Mephetian Racial Information

Created by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix on Friday 29 June 2018 @ 21:10


Racial Personality Traits:

The average Mephetian is kindhearted, generous, and optimistic. They have a core belief in the Creator and family, knowing that children are the future of their society and race. Their families consist of one Father/Dad and one to five Mothers/Moms. Their 'nuclear' family is of one Father/Dad, one Mother/Mom, and however many children they can raise/integrate into the future of their society. The female wives key to the male husband due to physiological considerations (similar to Terrans with female open ingress reproductive system and male closed egress reproductive system) and psychological considerations for one father support with one to multiple female emotional and protective support.

They have a natural instinct to help and be protective of others, and are altruistic in outlook because of this. However, their attitude and outlook is tempered with the knowledge that all are born with inherent evil intentions, and only by choosing good can good arise and triumph. Thus, while trusting and naive to a point, they also know to look closely and always take time to consider any interaction with other races, and even themselves. Those giving in to their base desires to take advantage at the expense of others for their own gain can occur among any, and some races thrive in such an environment. Any deals, transactions, and even social encounters are always given time to verify and get past second thoughts and allow for a clear headed approach to what is coming up in the future. Degrees of success for this clear headed approach do vary with the individual.

Even though of a representative governmental society with citizens serving terms in government before returning to their own career paths (no pensions, no pork, just representation for the future of their race), they still hold fealty to several family houses of the L'Tandrey. In the distant past, they were serfs and peasants under rule of the warrior nobility of the L'Tandrey, and when several L'Tandrey houses rose up to throw off the yoke of nobility and set up a republic democracy based in rule by servitude and conquering by capitalism, the Mephetians swore fealty and allegiance to those houses, and keep track of them and their old ranks to present day.


Mephetians are humanoid symmetric in that they have one head, one neck, one torso, two arms and two legs.

Their homeworld is a 1.1 G world and they have 10% more mass due to muscle and bone structure over standard Humanoids from 1.0 G worlds. However, this does not mean they are stronger for the same size humanoid. Like Terrans, their physique and strength is tied to activity levels and diet, similar to Terrans. Their internal organ arrangement is again similar to Terrans with a couple slight differences. As they are from a different world and being a different race, they are immune to some organisms (such as Rabies and all such similar types Virii) while some types of virii that Terrans are immune to they are susceptible to.


Mephetians age similarly to Terrans, but their life span is longer at 142 years typical. Max is usually 160.

Physical Features

All Mephetians have a short muzzle, similar to a shorter Vulpine muzzle, that is filled with sharp, needle like teeth in the front, canines and shearing to the side fronts, and chewing teeth in the back. They have whiskers along their muzzle, which is used for sensing air movements near them and for rubbing against other sentients and whiskers in social interactions. There are musk glands behind the whiskers that are used for friendship marking of others. (Felinoids usually have these glands above the eyes somewhere near the eyebrows)

All Mephetians have a large tail structure, the fur extending wider than they are, at a heavy thickness, and a curvature. They are very similar to Terran Skunks in their tail fur arrangements, except the Mephetians can be even broader and more exuberant. The Mephetians are known to have one of the most extravagant tails among the known races. The tail base is larger than other sentient tail flesh structures as they contain unusual organs within to provide protection from homeworld predators. Description breakout below.

All Mephetians have climbing claws with opposing dewclaws. They are a tree and mountain dwelling species, enjoying climbing as a natural skill. They can move 75% of rate through trees and climbing as they do walking/running on the ground. They don't mind swimming, but the water washes out essential oils in their tail fur, sometimes enough to wash away their personal scent masking ability until the oils can build back up. As a tailed, tree dwelling race, they have extra ligaments and balancing muscles within their abdomen and into their tail structure. This needs to be cognizant of when performing any surgeries.

Main Body Organ Structure

Mephetians have very similar organs and arrangement as most humanoid species. This dissertation will cover comparisons to Terran Humanoids. The torso organs are very similar to Terran Organs in their placement and arrangement. Below are the organs and any differences:

Heart - The heart is slightly larger and beats at a 20% slower rate. There are several arteries and veins coming into and leaving the heart. This arrangement facilitates their natural habitat, which is tree and cliff dwelling. They can perform acrobatics, jumping, and even be upside down for extended periods without ill affects.

Lungs - There are two lungs. They are slightly larger and have four areas of oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange instead of three in Terrans. Two of the four areas seem to autonomicly work in reverse due to air pressure, as in sea level only two areas are active, while at high altitude all four are active.

Anterior Liver - While the main liver is very similar to Terrans, there is a connective cleaning organ attached to several points of the liver that then connects to the first section of large intestine and also to the bladder. This is called the Anterior Liver by Federation Scientists.

Pancreas - Similar to a Terrans, but has a more diverse chemical production ability that is used by the stomach and secondary stomach (Large Duodenum) to help neutralize poisons and toxins. This is a racial trait. However, this also interferes with medicines as well, needing a dosage of 20% more. Some individuals have higher functioning of the digestive system and require 50% more dosage.

Stomach - The stomach of a Mephetian of similar size and functionality of a Terrans.

Duodenum - The duodenum is larger than a terrans and forms a second smaller stomach for further digestion of food. This arrangement allows for the first stomach to have a chance to identify toxins and poisons in the food and send signals to the liver, Anterior Liver, and Pancreas .

