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Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Posted on Sunday 20 June 2021 @ 21:28 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: The Round Table
Timeline: MD10 1000
1160 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Sansa was still fuming after her encounter with Hamish. and now, he had gone to her mother, behind her back to try and get her thrown off the mission.

She entered The Round Table and sat down at the bar. "Aldebaran whisky please, a double."

The waiter lifted an eyebrow at the request, but thought better than to challenge it. "Is this a code Green?" he asked tentatively.

"Oh... You better believe it is!" she replied.

He nodded and poured the large measured from the Captains special reserve which she had allowed Sansa access to. He placed the glass in front of her. "Bad day?"

"You could say that." She took a sip and winced as it burned down her throat, still lacking the tolerance of her mother. She began to think about her encounter with Hamiah and how she was going to deal with him going forward. She was going to have to work with him, Mom had made that clear, but she was not looking forward to it. She took another sip. She got the feeling she was going to have to swallow her pride and.... apologise to him. Going to take some more alcohol for that! she thought to herself as she took another sip.

Mathias stalked alongside his cousin, sparks of fire shot from his eyes. His own cousin was rude to Sansa!

"Now you listen to me and you listen well, Hamis Teague. You had better apologize right or heaven help me I will give you a thrashing you so richly deserve!" casting a stern look at Hamish. "What have ye to say for yourself!"

"I already got raked over the coals by her mum. Why didn't you tell me she was the captain's daughter?" Hamish asked, feeling rather sullen.

"If you weren't so concentrated upon your pity party, you would have noticed the resemblance. You didn't even look at the crew roster, did you? And you call yourself a scientist? Think man, you should have done research." Mathias fumed.

"Okay Okay, yes I should have. Do I have to apologize right now?" Hamish groused. He knew he was sounding childish, however, he also felt rather embarrassed.

"Hamish enough, we are here and now you have to go talk to her." Mathias remarked firmly. "Now go in there and apologize."

"What? You aren't going to go in with me?" Hamish looked to Mathias with pleading eyes.

Mathias sighed. "Okay I will go then I will leave you two alone to has things out."

Hamish was happy about that, and in they went. Mathias managed to find Sansa, and walked up, with Hamish in tow.

"Hey Sansa, I have someone to see you." Mahias said with a smile, pulling Hamish up beside him by the elbow.

Hamish gave a wan smile and waved.

Sansa took another sip of her drink before turning to them. "Hello Mathias." she said with a smile, then added after a sigh "Hello Hamish... Look..." She took a deep breath. She had a feeling that mom would have had some choice words with him after she had left. "I... regret the things I said to you in the lab. I was angry and I didn't think before I spoke and I apologise. Since Mom has made it clear that we will be working together, I thought we might as well start there."

Hamish just gaped like a fish out of water. He had hoped to be the first to apologize but she beat him to the punch. He was getting ready to make a strong retort when he caught a look in Mathias's eyes and refrained from it. That look that Mathias had he knew well. It didn't happen often but when the hurricane broke forth from Mathias, it was best to run and hide. He turned his attention back to Sansa.

"I am also very sorry for what I had said as well. Maybe we can ...begin again? My being more polite, or just two people meeting for the first time and not knowing our profession?" it was difficult for Hamish to make that offer but maybe he needed to change tactics?" Hamish snuck a glance towards Mathias to see his reaction.

Mathias had a pleased expression in his eyes at that suggestion. "Well, I am going to head on out. I've got something to attend to." giving a small bow and strode off, without waiting for any other word.

Sansa watched Mathias leave and then turned her attention back to Hamish. "ok.... We'll start again. I guess.... what you said struck a little too close to home." She said with a sigh as she took another sip of her drink. "I've been given this amazing gift by Fay and I'm still questioning whether or not I deserve it and now I'm surrounded by experts all clamouring for my advice. I'm here getting my hands on anything and everything I can just so I don't look like a complete fool in front of them.

I didn't know about taking your place on the whale watching expedition, I genuinely thought that had been arranged for Fay. Dr Blessed was kind enough to give me a holo recording of the trip which I'll make available to you if you like. It was... a remarkable experience. I've got some things to do now but how about we meet in the lab again this afternoon and I can go over anything you want more information on? Like Fay and her people, their planet." She offered, trying to be professional and possibly to extend a hand of friendship towards him.

Hamish was about to say something rude then he thought better of it, what she said made a lot of sense. "All right we can start fresh later on? I will do my utmost to be polite. And I would love to hear and see what you were given. " he managed to say, stuffing his hurt feelings into the closet where they belonged.

Sansa looked at him for a moment and for a split second she almost forgot what an arrogant, self-absorbed ass he had been earlier. Almost... She suspected he was holding back on some acerbic remark that was on the tip of his tongue. At least he was making an effort to be polite, as was she.

"I'll meet you in the lab at 1500." And with that, she stood and headed for the door.

Hamish watched her leave, turned to get a drink himself, then thought better of it. With the upcoming meeting with Sansa, he'd better have his head completely into focus. Otherwise, he'd probably find himself taking a nice balmy walk out of the airlock.


Sansa Draxx-Jones
NPC Civilian

●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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