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Artwork and Medical

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 @ 20:55 by

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: Kyhl's Quarters
Timeline: Journey homeward
2683 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Mathias gazed at the images he had created in in his sketchbook. He was starting to get quite the collection there. There was a picture of the living stone that had been on the ship, a drawing of a flower he thought interesting, with a fairy sitting next to it, looking a lot like his sister, Avelina. He chuckled looking at it. Mathias will have to give her a call later on and see how she and Eileen were doing with their shop. And make arrangements for shipping some of the items he's created for them to sell.

He walked over to take a look at a painting he had begun to work on, looking at the pigments and hues. One in particular caught his eye, it was blue, much like the color of the Andorian medical doctor. What was her name? He pondered then remembered. Dr. Kyhl.

"Well, I wonder if she wouldn't mind my sketching her. And whilst doing that, I can start getting to know her as more than just a doctor." giving a bit of a nod towards the painting, he picked up his sketch pad and pencils, setting out to go visit medical. He thought she might be there, depending on the hour. Then he paused, she could probably be in her quarters since she was probably off work. Tapping on his commbadge he queried,

"Dr. Kyhl, I was wondering if you were busy, I'd like to meet with you."

Kyhl had been reading over some reports for the day and sipping a drink when her comm badge chirped. "Sure thing Mathias. I'm just reviewing the days work but I could use a break. Where are you?"

Kyhl sat up more in her chair and adjusted her lavender blouse. The flowy fabric glistened in the lights of her quarters.

"I'm on my way to medical to see if you are there. Then it occurred to me that you might not be there. If not there, where shall we meet?"

"Either your place or mine. Wherever you'd be more comfortable." Kyhl said with a smile. "But just to let you know, I've already got a bottle of the good stuff open here."

"If you are already in your quarters, I will be there shortly." Mathias answered.

True to his word, Mathias arrived shortly and pressed the chimes to let Kyhl know he was there. He wasn't in his uniform, he was dressed in black slacks, with a dark blue long sleeve shirt, and black slip on shoes. He held his sketch pad tucked under his arm and pencils in a carrying pouch, its straps looped over his arm. When given permission to enter he would.

"Come on in." Kyhl called as she put down her medical padd and stood up. She smiled warmly and her antenna arched back as Mathias came into her quarters. "Welcome Mathias, care for a drink?"

"Don't mind if I do." he stated, Mathias smiling. "Thank you for letting me come visit."

Even as she was still smiling, her eyes darted over and assessed Mathias quickly. Old habit she'd gotten into and depended on in her medical career that was hard to turn off when she was off duty.

She noticed the pad and art supplies and giggled. "Going to draw me like one of your french girls?" She couldn't help but strike an exaggerated pose.

Her sleeveless lavender blouse exposed her long blue arms while the tight black leggings accentuated her curves. She stopped and motioned to the chair nearby. "Sorry, quote from an old earth film a girlfriend of mine introduced me too."

"What is the title of the movie and, actually I did wish to draw you. Its something I like to do. And are you referring to Edgar Degas? Or someone else entirely?" Mathias asked, accepting the drink from Kyhl and finding a seat.

"Oh, that was ages ago and I only really remember that scene. She made a point of telling me how provocative it was for the time." Kyhl returned to her seat and picked up her own glass.

"And yes, I'd love a sketch if you're offering." Kyhl said after she took a sip. "I guess that means I'll have to stay very still though."

"Oh good, and you don't necessarily have to sit still, unless there is a pose you would like to be in." then with teasing smile, "I could also draw you in the provocative pose you had demonstrated." then took another sip of the drink, then paid more attention to its color.

Kyhl laughed. "Maybe after a few more of these." She clicked her fingernails against the glass of Andorian Ale. "Tell me Mathias, which came first? The art or the science?"

Working on the drawing, he paused and looked up. "It wasn't one or the other. They both like to skip down the pathway together hand in hand." giving a smile. "Da Vinci, scientist as well as a artist. Both add to each other. How about you, you becoming a doctor."

"I always wanted to be a doctor. Surgeon specifically. I wanted to help people like I was when I was younger." She smiled and watched as Mathias focused between her and his sketchpad.

