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Retaliations ?

Posted on Sunday 4 September 2016 @ 06:01 by Lieutenant Commander David Tan

381 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal log :: SD 239309.03 - 23:04 hrs

Following our confrontation with the Romulan Vessel S'Trak, and at the 'request' of her Commanding Officer, we are moving away from the area, all fighters, shuttle, and personnel accounted for ...

I am still concerned as to why the Romulan's didn't retaliate when we fired on their Scorpion Fighters. Even with the Vulcan Research Vessel Sarak in close proximity, it is totally opposite to all known Romulan activity when confronted with any foe, they act first, so why not this time, were they concerned that the Tri'Jema may have been hit, unintentionally damaging, or even destroying whatever is inside the crashed vessel ?

Although we have now passed beyond the outer edge of the asteroid field, we are still at one quarter impulse. It is obvious that Commander Barstow could be worried about our recent confrontation also, otherwise we would have warped out of the area. The information we managed to get from the Tri'Jema is to be analysed, and once done we may know more. We didn't have a lot of time, but the repercussions of remaining once the Romulan's began their approach were obviously too high to consider viable.

At this point we are 600,000 kilometers distant from the two vessels vying for ownership of the crashed ship and I have to ponder the reason's the Vulcan's stood by, despite their offer of assistance, while the Merlin took sole ownership of the confrontation. Could it be that both are in collusion, both hoping to share, or gain from what is on the stricken vessel? ... It is obvious that while the Sarak was sent by the Vulcan High Command, the same can not be said of the Romulan Vessel, the time-frame simply doesn't allow for the Romulan Senate to have dispatched a ship, so it must be from one of the factions opposing the Senate. Could this faction somehow be in collusion with the Sarak, we may never get the answer to that one unfortunately.

Where we go from here is undetermined at this point, but I'm sure Commander Barstow will come to the right decision. We are currently at Yellow Alert, having secured from Red Alert once clear of the asteroid field. I will contact the Captain regarding our status once I file this log .....


End Log .....


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