
Seeking The Truth

Posted on Tuesday 3 May 2016 @ 13:33 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

177 words; about a 1 minute read

As Lieutenant Llewellyn entered his office, he sat down in his chair and began his inaugural log entry. "Computer, begin personal log."
I said as I sighed heavily. "This is my first time on a ship this large and it feels so daunting, I am a senior officer as well as a department head. And to add insult to injury, I'm only a junior grade lieutenant. But I suppose I should be grateful that I got promoted at all. But this promotion was more than likely due to the ship size. She is an immense ship.

I have yet to visit my quarters as I wanted to jump into this with my feet first and prove to my new captain that I am more than capable of running a department on a ship this size. I just need to get in touch with my sub-department heads and get a inkling of how big my department is. If I am reading this departmental flow chart correctly, my department is split into 2 major sections; Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.



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