. Daily Life
Enlisted crewmembers have the same shifts as officers do, and normally serve them on a rotating basis. Each station or ship has its own system of crew rotations, and it is normally set by the XO, with heavy influence from department heads, the CO, and the COB/CC. Shore leave is also assigned the same for enlisted crew as it is for officers.
More often than not, most enlisted crew live in general crew quarters. Depending on the ship or station, they can be anywhere from older style 20+ people to a large room, or a small, compact 4-
6 per room. Junior enlisted quarters are often the most cramped, shared with the most amount of other crew. Almost all enlisted quarters are either bunk beds, or racks essentially attached the wall. Junior Quarters, on older ships and stations often have larger group washrooms, a holdover from old Earth “sea ship” days, both because of tradition, and the ease of design.
Senior enlisted quarters a bit better, and are sometimes comparable to those of junior officer’s, with an attached washroom, regular bed, and small replicator. More and more often, the older style “barracks” style quarters are being phased out, and more and more modern “sixers” are being put in. ldquo;Sixers” are commonly shared by six people, with a small ensuite attached. With only a single table with a few chairs crammed in, and racks on the wall, it is still a small tight space, but the response to them is much more positive than the older style quarters.
Food is still most commonly served like a mess hall, with one or two industrial replicators handling the load for the mess line. While smaller ships have a combined mess hall for officers and enlisted, larger stations often have separate halls.
Almost all ships and stations have a “Common Room” or “Enlisted Mess” for off-duty crew to relax and gather in. These normally have a light replicator for drinks, comfortable chairs, and commonly a few games (anything from darts, to pool, to 3D Chess). They are the central point for “social” gatherings among enlisted crew, and Officers are generally barred from entering (at least, without permission or an escort). Common traditions for almost all rooms like this include “what goes on in here, stays in here,” and it makes sense when you see senior crew members playing practical jokes, or being the butt end of jokes. Many rooms have their own traditions and own set of rules, and a new crew member would be careful to find them out, and follow them (or risk the normally embarrassing punishments).
5. Glossary
This is a glossary of mostly abbreviations that are commonly used by enlisted personnel, as well as some that they come across in their lines of work. The abbreviations associated with rates and ratings are not included here, but rather in the rates and rating sections, respectively.
o AOR – Area of Responsibility
o AT – Away Team
o AWOL – Away Without Leave (old term)
o BEQ – Bachelor Enlisted Quarters
o BT – Basic Training
o CC – Command Chief
o CO – Commanding Officer
o COB – Chief of the Boat
o CSAR – Combat Search and Rescue o ELOA – Extended Leave of Absence o FNG – F___ing New Guy
o IMP – Individual Meal Pack
o LOA – Leave of Absence
o MARA – Matter/Anti-matter Reaction Assembly
o MCPOF – Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet o MCPOS – Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet o MIA – Missing In Action
o MOUT – Military Operations on Urban Terrain
o MP – Military Police
o MRE – Meals, Ready to Eat
o NCC – Naval Construction Contract
o NCO – Noncommissioned Officer
o NCM – Noncommissioned Member
o OCS – Officer Candidate School
o KIA – Killed In Action
o ROE – Rules of Engagement
o SARTech – Search and Rescue Technician
o SB – Sickbay
o SERE – Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape
o SF – Starfleet
o SS – Starship
o UA – Unauthorized Absence (current term)
o USS – United Star Ship
o XO – Executive Officer
6. Conclusion
This guide is here not for the primary purpose of being an answer key to an exam. Rather, it is here to be a source of information regarding Starfleet’s Enlisted personnel. It is the hope of the author that this guide be utilized by not only those playing enlisted personnel, but also those simming with them, and the commanders who must lead them.
This guide will always be changing and evolving, to keep up with the ever-current changes to the simming universe that this guide bases itself on. Feel free to keep a copy of this guide handy for reference, but make sure to check periodically for new versions and editions. But please, check with the copyright data provided with this document, and keep that information there to credit those who deserve it.
7. Credits & Copyright Information
This Guide would not have been possible without the help, assistance, input and feedback that these individuals have put in. As well, thanks go to the various sources that were used in its creation. Thank you all for your work, and permission in allowing me to draw on that same excellent work.
• Lindsay, For being there.
• Tango Fleet, Enlisted Affairs Bureau
• MCPO Qaz
• Royal Canadian Air Cadets
• Canadian Armed Forces
• British Armed Forces
• Brad Wells
• UCIP Academy
Please, if you are going to use some of this work, either leave it intact with this copyright/credit information, or ask permission to utilize the resource. 99.9% of the time, people would be thrilled you even asked, and grant you full access. It’s not asking too much.
Current Version, written by Wolf on 10JUL2018
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