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The way continues

Posted on Tuesday 22 March 2022 @ 06:14 by Commander Seklar

Mission: First Contact
Location: Somewhere along the way to engineering
689 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

"Daddy I'm tired!" Ishara whined as she leaned against the bulkhead. The little girl did look exhausting, the clothes she had on dirty and even torn here and there from climbing over or even under debris.

"Me too daddy," Salai joined his twin's plea.

Seklar turned and cast his children a worried glance. "We have to keep moving," he told them, "I can carry you in turns but only so far." He turned and knelt before them, his own uniform in as bad a condition as their clothes. "I would never leave you behind. I will get you to safety, both of you."

Salai turned his head as his sharp hearing picked up footsteps. "Someone is coming, daddy," he said, tugging his father's arm to get his attention.

Isabelle was feeling rather alone, she had somehow gotten separated from the crew she had been teamed up with. She thought she heard voices ahead of her, and rounded the corner to see someone with children. "Sir, are you okay?"

This time, Seklar turned as his son pointed towards someone behind him. "I am sorry, I did not catch what you said," he apologized, "I am not certain how, but I seem to have lost my hearing since I woke up. I am trying to get to engineering, but every way we go, seems to be riddled with obstacles. Impossible to get past with two children."

Isabelle gave a nod, trying to think of how to talk with the Engineer, she lightly bit her lip then tried again. "I found the ways blocked off and are you taking your kids with you?" she didn't know if Seklar could understand or had lip reading. she was slow and deliberate in forming her words though.

"Would you rather I left them behind. with no-one to look after them?" the Vulcan shot back, "though I understand the need to be where I need to be given my duty, I still believe my first duty is to my family. My children are all I have, there is no way I would leave them behind, unsupervised."

"I can take them to safety, if you'd like to continue on." Isabelle replied, "And I promise to keep them safe." she added. "That is if you are willing to let me take care of them"

"What is your name?" Seklar asked, very certain he had not missed introductions. He gestured towards the two children, who were somewhat trying to hide behind him. "My daughter Ishara, my son Salai," he introduced them, "and if you vow to keep them safe, then yes I would prefer to get to engineering on my own." After all he'd only taken them because he felt he had no choice. As a recent arrival, he didn't really know a great many people on board yet, and as a fairly private individual, that was probably unlikely to change.

"Isabelle Trent" is what she stated, then Isabelle looked at the two children, "I will guard them and I do vow that I will take them somewhere safe, and keep them safe as well." giving a nod. "Now be careful sir, and stay safe." she held her hands out to the twins. "Shall we go?"

Seklar nodded. "Go with her. I will return to you soon," he promised, nudging the twins forward. "Obey her like you would me." He looked up at Trent. "They are all I have," he repeated to her, before turning away. He swallowed, knowing he had to trust her to keep them safe. He had one job, and one job only right now, and that was go get to engineering. Safely.

Trent gave Seklar one more look then headed out to take Seklar's kids to safety. "I will be seeing you later sir once this is all said and done. Be safe." she then looked at the kids that were entrusted in her care and set about getting them to safety, casting one more look towards the commander mouthing "good luck and be safe."

PO1st Class Isabelle Trent
Operations NPC: Mathias McPhee

Commander Seklar
Chief Engineer

Ishara & Salai
Seklar's children


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