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Missing Parts

Posted on Friday 3 August 2018 @ 13:37 by Lieutenant JG Saren Barel & Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Kachiko Bayushi

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Starbase 306/USS Merlin
Timeline: SL 1, 1600 Hours
1847 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Saren entered the holo-deck on Starbase 306. He had reserved it for a couple of hours to run simulations and testing on a virtual model of the Merlin’s computer core. He could still run his tests and once Engineering started their work, he wouldn’t be in the way.

“Computer”, Saren said. “Load core virtualization module for an Excalibur class starship.”

The computer beeped once and a few moments later it chimed,” Module loaded successfully.”

Saren then looked at his data-padd and nodded for no reason in particular.

“Load USS Merlin virtual computer core linked with the navigational array module, time index 144 point 68. Authorization Barel Alpha 42.”

“File loaded successfully”, was the response.

“Computer have repairs began on the USS Merlin’s computer system or are there any scheduled in the next eight hours?” Saren asked.

Getting a negative reply, Saren then said, “Create a link between module and the corresponding physical module on the USS Merlin.”

“Link established”, the computer chimed.

“Very well, synchronize the virtual module with the corresponding physical modules and begin a level one diagnostic of systems.”

The computer beeped in compliance and Saren wen about some other researching the constellation systems that he and the captain had spoken about.

{2.5 hours Later}

Saren’s research was interrupted by the computer calling out, “Diagnostic complete.”

Saren rubbed his eyes, glad that he could take a break from reviewing the rather limited data that they had on the constellations. He loaded up the diagnostic report and was very concerned about the result.

“Computer verify that the Merlin’s isolinear bank 482 is not installed.”, Saren commanded.

After a moment the computer replied, “Verified, isolinear bank 482 is not installed.”

“When was the bank removed?” he asked.


“Who authorized the removal?”


Saren then said as he walked to the door, “Computer, save results of all activities and process and end program.”

{15 minutes later}

The corridors of the Merlin were mostly deserted. On his way to the turbolift, Saren passed one work crew of three and one individual. He hadn’t thought that the ship could have been any quieter than when the skeleton crew had been aboard, but he was wrong.

Entering the turbo-lift, Saren snapped,” Deck 10.”

‘How could anyone have taken those chips?’ he thought. They couldn’t have been taken while in-transit. Without all components, the navigational array wouldn’t have worked, which means the ship wouldn’t continue in warp. Or could they? The most logical theory though is that they were removed after docking, but by whom.

The door to the turbolift swished open and Saren stepped out and went to the computer core. He looked around and didn’t see anyone. He went to the navigational rack and indeed one of the modules from the navigation system was missing. The missing module in question was the navigational log. Saren scowled.

He tapped his commbadge, “Captain Barstow, Commander Bayushi, this is Lieutenant Barel. Will you please come to the Merlin’s computer core? It is rather important.”

{Starbase 306, Habitat Deck 2, Senior Officers Gymnasium}

Kachiko sat up as Reiko got up off of her ankles. Wiping sweat away from her brow with a red and green towel, Kachiko popped up to her feet, before pulling her daughter up as well. She leaned in and kissed the girl's cheek, "Go get cleaned up for supper, sweetie. Don't wait for me and you be good for Save'ena, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," Reiko replied as the Commander was on her way out of the gym.

John, likewise, was with his daughter , but, on the promenade. The two had been out shopping for cloths and just about anything else the girl wanted. As they made their way into the 5th store Barstow made a mental note to kill Sav for planting the idea. His combadge went off just as they walked in and he shook his head, "alright, Sierra, want to go with me?" he asked.

"Sure," the red headed girl replied, sounding a little disappointed and gave him a look he usually gave junior officers who were acting up.

As he waited for the Captain and XO, Saren took out his tricorder and started to scan for DNA and other signs of the thief. As he did, he heard a slight footstep. It wasn’t the Captain or XO’s. He started to turn, but he was too late as something hit him in the head and he fell to the floor unconscious.

The CO and Sierra had been near the docking port and were the first to arrive. They walked into the multideck room that housed the massive core, reminding him of the first computers that took up wings of a building just to do simple calculations. This core, of course, made that computer look like the first wheeled cart compared to a '67 Mustang. John stopped and looked around, his brow furrowing slightly, "Lieutenant," he called out as he took Sierras hand and walked slowly forward.

Barstow stopped when he spotted the science officer on the deck, "shit," he said quietly then looked down and smiled, "stay here baby girl, alright?" he said as he stood her next to the door, "I'll be right back," he added then moved over to Barel and crouched down, checking the man's pulse with his index and middle fingertips over the Carotid Artery.

