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Alone with the enemy

Posted on Wednesday 28 October 2020 @ 22:41 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: The Etheria
Timeline: After "A meeting with the council"
1176 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody turned back to Harn as Captain Andersson made a discreet exit. "So... Where do we begin?" she asked.

Harn took a glance about the chambers making certain that there wasn't anyone hidden someplace. He even went to the door to glance out, making certain there were no eavesdroppers. Seeing no one, he turned. With a smile of satisfaction, Harn leisurely strolled back to where Melody stood, then walked around her as if she were under some sort of examination.

"You are quite the woman." he spoke close to her ear, "Red hair, the color of flame. You and your hair seem to have an enchanted hold over your crew. It won't work on me, though." his voice almost purring, as he lifted up a strand of it, his fingers tracing it to the ends, then letting the strand of hair fall.

He stopped in front of Melody, "Now tell me, what did you wish to say to persuade me, and the council to your side. Hmmn?"

As she looked at him, an alarm was ringing in the back of her mind. Her eye's narrowed. "Who.... Who are you? I feel like we've met before." She uttered as a chill ran down her spine.

"Now, what makes you think that?" Harn replied, "or is your mind dredging up past woes, of those you have lost. Your failures in life, the loss of a crew member or two.." he stepped away, his arms raising upwards. "Perhaps this is a trial of which you wished for, and all this is happening in your mind. Wanting punishment for what has happened, the loss of.. someone dear?" his arms go back to his side as Harn moved ever so slightly towards Melody.

"Come now, which is it? Can you tell if this is reality?"

Melody frowned. Something about this alien was so familiar and it was unnerving her. "How do you know about that?" She asked slowly, trying to keep her voice firm. She started to take a step away from him. "You're not a Megapteraian. Who are you? What are you?"

"It's a pity you were not able to save O'Hara, nor what was his name... Barstow or another name he was known by, Apollo. You failed miserably." his voice lowered in a triumphant growl. "You failed to protect them. This is your penance, face the torture, you will be punished and it will be well deserved. I will have my triumph!" he chortled with glee. "And you asked me who I am.. You know me very well. I am your worst nightmare."

Her eyes went wide as the penny finally dropped.

"YOU!" she exclaimed, the colour draining from her face. "How? The cube was destroyed? How did you get here? And how have you poisoned these peaceful people with your lies?" Her expression had changed to one of pure hatred and she was getting ready to defend herself. "I'll expose you." She stated, staring him square in the eye. "Whatever it takes I'll expose you for what you really are you murderer."

"You'll expose me? You will not win, as for how I escaped. You will never find out once they are finished with you." He grinned evilly, then mussed his hair up, added a ripped in his clothing, he put on a frightened face backing away calling out, "Guards, guards, the prisoner attacked me! Restrain her!"

And two guards strode through the door at his call, seizing Melody. "Make sure she doesn't escape!" Harn commanded.

Melody decided against struggling, as it would damager her case. "Wait I did nothing! HE's not one of you!"

At that moment, Owan appeared. "What's going on here?" He demanded of Harn

"I was speaking with her calmly, listening to her words. They were almost persuasive and when I answered her that I needed proof and she allowed me to look into her mind, I saw what she truly had planned. A destruction of our people, it was so insidious. I demanded that she tell the truth and she attacked me! Do not listen to her diabolical lies, she hides her mind well. She has the ability to cloud what truly lies within. " Harn actually weeping, as if suffering from what he saw.

Melody looked at Harn "He's lying! You have to believe me!"

Owan shook his head sadly, almost as if he wished it wasn't true. "You better come and make a full report to the council. Then we'll gather everyone to witness her punishment."

Melody lost her cool "Why you son of a....." She took a step forward but was instantly restrained by one of the guards. She stopped and took a deep breath, fixing her eyes on Harn "You won't get away with this. I promise you!"

Owan looked surprised by the amount of venom in her voice. "It appears you were right Harn, they are a violent savage race."

"We are on a mission of peace and we are sworn to protect innocent people but this...." she indicated to Harn "Is neither a person nor innocent. We encountered this lifeform inhabiting a Borg cube and it is responsible for the death of two Starfleet officers. Please, let us help you." She spoke to Owan quietly, hoping to gain his trust.

Owan looked at her for a moment. Finally, he responded quietly. "You speak your lies well, they must be rehearsed. And to think, you almost had me convinced that you were now peaceful."

Melody continued to plead. "We are." Suddenly she decided to take a different approach. "I'm willing to bet that Harn hasn't been here too long. Why don't you read his mind? You'll realise I'm telling the truth."

"Harn is a respected member of the council and you....." His voice trailed off. While he still doubted Melody, he was beginning to ponder her words.

"Owan, you have already read my mind, otherwise I would not have been a trusted member of your council." Harn's tears having dried. "You are a wise leader, and careful. You do not allow anyone to be part of your council unless you have sought the very depths of their mind." Harn quietly replied in a rather humble tone. "It was a most humbling experience."

Melody's mouth fell open. "How....?" she whispered out loud. How had this A.I convinced these peaceful aliens that he was one of them?

Owan simply nodded. "Again you are right. Come! we must inform the council." He gave Melody one last curious glance. Reluctantly he added, "Keep her here for now." Then he turned and walked from the room.

Melody saw in horror how much control The Puppetmaster had over them. She called out "Harn!" Once she had his attention, she spoke calmly but her words were steel. "You have corrupted them and you are using them and I will make them see you for what you are. You have my word."

Harn just gave Melody an enigmatic triumphant smile, as he waited for the summons. He truly could taste the victory at hand.



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