Saved Joint Posts
Posted on Thursday 21 July 2016 @ 17:20 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D.
Hey Guys,
Over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that saved joint posts are getting resaved upwards of 5/6 times, but, there's either no additions or it's just a word or 2 changed. I just assume that it's everyone checking for additional posts. There's a little trick to do that without going in to edit. When you check a joint post click on the magnifying glass at the right hand side. This allows you to read the current version of the JP without going into editing mode :). The other thing is if you need to change a word or two just wait until you go back in to post again. And reread before you hit save, make sure you put everything you wanted in :). As most of you guys already know, we aren't rushing you, we'll take a little extra time on posts if we need, so, just do a quick double check of what your saving :).
I mention this not to put anyone on the spot, but, just to try and advise. When we get lots of e-mails that are the same most e-mail companies spam filters will start kicking in, so doing the above will help avoid that.
Otherwise, you guys are outstanding, 57 logs so far for the month, and that's 57 outstanding logs! You guys are raising the bar here :D
Category: General News