FallFest 2016!!
Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2016 @ 19:01 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D.
In 2016 Obsidian Fleet will host the annual Ongoing Worlds online convention, FallFest!
Ongoing Worlds has teamed up with Obsidian Fleet to host this year’s festivities for the FallFest convention on Saturday 12 November 2016!
We believe that Obsidian Fleet will be a great host and we can provide the wonderful atmosphere and engagement that comes with such an event. Being selected should bring a great sense of pride within the community to which we all belong, for a few hours on a special day the whole online simming community, and more, will focus on Obsidian Fleet, on you.
With this in mind there is a lot of work to undertake; planning of events and activities, ensuring everything is up to date, moderators are assigned and a great team is selected to help put all this together. It is with this in mind that we open up the application to the whole community. Would you like to help us put together the festival? Have skills in graphic design, planning or do you just love to engage new people in fun and exciting ways?
Find out more about FallFest here: Ongoing Words – FallFest – http://www.ongoingworlds.com/blog/tag/fallfest/
If the answer is “Yes” to any of those, or if you would like to host a session on a subject of your passion within the Role Play community, then drop an email (with the subject title “FallFest16 Interest” to sharr@obsidianfleet.net with how you would like to help really make Obsidian Fleet the best FallFest Host in history! #OWFallFest
Category: General News