News Update
Posted on Sunday 12 July 2020 @ 18:55 by Captain Melody Jones
Evening all
Keeping you all informed. The site was updated to the latest version of Nova.
Also, a Word count has been introduced in Obsidian fleet. This is to level the playing field for posting numbers. You may have noticed a new entry on completed posts showing a word count followed by a value of standard post measure. A normal post is considered to be 500 words long.
As a result of this please observe the following changes in ALL new posts:-
1. Please DO NOT add signatures to the end of posts. This is now going to require planning and talking to each other in discord as to when a post is finished and ready to post.
2. Please DO NOT use OOC comments in posts as this distorts the word count. ALL OOC must be done in either discord or via email.
I know there will be a period of transition as everyone gets accustomed to the rule changes.
If you have any question or comments, please let me know and I will feed them back to the Obsidian Fleet.
Melody Jones
Category: General News