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New Doctor

Posted on Monday 17 August 2020 @ 17:38 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: shuttle bay 1
Timeline: MD 3 1330
1467 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


The shuttle landed softly and Kyhl had already slung her bag over her shoulder. Walking over to her pilot she smiled warmly and patted the young man's shoulder. "It's a simple procedure and nothing to be scared of, if you want, ask your base doctor to contact me when you go in for a consultation and I'll help you explain your anxiety with it."

Ensign Cody smiled and nodded. "Thanks Doc, I'd appreciate that."

"Any time." Kyhl replied before looking out the viewscreen. Her eyes widened a little. "I think that's the Commander, and my cue to leave. Have a good trip back Cody!"

Kyhl walked out of the shuttle and walked right toward Commander Melody Jones. "It's nice to meet you Commander, Doctor Ch'rehron reporting for duty."

Melody had been on her way back to the bridge after leaving Scarlet to reacquaint himself with his quarters when the bridge had contacted her information of a new Doctor arriving. She immediately returned to the shuttle bay. She entered just in time to see the shuttle landing. The hatch opened and a rather striking Andorian woman exit and walk confidently over to her.

Melody held out her hand. "Welcome aboard Doctor. It's good to have you. Would you like to be shown to your quarters or would you like to see sickbay first?"

Kyhl took Melody's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "How about quarters first to drop off my things. I'd figure walking through sickbay with all my things on my back like a turtle would be a bit... unbecoming."

As Kyhl followed Melody out of the shuttle bay and toward the turbolift, she spoke up. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience of having to stop and pick me up. It was all quite sudden. I've read a bit about your mission so I know how important it is."

"I'll hold off on the traditional medicals at the moment and just go off the files left by your last CMO. I'll want to keep sickbay cleared as much as possible to prepare for any emergencies or situations that come up during the mission."

Kyhl smiled and hushed herself. "I'm sorry, I feel like I'm chatting your ear off."

Melody smiled at her enthusiastic doctor. "It's quite alright. I prefer to talk then stand in awkward silence. We had already stopped to pick up our Master at arms so the timing worked out quite well. Oh! That reminds me."
She tapped her comm badge "Jones to Bridge. Everyone is on board. Resume previous course and speed."

A voice from the bridge replied "Aye Sir!"

As always, Melody swore she could tell when the ship went into warp, even though she was in the turbo lift.

"As you say, you're joining us for a very important mission. Let's hope everything goes smoothly but at the same time experience has taught me to prepare for the worse. I'd like to make sure sickbay is ready should the worse happen."

"Of course Commander!" Kyhl replied quickly. Possibly a little too quickly. "As soon as I drop off my things my plan is to get right to work and make sure we're ready for whatever is thrown at us."

She smiled briefly. "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. That has gotten me through some tough assignments and situations."

The turbolift stopped at her floor and Kyhl stepped off and paused for Melody to join her if she wished. "The Andfriend was a much smaller ship, I'm half afraid I'll get lost."

Melody followed the Doctor. "Don't worry. She may seem like a maze right now but soon you'll be able to walk the corridors blindfolded. "You may also want to have a talk with Commander Miller, she has been covering sickbay in the interim," Melody added thought the open door of the CMO's quarters while she waited for her to drop off her things.

Kyhl walked into her quarters and didn't even turn on the lights. She just tossed her bag down on the couch and turned around to face Melody. "Yes, Commander Miller. I was hoping for a face to face sooner than later."

"Sir, if I may ask you a personal question." Kyhl began hesitantly. She had her own experiences with 'personal questions' and was rather sensitive to offending people unintentionally. "You're ex-borg correct?"

Melody took a deep breath. In the past, she had grown tired of doctors always probing into her past but recent events had changed her outlook on things. Getting to know Caroline, her relationship with Draxx, rasing Sansa, getting to meet her mother once again. Her outlook on Doctors was also a lot kinder than it used to be, which was good news for Kyhl.

"Yes. My parents were assimilated when I was 18 months old and I was placed in a maturation chamber. I was fortunate to be rescued by the crew of the USS Thunderchild 3 months later but know I was 12 years old."

Kyhl listened intently. She could somewhat relate to a lost childhood.

They headed back down the corridor and stepped into the turolift and Melody said "Sickbay" to the computer then continued her story. "Unfortunately, there was some residual compounds in my bloodstream. As a result, my daughter is now 18 years old despite being born less than 4 years ago. It was this that made me reluctant to have any more children but Commander Miller has been in contact with Starfleet Medical and they have come up with a treatment which should let me have a child normally. "Please don't misunderstand, I love my daughter more than anything in the world. She is sweet and kind but I've missed so much of her childhood.."

She paused and looked at the Doctor. "Sorry, I didn't mean to unload all of that on you in one go."

"Commander, Melody, don't apologize." Kyhl smiled warmly. "I asked. And you graciously opened up about not only your medical history but also how it's affecting you and your family still."

Kyhl hesitated for a moment but then rested a comforting hand on Melodys shoulder. "If I may be so bold, I'd love to work with Commander Miller and Starfleet Medical in any capacity to help. And as for your daughter, sometimes we have to make the best of the time we have although it may be limited."

She sighed and shrugged a little. "In the interest of sharing, if my surname didn't give it away... I haven't always looked this way. I was born in the wrong body but I was lucky to have a very supportive family and they helped me make the changes that I needed to make to well... become me."

Melody smiled “I’m sure it can’t have been easy for you.” She said supportively. “Yes, I’m sure Caroline would welcome your input. Starfleet medical had to work out how to stabilise Sansa’s again and based on that research they’ve come up with a series of injections. The only problem is they neglected to mention a possible side effect.”

"Oh?" Kyhl chirped, genuinely intrigued.

Melody blushed somewhat. “Well after the first injection, it made me incredibly..... Well... I went back to our quarters and...”. She leant in close and whispered the rest in Kyhl’s ear.

When she was finished she took a step back.

Kyhl blinked several times as she digested the information. Finally, she locked eyes with Melody.

"I can prescribe him an ointment for chaffing if needed." A sly smile crept across her blue lips as she spoke. "Otherwise, I'd say it's just what the doctor ordered."

Melody burst out laughing. "He didn't seem to mind. and I did warn him this might happen with every injection." she managed to say as she wiped the tears from her face. "He didn't seem to mind that either."

"A healthy libido is always a good thing." Kyhl said with a grin.

The turbo lift came to a halt and they stepped out onto deck 7. It was just a short walk to Sickbay. The door opened and Melody gestured. "Welcome to your new home Doctor."

As the doors opened, Kyhl recomposed herself and nodded. "Thank you sir. I look forward to the challenge."

Kyhl looked around sickbay and for moment she was a bit overwhelmed. This place was huge. But then she quickly composed herself. She may be the CMO, but she had a staff that she could depend on just as much as they could depend on her.

Melody smiled "Good. I'll let Commander Miller know you're onboard so you two can get acquainted. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thank you very much Commander." Kyhl said with a smile. "I'd appreciate a meeting with her sooner than later to pick her brain so to speak."



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