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A new science chief

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 @ 12:17 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins

Mission: Homeward
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: MD15 1000
711 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Having seen Mathias, Melody continued going through the personnel files. With Mathias having transferred to operations, she now wondered who was taking over the science department. She pulled up the relevant file. She tapped her comm badge. "Jones to Lieutenant Hawkins, can you join me in my ready room?"

Zoey had left the boxes in her room before heading to the office so she could look around and get acquainted with everything. Hearing her name she raised her head and hit her comm badge. "On my way Captain." Leaving the office she headed to the Captain's ready room. Outside the door, she made sure she had no wrinkles in her uniform, not hair out of place in her bun before ringing to let the Captain know she was outside.

"Come in!" Melody called out as she stood up from behind her desk. "Ah Lieutenant Hawkings, please come in and have a seat. Would you like a drink?"

"Thank you Captain" Moving to a chair to sit. "I would love a cup of tea with two sugars please." Sitting down she looked around. She liked to see the personal touches that people put in their office. Sometimes it leads to seeing a person in a different light. "I am very happy to be on the Merlin. Excited."

Melody spoke to the replicator "A cup of tea with 2 sugars and a glass of carrot juice, large please." She picked up the two drinks and handed the tea to Zoey. She sat down next to her on the sofa. "So, tell me a bit about yourself Lieutenant."

Taking the tea she took a sip and smiled before setting it down. "Well, I am from Savannah, Georgia in the United States. Parents have been divorced since I was a young teen. My father encouraged my fascination with science so when the opportunity came up to go to the academy I was all over that. I had the gumption to get out of my comfort zone. As you can see on my record, I have been on a ship, starbase and now a ship again. I am looking forward to this opportunity of running the department and seeing what people are working on and helping to the best of my abilities."

Melody nodded "Yes I've had a read of your file, I think you should fit in very nicely here on the Merlin. Personally, I've always been more of a flyer than a scientist." She took a drink of her juice. "Most of the science labs have been upgraded during the last refit so you should have the equipment to make some interesting scientific discoveries. Have you had a chance to meet the other senior officers yet?"

Wrapping her hands around the teacup. "Not yet, I am looking forward to meeting everyone. I want to have a good working relationship with all the departments, I do not like discord."

"That's good to hear," Melody replied smiling. "Our first officer, Commander Rejal is in charge of, among other things, personnel. Engineering is Lieutenant Rathburn and Operations is Lieutenant McPhee. Commander Godding is head of ships security and Commander Tillitix is our chief flight officer. We also have a Marine detachment onboard that is headed by Lieutenant Scarlet. There is a staff briefing to be held tomorrow morning at 1100 and I'm sure you'll get to meet everyone. You'll probably have to check in with the Doctor, Lieutenant Ch'rehron and the ship's counsellor, Commander Miller, when you've got settled in for your physical and psychological evaluation. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Zoey shook her head, "No Ma'am, I will get settled quickly and then make sure to make appointments with the doctor and counsellor. If you do not need anything more from me, I will get started on all that and prepare for the staff briefing tomorrow morning. I do want to say I am very excited to be here."

"Very good." Melody stood and held out her hand. "Welcome aboard the Merlin, Lieutenant Hawkins. Dismissed."


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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