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Redesigning the TIC

Posted on Wednesday 16 October 2019 @ 23:34 by Lieutenant Commander Rionuj ch'Anidem
Edited on on Thursday 17 October 2019 @ 21:04

Mission: Ghost Ship
Location: USS Merlin: Deck 4-5 Tactical Information Center (TIC)
587 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After having met the Chief of Security the head of the marines and with the leader of the fighter squadron the previous day, Rio and his staff had their hands full. His newest staff member, a Barzan warrant officer had arrived and was ready to work. Thankfully the man had experience as a mechanic and Rio was taking advantage of it.

First the trio had to install a new holo-display in the center of the room. They did this by removing the older holo-display and installing a holo-table. The table was the same length as the conference room table on deck 1. A holo-progector was installed on the ceiling of the two-story TIC. The wall across from the entrance of the TIC had three large monitors covering them. A long sitting work station was on the same wall. The small antechamber to the left of the screen wall was a kitchenette. The lift to the second level and the spiral staircase were on the opposite side of the door to the kitchenette. The staircase and small lift led to a walkway on the walkway was a railing that had a console installed facing the screen wall. Two meters away from the console and directly above the lower entrance was the deck 4 entrance to the TIC. . A small armory was installed opposite of where Rionuj's office was. The doors of the Andorian's office were right next to the staircase and lift.

After that they mostly updated systems and checked in with a ship's engineer to make sure their work wouldn't interfere with ship functions. They had been working for five hours straight and had only taken minor breaks. Malia was standing near a console along the wall with the entrance to the TIC and was frowning.

"Try it again." Said the Trill

The sound of tools could be heard from beneath and within the console. After some moments the console came to life.

"You did it! Have to say I'm shocked."

"You shouldn't be ma'am. I am a good mechanic despite not being part of engineering. Well now this console can access the new systems our boss wanted. This console was more trouble than the holo-display." Replied the Barzan as he pulled himself from under the console and began to gather his tools.

"Great work team. Take an hour and then let's start making sure we can start coordinating fleet movements, track comms signals and relay information to the bridge." Said Rionuj. His sleeves were rolled up and he appeared to be tired. He smiled at his team and watched them leave. He still had two more crewmen coming to join his staff though they weren't due until tomorrow.

The Andorian walked to the lift and rode it up to the second level and entered his office which was left of the landing that the staircase and lift met. In his office was a standing desk. The flanking walls one large monitor each showing the landscape of a frozen city. It was noticeabley colder in his office. Behind the desk was a display of various Andorian weapons. Rio walked behind his desk and activated the terminal. He then pressed his right forefinger on a small panel near his desk terminal and the screen changed to display a list of reports. The Andorian sighed and began to read them.


This Mission Post is brought you by,

○●● Liuetenant Commander MRionuj ch'Anidem
Chief Strategic Operations Officerr
USS Merlin


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