Mathias stopped once again, his pencil hovering above his sketch pad. " What had happened to a lovely woman like yourself, in your youth?"

Kyhl chuckled at his words and then looked at him intently for a moment. It dawned on her then that he didn't notice her name. What would be a dead give away to another Andorian could be lost of someone from another culture.

"Well, to put it frankly, I wasn't always physically like this. My name, 'Ch'rehron' denotes someone who is male in your species." Kyhl took a sip from her glass. "I knew when I was young that something wasn't right so I talked with my parents and began the process to match my outside to what I felt inside."

"I honestly hadn't noticed the reference. I just accepted you for who you are, whom you appear to be. You are you." Mathias said with a soft smile. He went back to working on the sketch, while his eyes were on the paper he commented, "Not everyone is like their outer appearance. Some can be so different on the inside than the outside. "

Kyhl shrugged. "Sometimes I thought about changing my name, but I consider it a reminder of my journey so far."

"At times a person needs the reminder of where they started, to see how far they have advanced on their life's journey. "Stopping to take another sip of his Andorian Ale. "this is very good, and also very beautiful." Holding the glass up towards the light to see the shimmering blue affect. "It looks like the ocean in some ways." taking another drink of it before placing the glass back down. He looked once more at Kyhl running his eyes over her curves, face, eyes and hair. Taking in the textures, before going back to his sketching.

"Please, tell me more about your inspiration. Da Vinci." Kyhl said as she leaned forward a bit in her chair.

"A brilliant man, who was ahead of his time. Not only was he an inventor and scientist he was also an architect, and painter. He lived back in the 1400's, Earth time. He was in all ways a renaissance man. He drew ideas from nature, creating the plans for a bicycle as well as the airplane. Which in due time led to where we are today, travelling through space on a ship that move amongst the stars. He even designed the parachute." His eyes sparkling as Mathias related the details of one of his heroes.

"Very interesting. I wonder how he would have fit in at the academy on Andor. It is filled with artists of all sorts so maybe a renaissabce man could bring something new and unique." She watched Mathias for a moment as he sketched, the top of his pencil waving back and forth.

Kyhl took another sip, finishing her drink. "I see you're using actual paper and marking instead of a padd. Is it a tactile choice or just a preference? I find in my own field so many default to hands off scanners and probes. I prefer to use my hands. It offers a closeness to those I work with I think."

"It is my preference, and a tactile choice. I prefer to do things with my hands. This includes making jewelry and wood working." pausing in his work. "My grandfather taught me how to work with wood." A fond expression in his eyes as he thought of his grandfather. "I am looking forward to seeing him and grandmother."

Reaching over, Kyhl lifted the bottle and poured herself another half glass. "Care for a top up Mathias?"

Mathias tucked his pencil behind his ear and extended his glass towards Kyhl. " A top off would be most welcome."

Kyhl leaned toward Mathias and tilted the bottle over to top up his glass. She looked at his eyes and smiled briefly as she sat back and replaced the bottle.

"I have to be careful, a few more of these and my professionalism may fly out the airlock." Kyhl said with a laugh. "Don't need those stories going around right now."

Mathias chuckled, then took a drink before setting his glass back down. "And just what sort of stories would be flying around if you drank too much? I am not the sort to spread rumors or gossip. Its not my style, not the actions of a gentleman."
taking his pencil from behind his ear and continuing to sketch Kyhl.

"So Mathias, is there anything you want to know about me? I feel like I've been quizzing you."

"I didn't mind, I was enjoying listening to your voice. It has its own melody and I find it beautiful." Michael was stating his honest opinion, nothing more, nothing less. He looked at Kyhl "What do you like to do for relaxation? Something you love to do and immerse yourself in, besides work."

"I have a few hobbies." She said with a smile. "But I think my favourite would be skating. There's something freeing about having that cold wind against you as you glide over the ice."

"I have a holodeck program of the ice fields. You can skate for miles and really pick up speed. Or just go for a nice relaxing jaunt. You should join me sometime." She took another sip. "We'll just have to be careful of your charm causing the ice to melt."

