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Checking In

Posted on Friday 3 August 2018 @ 17:22 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Colonel Kachiko Bayushi

Mission: Shoreleave
Location: Starbase 306
2085 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure

For probably the 100th time Miles checked that his uniform was straight and that his hair was still tied back. Although his face allowed most emotions to be known immediately, anxiety and worry translated more into a sarcastic glare. The pilot of the runabout had stopped trying to get Miles to speak with him hours ago, muttering something about "tightlipped spoonheads," before turning his attention to the controls. Once the runabout closed within visual range Miles began examining his new 'home.' Muttering firth in Cardassian and then switching to English, he looks at the runabout pilot, "My new home. She's bigger than the Victory, much bigger, but I understand she has more potential." The runabout pilot with his mouth ajar, just nods, as these are the first words uttered in hours. Miles looks over to the man, a human of course. "I am sorry if my mood has upset you, I am both anxious and leery of my new posting. The Victory was barely back together when I was re-assigned here. Would you please make sure my belonging are transferred to my, my, well I guess quarters. You flew surprisingly well, and the ship is in good shape, I will mention this in my log later on."

Once docked, Miles will begin asking directions to where he can find the Captain, which rewarded him with laughter. One crewman responded, "The Commander is in the Officer's mess with some others, if you hurry you might be able to catch them still there."

"Thank you my good man," Miles responded as he jogged off to find a turbolift that can get him close to the Officer's Mess.

Before requesting entry to the Mess, he checks his uniform and hair, and then pushes the button to enter the Mess.

The Starbase officers mess was a huge room, 2 levels and the size of a deck from a starship. John had called both the XO and 2O there to meet about the refit being done to the Merlin, "We're getting several upgraded systems, including this, it's called an ICOS computer core. It's about the size of the current core but with enough processing power we have access to holo-coms and emergency holograms for medical, engineering and command with all running at the same time if need be," he said and slid the PADDs over to both officers.

"I hear that Quantum Entanglement comms are starting to be deployed to ships in the Fleet," Kachiko remarked as her eyes scanned over the manifest on the PADD. "Special Operations personnel have units small enough to carry on ops. Should we discuss having that deployed on the Merlin as well?"

Barstow shook his head and grinned, ''This' all the new stuff they'll let us have. Between that and this bridge module they asked if I just wanted to build a whole new ship, then cut the comm before I could answer,'' he replied with a chuckle.

"I've been looking over the crew replacements and additions. I'm impressed with the caliber of the new officers and non-coms we're getting," Cale said. "I wanted to talk to you about having the TIC staffed all 3 shifts. It's as vital to the ship as Engineering and Sickbay."

Kachiko nodded, "I agree. Please, send me a proposal with details and a suggested duty roster and I will look into it."

"I'll get right on that, Commander."

"I have been updated by the Fleet and quartermasters,"the Executive Officer continued. "Through Doctor O'Reilly, we have secured the equipment to drastically update our Sickbay. The young lady has put in considerable work on that and I would like to cite her for the initiative she's been taking in getting that taken care of."

"My daughter has arrived, Captain. She arrived with my old Corps assistant, whom I will have as my current assistant, Staff Sergeant Hernandez," Kachiko smiled. She believed that Barstow wouldn't be too thrilled about the next shoe to drop. "Starfleet requested that she bring a Cadet with her. For her Cadet Cruise."

"The Cadet is my niece, Senior Cadet Cai Sun," Kachiko had drawn the girl's dossier up on the PADD that had already been handed to her and handed it back. "She's a quarter Orion, the daughter of a Starfleet Captain and a Commander and Starfleet assigned her to serve as your yeoman, Boss."

"There's a lot more to discuss, regarding both the Cadet and myself, Captain, but that will require privacy," Kachiko leaned back in her chair, her piece said.

"Should I leave, Commander?" Cale asked not wanting to intrude on the CO/XO thing going on here.

"No, no, that discussion will require a SCIF," Kachiko pronounced it as 'skiff'.

John nodded, "and we'll need to have that discussion before you make any more assignments, please, Commander," the CO said, looking to the XO, though his demeanor was calm and he had a smile.

It was at this point that the Commander turned Lieutenant Colonel turned Commander noticed something down below. She recoiled internally at seeing a Cardassian, her experiences in the Dominion War still very fresh in her memory.

It was at this point that she reviewed her memories of reading the incoming crew profiles. Lieutenant Marbim Rejal, the ship's new Operations officer.

Looking around, she waved over the Mess Deck's chief Steward, whom approached the table. Kachiko offered a smile, "Chief, could you go downstairs and fetch Lieutenant Rejal up here, please? He is the lost looking Cardassian."

The petite Vulcan nodded, "Aye, Commander."

Downstairs, the Vulcan Chief Petty Officer approached the Cardassian, "Lieutenant. Commander Bayushi has requested your presence upstairs on the Command Mess deck. Please follow me."

As the Chief lead the Cardassian Lieutenant to the table where the Merlin's command team awaited, Kachiko stood and briefly stretched out the kinks in her back. She looked up as the man was lead over, "Lieutenant, welcome. Please, sit down."

