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Inventory or Inventory?

Posted on Monday 23 July 2018 @ 21:29 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Cargo Bay 1
Timeline: 249501 1130 hours
488 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure


As Cale entered the cargo bay to begin the inventory Commander Barstow wanted, his mind began to wander back to the previous year and all that had happened to him. What has happened to me? he asked himself. For one he had gained an ability that set him apart from his fellow shipmates. Second, he had been turned away from his position, his friends and his relationship with Caleb. He had left rather than stand and fight for what was his.

But there were extenuating circumstances that caused him to leave. There were always reasons to stay and/or run. But he feared he may have made the wrong choice. But it was a choice he needed to make. Said choice hampered his career but it was a choice worth making. He never deserved the position he was in. He wasn't a good executive officer; at least at that time; he understood that now. He wasn't ready for such a position of power nor had he earned the respect of his crewmates at that time. And it was that respect that he was determined to earn this time around.

He took a padd of his belt and opened up the inventory that should have filled up this cargo bay and began checking it against its actual contents and was surprised that the current manifest was correct. He moved to another pallet and did the same to it and found the same thing. "How is this possible after everything that happened to this ship?" he asked himself aloud.

"Commander? To whom are you speaking?" asked a Chief Petty Officer whose name he did not know.

"Oh!" started he turned around to face the man. "I didn't think there was anyone in here other than myself, Chief..."

"Chief Turak of Vulcan, Commander Llewellyn," the Vulcan replied.

"You know who I am?" Cale asked, confused.

"Yes, I remember you from when you were First Officer. Now, was there something you needed help with, Commander?"

"Actually, yes there was something. Commander Barstow wanted me to get a complete inventory of the cargo bays. I have other duties to perform so if you could complete the inventory of this cargo bay and all the others, I would greatly appreciate it. When you've completed them, please bring the completed manifests to me."

"I will do that, Commander Llewellyn," Turak said and moved to take the padds from Cale. Then, he started to go through the cargo bay making notes as he went along.

Cale watched the Vulcan as he made his way though the bay and wondered how he could have gotten by his awareness. Maybe, he had let his guard down and/or he was ensconced in his work. Finally, he left the cargo bay for his temp quarters on Starbase 306. He needed some rest and something to eat.


Lieutenant Commander Cale Llewellyn, DSci
Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
USS Merlin


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