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Calm Before The Storm

Posted on Tuesday 23 March 2021 @ 16:03 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD2
403 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Kyhl looked at the door to the CMO office and picked up her padd. She'd busied herself with taking inventory and working on making sure they knew where everything was for transport. It kept her on her feet and busy so she didn't mind at all.

Approaching the office door she adjusted her uniform and pressed the chime before waiting patiently with the padd held in both hands before her.

The door opened as Anya, donning the customary teal labcoat which had PADD's and other equipment filling them to breaking point.
"Kyhl, good. We need to start converting medical labs into overflow triage and intensive care units, we need to find alternative morgue space as well not to mention a completely independent isolation unit on the ship. Could I ask you to coordinate with Engineering to have something set up in a cargobay?"

Kyhl smiled and nodded. "Of course doctor. I've also compiled a list with all our current supplies and inventory for the mission. I've cross referenced everything based on what can and can not be replicated as well." The Andorian woman handed the padd to Anya to add to her collection.

"I'll speak with engineering and operations about isolating cargo bay 4 and setting it up with bio containment fields." Kyhl replied quickly. "I'll also review which labs can be quickly converted on the way and get ops to help with moving things around."

As she turned to leave, Kyhl paused and looked back at Anya. "This suits you by the way. Just don't forget to breath."

"Breathing is over rated" Anya chuckled as she forced herself to relax her shoulders. "Make sure half of the medical supplies go down to the surface and have the medical teams ready to go at the drop of a hat!"

"Of course sir." Kyhl said with a nod. She was about to head away when a question struck her. "One last thing, if needed, will you be heading planetside or will I?"

"Lets play that by ear for the minute!" a very Human expression she seemed to have picked up over the years. "We need to assess the situation first but I need you ready to go at a moments notice should that be the case!"

"Sounds like a plan, Doctor." The Andorian woman said with a grin. "I'll get to work on this list and let you know when things are complete."



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