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Mission Days

Posted on Saturday 16 July 2016 @ 02:19 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D.

Hey Guys,

An idea was brought to me a few days ago, and initially I wasn't sure about it, but after some looking at the logs I think the idea is a good one. That is to bring Mission Days in rather than just writing current, backpost etc. So, MD0 would have been with us in dock and we spent about 2 Mission Days there.

Our current big JP is going to be MD7 and it's morning. If you have other joint posts, mission posts or personal logs in the works right now, those will be MD6, unless you specifically need them to fall earlier.

Now, Each mission day will be about a week in RL time. When the mission day changes myself or the XO will log something to indicate the change [or we may ask one of you guys as well :)]. Some mission days may be shorter or long as needed, but, the one MD = one week real life ratio will be our baseline starting this week.

If you have any questions ask away, I tried not to be to confusing with that ;).



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