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Marine CO's Log

Posted on Monday 4 July 2016 @ 03:35 by Marine Captain Elias Walker

148 words; about a 1 minute read

Since coming aboard the Merlin, I've been keeping busy. Either by choice or by the hand of my aide Mr. Potter. I've been though the marine department this morning, and have found them not lacking. All of our equipment is ready to go and in good condition. To which I was pleasantly surprised.

I still find it a little strange serving on the Merlin. It has the feel of station that moves. It has more facilities for the crew than most regular starships. It's like working and living in a space going city. Even my office is rather large. Needless to say I'm unaccustomed to the space.

Moving on. Schedule today I have meetings with my platoon leaders at 0700. Then my medical evaluation at 0845. The rest of my day will be taken up with settling in and getting some rest. Not that I need it.

Computer end log


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