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Gathering Intelligence

Posted on Tuesday 11 February 2020 @ 18:37 by Lieutenant Commander Rionuj ch'Anidem

Mission: Ghost Ship
Location: USS Merlin: Deck(s) 4-5: Tactical Information Center (TIC)
Timeline: 30 minutes after "Departure Stations"
380 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Rio had just stepped into the lower level of the TIC. He right knuckles were still itching from his recent visit to the infirmary. Upon his entrance to his domain Malia had brought him a cup of flavored java.

"You are a blessing from the Spirits," said Rio to the young Trill officer.

"Thank you sir," replied the Trill before going towards the holo-platform in the center of the room and changing the primary image into a visual of sector 715.

"Sector 715 sir," started the Barzan Warrant Officer; "so far we have access to only one of the five probes that Starfleet sent in the past 5 years. Command has been unable to ascertain why we've lost contact with the others. My assumption is that's why we are being sent there sir." Telemetry from the remaining probe indicates the area has become high-traffic in the past two years. Also I have evidence that a station is somewhere in the region. It is unknown what the station's affiliation is."

Rio was sipping on the lukewarm java as he heard the report, "Bring up whatever you can about the possible station."

"On holo now sir," replied the Barzan.

"Hmmm... It appears to be built into an asteroid, any detailed scans?"

"No sir, it appears that we only have a flyby image." replied Malia

"Speculations?" asked the Andorian

"Possible independent mining given the few vessels recorded during the flyby. Displaying it now sir;" responded Endymion

The image changed to show an asteroid with what appeared to be four man-made spires sticking out of a rectangular structure. Two cruiser-sized vessels were docked at the spires.

"Zoom in." stated Rionuj before sipping more of his java

The image zoomed in towards the asteroid base and he noticed a few shuttle sized vessels around the base.

"Interesting. Save this image and send it to my office, work with Operations and Sciences to get more scans of sector 715. Good work team!"

"Aye, aye sir." was the tandem response form Malia and Endymion.

Rio smirked and finished his java.

This Post brought to you by:

○●● Liuetenant Commander MRionuj ch'Anidem
Chief Strategic Operations Officerr
USS Merlin


Ensign Malia Nex, Assistant Strategic Operations Officer

Warrant Officer Endymion Vakamen, Intelligence Specialist


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