Saren groaned as the Captain checked his pulse. His eyes slowly started to open up. It took him a few moments to realize where he was. After a listening a moment, he decided it was ok to move. If someone was going to kill him, the deed would have been done already.

Slowly sitting up he saw the Captain. This was the second time the Captain had encountered him definitely not at his best.

"I was going to stand at attention when you came", Saren said, still a bit out of it. "Given we are technically on shore leave, I decided to forego the formalities."

Bastow chuckled as he counted off the science officers heartrate in his head and looked around slowly, his Marine and intel training showing as he scanned the shadows for the slightest movement or glint of light from a weapon or jewelry, "I'll forgive it this time," the Commander replied with a smirk and got to his feet before extending his hand, "your heart rate is a little high," he commented and nodded towards a chair for Barel to sit, "what happened?"

"I was in one of the starbase's computer simulation lab as I was trying to recover the missing data from the Merlin. As standard procedure, I linked my virtual representation with the Merlin's physical computer core, focusing on the navigational systems and ran a level 1 diagnostic. After the diagnostic was complete, it showed that the isolinear chips that control the navigational logs were missing. I came on board to visually verify that they were gone and they were indeed missing. After I contacted you and the XO, someone knocked me out from behind. And here we are."

Having walked up behind the Captain while the Rihanns explained what happened, Kachiko sighed then spoke out loud, "Computer, archive internal sensor logs, compile and display the last thirty minutes on the nearest access panel."

::Archiving and Compiling.::

Kachiko looked up at the Science Officer, "I know that you Rihanns have hard heads, Lieutenant, but I want you to see a doctor when we're finished here."

John had heard Sierra try to greet the XO when she came in so continued with Barel, "he is seeing one," Barstow said and cast a sideways glance with a smirk to Bayushi before looking back to Barel, "did you see them, smell anything, hear anything....?"

"Unfortunately I was so focused on the core that I was not focusing on such external stimuli", Saren said. "I heard a footstep behind me just before I was hit, but I did not recognize the step."

"I realistically am the only crew aboard with the ability to bypass internal security like this," Kachiko frowned. "However, I can guarantee you that it wasn't me. First, I wouldn't have struck you. Second, you would have never have heard my approach."

"Unfortunately, when a ship is in dock for repairs is when security has the most problems", Saren said. "Repair crews and ship crews all mingling in and out. And no dis-respect intended, Starfleet does not watch their repair crews once they are assigned to a job and logged by security. Regardless, what concerns me is that the perpetrator had a very focused goal. The chances of them grabbing all the isolinear chips that control and store the navigational logs randomly are low. Although the chances of getting the data back is extremely low, bordering on impossible, without those chips, it can still be done. We do go up against diminishing returns if we want to try though."

''And I can think of several governments that may send spies in,'' the CO replied and crossed his arms over his chest, ''though none of those tend to leave witnesses.....get the feeling someone didn't want us finding our way back to the Lazarus star?'' Barstow asked and looked to the exec.

Kachiko sighed, "Thankfully I remember everything I reviewed on our return trip, which included navigational files. I have an eidetic memory and can provide the data to Miss Tillatix."

"I will have Mister Scarlet start posting sentries at all critical systems and ensuring that dock workers are supposed to be aboard," Kachiko hated to make the Security staff work during shore leave. "I can see about rotating in Marines to make sure that Security doesn't lose their entire leave."

John nodded, "sounds good," he replied, "and have Tillatix verify what you remember, just because you remember it correctly doesn't mean it was the correct information to start with," the CO added then looked back to Barel, "and Bayushi is right, despite my trying to joke about you're already seeing a doctor, report to sickbay. I'm pretty sure you have a concussion and you have a laceration on your scalp," he added.

"Excuse me a moment, Captain," Kachiko stepped out into the gangway, gently ruffling Sierra's red locks as she did. A minute later, the XO returned, "I have Security enroute, Boss. We should vacate the compartment."

Saren looked at the Captain, knowing that it was useless to argue, and said, "I will indeed go to sickbay Captain."

Barstow nodded, "alright, let's head out...Lieutenant, I'm going to send the Commander with you, have medical do a forensic scan of the wound and clothing as well," Barstow ordered, though he figued Kachiko was probably already a step ahead of him, "alright Sierra, lets get back to shopping," he said and took her hand, knowing he'd only be in the way here, "call me if they find anything."


Lieutenant(jg) Saren Barel
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin
Task Group 47-A Commanding Officer
Task Force 47

Commander Bayushi Kachiko
Executive Officer, USS Merlin


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