"Skating, I've done that, and I love watching those who skate and dance on the ice." Mathias remarked, picking up his glass to take a drink. The progress of the glass to his lips paused, as he registered the last part of Kyhl's comment. "Now, I don't see how my charm would melt the ice." giving her an teasing smile, then taking another drink of the ale. He could feel the burn of the liquid down his throat, warming the chest and his stomach. "This is very good." he said.

"Of course," Kyhl said as she tipped her glass back. "Straight from Andor. I don't know about you, but I can always tell the replicated stuff. It kind of tastes flat to me."

She sat back in her chair and smiled. "How are you fitting in on Merlin? I haven't really done much besides work yet, I'm hoping to get a bit more free time when we get back to spacedock. Depending on how long we're there I may do some sightseeing on Earth."

"I can't touch the replicated stuff, I'm allergic to the synthehol. I can eat the replicated food, but the synthehol, it makes me ill. as for my fitting in, I've not had a dull moment yet. Much has been happening, can almost make a person's head spin." he chuckled. " I am thinking and hoping that we will be on Earth long enough to go visit my home town and see my grandparents."

"Oh, where are you from exactly?" Kyhl asked. "I haven't spent much time of Earth so I probably won't know it."

She thought suddenly of her own parents and realized it'd been ages since she'd spoken to any of them. She'd have to call them when she got a chance.

"Aside from the away mission, getting things situated in medical is a never ending job. Especially on a ship this large. I'm thankful for Anya, she's a bright one."

"I'm from Scotland, and a rather lovely place to grow up in." Mathias giving a fond smile. "Plenty of places for a boy to play, dream, learn different things." At the mention of Anya, he gave a nod. "She is a rather wonderful being. I had the chance to get to know her just a little bit more."

Mathias then took another drink from his glass, draining it and set the glass down, and resumed his drawing. He wanted to pue a background for the picture, but decided he'd do another one later. "So what sort of areas would you like to visit on Earth. Mountains, Plains, Desert, Forest?"

Kyhls eyes almost sparkled. "The beach." She said without hesitation. "I want to go swimming and see some of the undersea flora and fauna. I also have a great swim suit I want to try." She leaned forward in the chair. "How is the sketch coming?"

"I love swimming, have done some scuba diving myself, and I love it. I have even swam with the whales. It was quite the experience." Some finishing touches and Mathias turned the sketch book around for Kyhl to see. it was merely from the shoulders up, concentrating on her face. Her hair was loose and framing her face, in her eyes there could be seen the kindness and warmth that was naturally there. "I can do a colorized version of this." smiling.

"You have a lot of talent Mathias!" Kyhl exclaimed. "I usually dislike having my picture taken, but I think your sketch is beautiful. I can hardly believe that's how you see me." She smiled warmly.

"I like it just the way it is, with the shading. It is your piece so it's up to you if you believe it should be coloured." She looked intently at the artwork. Admiring Mathias's artistry.

"Then it will stay as it is." Mathias said with a smile, then signed his signature on the back of it, as well as the date, and carefully removed it from his sketch book. "Here you go, it's yours." he said. "And yes that is how I see you." handing the sketch to Kyhl.

"Thank you so much Mathias! For both the company and the picture. I'll have to get a frame for it." She carefully placed the sketch on the table beside her and quickly stood up. Walking over she gave the man a warm appreciative hug. "Thank you."

Mathias returned the embrace, "You are most welcome." giving a chuckle. "Warms my soul to see you happy about the sketch." he lets her go.

She took a step back and continued smiling. "It's is getting late though, we'll have to pick up the conversation another time soon."

"I would love to have another conversation, and thank you for the drinks. Just what I needed." Mathias giving her a bow. "Well I am off, with us getting so close to Earth, I've got things to prepare." another smile towards Kyhl, he gathered up his sketch book and left.

"Farewell Mathias." Kyhl kept standing until the door closed and then sat back in her chair and curled her legs under her. She picked up the padd she had been reading and then put it down just as quickly.

She looked again at the sketch he had done. Very skilled that one. She smiled and placed it back on the table and sighed. It was late and she was on call first thing in the morning.



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