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Joint Mission with the USS Andromeda

Posted on Saturday 11 April 2020 @ 13:03 by Captain Melody Jones

Hello all

I hope you are all keeping well in these strange and uncertain times. As some of you already know, we are starting a joint mission with the USS Andromeda (Task Fleet 72). For this mission, Merlin crew members have had their characters duplicated on the Andromeda for writing Jp's. Also, they have been added to the Andromeda discord channel. If anyone has not seen the link or would like to join in, just apply to the Andromeda and copy and past in basic information only about your character. Please select USS Merlin crew under Character Position. In your character's last name please also put their position on the Merlin (E.g. Science officer.) When Joint posts are complete, they will be copied on to the Merlin site.

Hope to see you all there. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact either myself or the USS Andromeda site.

Keep safe everyone.

Melody Jones


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