Small intestine - Shorter than a Terrans while having more 'fingers' covered in Villi, allowing similar absorption as a Terrans.

Large Intestine - Similar in size and function of a Terran large intestine. However, the holding chamber is the second section of the Intestine with a sphincter at its junction to the third, with the third being temporary. The third segment has connections to the lymphatic system and is considered a furtherance of getting rid of invading organisms and parasites.

Tail Organ Structure:

The broader tail structure of the Mephetian is able to contain several small organs throughout its structure.

Hekaian Glands - These organs allow creation of oils for the fur of the tail and also tie back into the fur glands of the Mephetian main body skin. These oils are for skin and fur protection, as well as creating scent neutralizers, and misting oils to cover up another's scent who is under the Mephetian's protection These glands are found in strategic areas about the main body as well for producing the oils keeping the fur and skin healthy for the Mephetian.

Ianuarian Organs - There are several ribbon like organs that extend out from the tail bone and reach almost to the sides of the tail. They produce an auric masking field when active, effectively hiding the Mephetian from any life or auric sensing predators, scanners, or sensors. These seem tied to the autonomous nervous and endocrine systems.

Indunnian Organs - There are several small organs along the tail bone that create a small healing field when active. It is similar to the healing fields of a biobed, just not as strong. These seem tied to the autonomous nervous and endocrine systems.

Brain and Nervous System:

The Mephetian Brain structure is similar, yet not, to Terrans. First, their brain structure is different in that is has a tying structure through it, looking similar to deer antlers, as well as some compartmentalization. They can do several tasks at once, and all are minor telepaths and telekinetics. Second, several portions of the brain are more specialized. Of course, a lost of this is due to being a tailed race, having fur, natural balancers and tree dwelling, along with control over the body, as well as tail with its extra organs.

All Mephetians are born psionic, with Telekinesis and Telepathy as their primary psi abilities. There are those born with other abilities, very rare, but still considered a natural ability. They can send and receive emotions and scents with their telepathy. Their range and lifting is directly tied to their physical health.

Reproductive System

The race is sexually dimorphic as are most humanoid races. There is a Male and Female. The males are stronger, have more stamina, and can take more 'punishment' to the body, while the females are weaker, a little faster, and are hurt more easily. As per normal Male/Female physiology, this is due to the body and psyche roles for family and producing offspring to continue the race. The males are taller and larger in physique than the females. The males range from 5' to 7' tall, while the females range from 4' to 6.2' tall.

On the differences in Male and Female sexes, Mephetians exhibit the standard Mammalian Humanoid divergence with a few minor differences.

The female has the milk glands, first stage child growth organ (uterus), eggs, and accoutrements for facilitating being impregnated by spermatozoa by the male, including the protective growth of skin that only a few Humanoid female species have. The hymen is considered precious and a gift to their future husband and family by the female.

The male has the typical external spermatozoa depositor found in Mammalian Humanoid Species with two external testes inside of a scrotum centered between the legs for protection and temperature regulation, unlike the L'Tandrey Vulpines, who have 4 testes. The testes produce double the amount of spermatoa compared to Terran males, as well as the prostrate organ is larger for more seminal transport fluid production. They have nipples, but those are not used for milk production and are tied to pleasure with the female only.

The female has the typical external vulva and internal reproductive arrangements of most humanoids. However, in addition to having a Hymen as Terrans, the female has an extra nerve mesh through the internal and external contact skin which is tied through the erectile tissue of the structures associated with the Clitoris, g spot, and vestular bulbs. This physiological enhancement bonds the female closer with her male, besides other obvious affects upon the reproductive organs.

Mephetians do have an unusual sexual practice that is not found in other humanoid species. During the act of procreation during the female's ovulation period, which occurs for one week once every two months, the female will latch onto the males neck fur with her teeth and pierce capillaries within the skin. Her saliva produces euphorics for the male while his blood feeds her lust and bodies needs for getting her organs ready to harbor a kitling, their term for a child. She will suckle upon the blood while releasing euphorics and then upon the act of an orgasm with the male, will suck hard upon each payload into her by the male, then relax and lick during the gathering of strength for the next release. Upon the orgasms ending in the male, the female will release his neck and lick with her saliva now allowing for faster healing of the light punctures by her teeth.


Mephetia orbits a yellow sun slightly larger than Terra's Sol, with seven planets in orbit. Mephetia is the 4th planet outwards. There is a nebula belt between the 6th and 7th planet, while an asteroid field is between the 6th and 5th planets. The planetary gravity is 1.1 G, and is similar to Earth in temperament. There are 9 'medium' to 'small' continents with many islands. Several marshlands with very tall trees (150 feet plus) surround many of the continents. The world is rich in medicinals and base mineral/metals.

There are three moons that circle the planet in a criss cross pattern. This pattern was used for seasons and foretelling upcoming events, and due to some of the emphatic abilities of the Shaman Chiefs in the past, was rather accurate.

Mephetia is at coordinates S9-43-0779-36 according to new charts, out sectar of the Beta Quadrant and near the Delta Quadrant, but not as far out as the L'Tandrey homeworld at S9-70-0204-44.

Categories: Science