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A New security chief arrives

Posted on Friday 28 May 2021 @ 08:46 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Captain's ready room
Timeline: MD 7 1330
1529 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody was going over transfer orders while she waited for the information on the ship that had taken Caroline to be retrieved from the Sensor logs. There had been a few ships coming and going, transferring officers while they had been orbiting the colony.

With Lieutenant Godding being taken back to Starfleet medical for her treatment, a new security officer had arrived. Melody was expecting him to report in soon.

Gregor opened his eyes slightly as he felt the familiar tingling of the transporter beginning to fade and saw the transporter room through the sparkling lights before his eyes as he rematerialized aboard the Merlin. "Nearest turbolift? " He asked the transporter chief. " Out the door and to your left Sir. " Gregor nodded. " Thank you Chief, It's good to be aboard. " With that said he went out to the hallway and got in the Turbolift. " Bridge. " Within a few moments, he stepped onto the bridge and looked to the officer in charge on the bridge. " I believe the Captain is expecting me. "

He walked briskly to the ready room door and pressed the chime and waited with his PADD tucked under his arm and wondered what the new Captain and crew would be like, briefly as he awaited the Captain's response.

Half expecting who it was going to be, Melody stood up from behind her desk and straightened her uniform, calling out "Come in" She moved around her desk as the doors opened.

"Ahh, you must be our new security Chief. Please come in." She held out her hand. "I'm Captain Jones. Welcome aboard the Merlin. Have a seat." she indicated the chair on this side of her desk as she went around and sat on her own.

Gregor nodded as he took her hand and gave a firm handshake. " It is a pleasure to serve Captain Jones. " As he sat down in the seat indicated. He leaned forward and slid the PADD onto the desk within easy reach of Melody. " Transfer orders and service records Ma'am. I believe you'll find everything in order, I've studied the ship's layout and crew manifest while en route to the Merlin. I really don't like surprises and will do my best that we don't have any while I'm assigned unless so ordered for an event, Ma'am. "

"I appreciate you being able to get here so quickly but we do have some pressing matters that need resolving. First and foremost is the disappearance of our ship's counsellor and secondly, the apprehension of a fugitive that, not only has created a disease to infect a planet but also committed murder and impersonated a Federation officer."

" I will study over both files to bring myself up to speed on both situations Captain. So first off I've got a missing counsellor. How long has she been missing? Secondly, I have a megalomaniac who seems to get his or her jollies by creating a disease that can affect a planet, has committed murder and impersonated a federation officer. Correct? "
He stared at Melody while he thought and stroked his beard. " So the big question is... Are these two separate cases or one committed by the same suspect? If so do we know the persons identity or dealing with an unknown? "

"Commander Miller was taken sometime in the early hours of this morning. She was lured onto a civilian transport under the guise of returning to Earth for a family funeral." Melody stated. "Whoever did this seems to have had some background information on her so that's why we're thinking it's a different party to who was operating on the planet. We're trying to find the warp signature of the ship that took her so we can follow them and Lieutenant McPhee might have some information on the vessel, he believed it was operating out of Starbase 308."

Melody took a deep breath before continuing "As for our megalomaniac, her identity is known. Her name is Amelia Fox and she is the mirror universe counterpart of Lieutenant Amelia Fox, the first officer on the Andromeda. She impersonated her and gained access to the Andromeda for some time before she was thought to have been killed when the shuttle she had stolen blew up. Obviously, she escaped. Now, not only did she create a disease and infected the planet below, she hired a ragtag group of mercenaries who attacked both the colony and the ship. She then promptly betrayed them for as much latinum as she could get her hands on while she made her escape, murdering the colony administrator in the process. She seems to take delight in being as twisted and as sadistic as possible."

" I shall talk to Lieutenant McPhee then and see what additional information that he was able to get from the suspect's ship warp signature and see where that leads us so we might be able to plot an intercept course. I will brief you as information becomes available Sir. " Gregor stopped and thought a moment and then frowned. " Sir, I believe you just stated that this imposter Amelia Fox is a subject of the mirror universe? That is indeed troublesome. "

" What I'm about to suggest maybe a little unorthodox. Since this Amelia Fox is of the mirror universe, that means she is NOT a federation citizen and when captured to be turned over and imprisoned so to safeguard federation citizens and humanity in general, correct? " He paused for a moment. " Here's the unorthodox part. I have a friend whose life I saved a few years back, He works in the Klingon penal system. If it doesn't matter to you whose prison she is locked up in, She could be routed to someplace like Rura Penthe. Which is dependent upon her capture and your approval of course. This is merely a.... Suggestion. We don't want her running around and spreading disease and chaos everywhere she goes. "

Melody paused as she considered his words and for that matter, her own. She stood from her desk and started pacing, gesturing with her hands while she spoke. "Lieutenant.... I think we've lost sight of why we are out here, myself included. The Dominion war and the Romulan incident have taken a heavy toll, not only physically but mentally. I had to point out to another of my officers that the Federation does not execute a person on sight because of where they came from, nor does the Federation pass off its problems onto others. Yes, the woman has committed crimes against the Federation, numerous and heinous. Is she beyond rehabilitation? Is she so unworthy that she can not be redeemed? It is said that we are a product of our upbringing and our environment. What has happened to her in her life to cause her to act like this? Given the correct environment, could she not change her ways? Looking at her actions, I can see a woman who is deeply troubled, yet has a brilliant mind. If that was harnessed for creation and betterment of life, rather than its destruction, imagine what she could do?" She stopped, turning towards the window, gazing at the stars for a moment, and asked rhetorically "Can you remember when we used to be explorers?"

She turned back to him, adding as she sat back down. "She's also pregnant."

Gregor's expression melted. "Hmm.... That fact I was unaware of, suggestion withdrawn. Her actions in many places of the galaxy would get her the death penalty, But the federation is more tolerant than many places. If she could be rehabilitated and her life turned around, I would prefer that. But rarely have I heard of someone with such a callous disregard for life it can be hard to imagine such a person being redeemed, But I agree we should at least try. "

Melody nodded. "As you say Lieutenant, the effort may be futile but there would be so much to gain. And deep down, I have to believe there could be one last spark of humanity that we could nurture and grow. Once Commander Miller is back with us, we can turn our attention back to finding Miss Fox. Lieutenant McPhee is resting but as soon as he is available, by all means, see what you can find out from him. We should have the warp signature identified soon and when the Doctor and the marines have finished on the planet's surface, we can get underway." She smiled warmly at him. "I think you'll make a fine addition to the crew Lieutenant. I'll let you get settled in and I look forward to your security report. Dismissed."

"Aye Captain. I'll go directly to security and have them begin running and comparing all warp signatures from around the time the Commander disappeared, Then I'll take the time to get my gear stowed. It is a pleasure to serve Captain. " As he gave her a salute and spun on his heel and made his way to the door.


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Gregor Morgan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin


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