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Backseat Riding

Posted on Thursday 6 October 2016 @ 19:36 by Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Flight Deck
Timeline: MD8
453 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Landau had decided to explore the ship a bit further after meeting the Operations officer and being caught up on the going on and stuff decided to poke about the flight deck as the first port of call. Martin strode through the flight deck doors and on to the deck looking at the hustle and bustle of the deck in motion. He moved towards a fighter noting its gracious curves and sleek line much like the female pinup poster male officers usually have on the wall. Martin touched the sleek metal body of the fighter noting the cold silver metal caressing through his fingers remembering the awful ride in the back seat of one during a drop off on a planet for diplomatic duties. He remembered the bumpy ride with the fighter shuddering, shaking and bouncing around all over the place.

Landau moved around the fighter looking at everything in detail being quite impressed with the capabilities of the elegant fighter craft. He noticed Sav over one end of the bay and thought if he was to climb the ladder and get into the thing it might provoke a reaction from her which would be embarrassing and pointless. Landau ducked his head under the wing as he moved around the back and walked down the deck checking out the various craft positioned on the surface of the deck trying not to catch the attention of the CAG. Martin whispered "oh crap" as he brushed passed a tool cab knocking a spanner off onto the floor with a clunk noticing Sav turn and glace in his direction. He decided the best course of action was to slink out of here before being noticed as fighter jocks tend to not like people snooping around or touching there craft as they take pride in the craft they fly in.

Martin hugged the wall trying not to draw attention noticing one of Melody's department hanging around a bank of consoles by the door as he noticed the main exit swoosh open with some engineers on there way to repair a craft or something within the flight deck. Landau paused as he crouched behind a tool chest noticing one or two of the on duty squadron walk through the door and muttered "Crap if they find me they will kill me in one of there games for being around there craft". Martin darted across the room from the tool chest ducking under the wing of the craft in front and darted for the exit wondering next time get someone to show you around the deck rather than just work in looking shady and like you don't belong there .

Lieutenant JG Martin Landau
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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