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The seduction of Hamish Teague

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2022 @ 20:14 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: Revelations
Location: Ba'Ku
Timeline: MD8 1000
855 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Aurae opened the wine and started to pour two glasses. "Come, join me Hamish. Tell me what's bothering you."

She held out a glass of wine to him "Is it Sansa?" She shook her head sadly "You two seemed perfect together. Maybe I can help? Please sit, I've got some sandwiches to share."

Hamish raised an eyebrow, the mere so-called coincidence of the woman appearing, like a beautiful temptress. He wasn't blind, she was beautiful having to him an almost ethereal beauty. At first, he was hesitant to accept the wine but his curiosity was piqued and maybe he would be able to ferret some information out of Aurae if he played along.

"Oh, just a slight misunderstanding." Hamish began and accepted the wine. "I am a little bit peckish, I'll join you for a few." taking a seat and taking a sip of the wine. "Just how long have you been here, Aurae?" reaching over to pick up a sandwich she brought out.

She took a sip of her own wine. "She's such a loving girl isn't she and you two make a lovely couple. I just get the feeling she's... holding something against you... something that's not your fault. So tell me, what caused this slight misunderstanding?"

"I think it is just more on the part of we faced a rather harrowing experience, loved ones having been in peril, so just a slight left over from that stress," Hamish replied, the wine and the sandwich helping him to calm down a little. "Sansa and I may clash but we do end up talking about things. Once we cool down that is. She and I do get into some rather heated discussions." he chuckled briefly. " You know these sandwiches taste rather good."

She smiled, pleased that she was pleasing him. She reached out and gently placed her hand on his, running her fingers over his in a repeated, circling motion. "Your relationship with her sounds pretty.... intense. Please, tell me more. How did it start? I also get the impression that she is... special somehow. I get an aura from her that... is more than human. How is that possible?" she asked in a gently, lilting voice.

Hamish gave Aurae a bit of a suspicious look. "Why are you so interested in Sansa? And who are you? You are more than what you seem, Aurae. " starting to feel his mind start to get a bit fuzzy. He took a drink of his wine, finishing the glass.

"Oh... Hamish, can't you answer the questions" Aurae cooed, " I am just interested that is all." smoothly pouring him some more wine. "She is an amazing woman."

"Yes, yes she is." accepting the refresher of the wine. "She has a way with sea life, especially the whales, they seem to respond to her. We got the opportunity to swim with the whales. You know something it seems she's always saving me, what the heck, why can't I save her some time, does that make me an inept man?" Taking another drink.

She smiled seductively at him. "Aren't we all more than what we appear to be? And of course, it does not make you inept. Give yourself some credit." She sipped her own wine and then continued. "When you say sea, do you mean water? Like an ocean? I'm not sure what a whale is but over a millennium ago, my people encountered an ancient race that dwelled on a planet covered by a vast ocean. I'm not sure how but I get a similar vibe from young Sansa."

"I do mean the ocean, and wait you know about Megaptera? Sansa and I have been there. It was quite the experience visiting that planet." Hamish was impressed that Aurae knew about, drinking a bit more of the wine, it seemed to be hitting his head a bit harder than what he thought, best to have a sandwich to offset it. "Might I have another sandwich please?"

"You're people, what race are you? Aren't you from Ba'ku?" Hamish asked.

A sly smile played on her lips as she pass him the plate with the sandwiches to him. "I can see that you're as capable of not answering a question as I am." She chuckled then added "I'll make you a deal. An answer for an answer, agreed?"

A bit of a chuckle, and Hamish nodded, and picked up a sandwich and took a bite. "I agree, quid pro quo. I think that is what it is called. Okay, hmmm now what question to answer? How about you start." giving a laugh. "Ask me a question."

Her smile widened as she thought for a moment. “Tell me about Sansa and why I sense such an… unusual aura from her. And I want the truth.” She added, wagging a finger at him. “I can tell when you’re lying.”

Hamish could only smile as he took another drink of the wine... The game was afoot.


●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

Mysterious npc


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