Miles falters a moment, then nods, "Thank you Commanders." Whichever chair is the closest to him, he will slide into. "I just arrived on station and wanted to present myself. I've instructed a crewman to make sure my belongings get to my cabin. I understand that there are numerous repairs and retrofits occurring, is there anything I need to assist with?"

"Welcome, Lieutenant and yes, everything," Barstow replied with a chuckle, "it's a complete refit of the ship."

Kachiko nodded, "We are receiving a new bridge module, a refit Sickbay and they're upgrading the EPS Conduits to accommodate the increased power demands. It would be helpful if you could help oversee the installation of the Conduits in particular, I believe that the Captain and I would appreciate it."

Few things on Merlin were as important as the shipwide EPS system. Nothing functioned without it and having it properly installed was critical. Even with that on her mind, Kachiko moved on, "Please, Lieutenant. Tell us about yourself?"

"Ah yes. If I may borrow a 'Human' moniker, and give you the short version, I grew up on Cardassia Prime. My grandparents raised me to think differently than a normal Cardassian, as evidenced by four separate issues during formal education. Apparently, I kept stepping in to help schoolmates who were being bullied, something which is generally frowned upon. In school, I found that I enjoyed the company of computers and fixing things to spending time with my fellow schoolmates. As a result of all this, the Cardassian Military told me I was unfit for service. My grandparents pulled some strings and I found myself in England. I scared the poor recruiting agent but ended up enjoying three years of time. My first posting was the USS Victory, which we were repairing and retrofitting after some hard-fought battles with the Cardassian Military, and of the course (enter several colorful Cardassian curses words) Dominion forces." He takes a moment to adjust his collar, then starts up again, "I apologize for my language, but until a few years ago I was certain no one was more powerful than my people, only to have those views dashed. I was worried when I ended up in London, but the students and teachers there accepted me for who I am, something that my own people never could do, outside my grandparents." Looking around the table he then nods, "If I may be excused, I will find my room, gather my tools and start looking for areas where I may be of assistance," about halfway out of his chair he stops, "oh yes, do I need to report to the Head of Security about the Klingon Sword I have in my possession?"

"We're used to the colorful language, Lieutenant, just wait until you hear me in the middle of an argument with a stubborn Ambassador," John replied with a smirk, "and yes, please do, just in case it's stolen," he added, "and that's quite the road you traveled. Of course, Commander Bayushi has the list of our quest quarters on the station here."

"One never knows on this ship when something like a bat'leth will be needed, Commander," Cale spoke up with a smile and a light laugh.

Kachiko laughed, "I'm a Marine. I'm very much accustomed to 'rough' language. As for the sword, I myself have a fair collection of such things, including some that are centuries old. Though I have special dispensations regarding weapons, given my history." She chose not to elaborate given the mixed company.

Miles stops for a moment, then smiles, "Well, and I guess as it's now a bat'leth but more of a spear I should choose my words more carefully. My mentor in moQbara had it made for me as a sign of our friendship. Speaking of which, where might I find my compatriot in crime in Engineering, I have some ideas about protecting our EPS relays and conduits..."

"I will admit, Lieutenant. I do have reservations regarding Cardassians. I was very much involved in the fight against the Dominion and your people and I witnessed a number of very heinous war crimes against civilians and prisoners of war," Kachiko looked apologetic. "It left a very sour mark in my remembrance, unfortunately. However, I can guarantee you that I will not hold it against you, personally. You don't appear nearly old enough to have been involved in the war." Left unsaid was that Kachiko herself didn't look nearly old enough to have been in the War herself, courtesy of her altered genetics.

With what could be taken as a sad smile Miles will nod, "My grandparents told me much about the war. Cardassia herself is still recovering from that debacle. I hope to prove that your reservations, though valid, may be misplaced in a few of us. Now Commanders if you will excuse me, I'd like to make sure my belongings, including my spear, have made it to my quarters ... which I am going to assume the computer knows where they may be located." He will then give a polite nod to all and wander off towards the door he came in.

Apollo watched the man walk out and motioned after him, "Commander, you need to fix that, that comment was unneeded," the CO said with a look that said don't argue.

Cale knew when to keep quiet, especially when dealing with species that had long been the Federation's enemies. He saw that she was still thinking like a Marine; treating everyone like an enemy until they could prove themselves 'worthy' of being a friend and keeping everyone at arm's length. He decided not to challenge Barstow's comment about her fixing that because he felt the same way. She would have to fix that problem all on her lonesome.

Apollo stood up, "now, Commander then we can talk in my office," he said then looked at Cale, "I'd like you to oversee ICOS' installation and you and Barel and Rejal double check the AI, we don't need another M Five," he added with a smirk.

Aye Boss, I'll see to it now," Llewellyn said turning to the young Cardassian standing to his left and said, "After you, Lieutenant." This is going to be a most interesting tour of duty indeed. he thought to himself as he and Rejal walked off and left the two ranking officers alone.

Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin
Task Group 47-A Commanding Officer
Task Force 47

Lieutenant Commander Cale Jason Llewellyn, DSci
Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
USS Merlin

Commander Bayushi Kachiko
Executive Officer, USS Merlin


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