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Leave the bottle

Posted on Saturday 26 January 2019 @ 14:14 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: The New Collective
Location: The Round Table
Timeline: Current (Before Reunion)
908 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody walked into the Round Table and paused. It was just like she remembered. Nothing had changed. Good. She needed something familiar right now. Sansa had gone to bed and, after the day she had, Melody needed a drink.

She approached the bar and a young waiter approached "Can I help you?"

"Aldeberan whisky, neat please."

"Certainly" As he turned to get her drink.

"Stop right there!" she said in a low tone.

The young man stopped and turned back slowly "Is there a problem Commander?" He asked, suddenly looking afraid for his life.

"Yes. Step away from that replicator and go to the strong box under the bar. There is a supply of real Aldeberan Whisky, 2296. One bottle and a glass please.

"Commander......." He faulted "I've been told only a handful of officers have access to that box, I'll need the correct access code."

Melody lent over and whispered in his ear. The young mans mouth fell open, but then he quickly recovered "Yes Sir. Sorry about the confusion Commander Jones."

He bent down and reappeared several moments later with an old style frosted bottle of green liquid and a glass.

"Thank you. When Commander Miller comes in point her in my direction."

The man frowned "Who sorry?"

Melody sighed "Sumarian sunset." And with that she walked over to a table near the front window with the bottle and glass leaving the waiter with a confused look on his face.

Caroline got the message from Melody to meet her at the bar. She stopped off at her quarters and changed into a purple top and jeans. Walking in she went straight to the bar.

The waiter behind the bar looked at her for a moment and then spoke cautiously "Good evening Commander Miller, will that be a Sumarian sunset?"

"Telepath?" Caroline's eyes narrowed slightly. "Betaziod?"

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief 'Wow, so glad that was the right person. Commander Jones indicated you would be coming in. She's over there. She also said you would want one of these." He said as he placed the glass in front of her and pinged the edge.

"Did she now," The blond doctors face softened. "Thank you," she took the cocktail.

The bottle in front of Melody was already missing he top third of liquid as she poured another glass. Looking up, she smiled "Ah Caroline, please join me. Rough day. You?"

Caroline sank into the seat next to her "Defiantly. So lets put the puppet masters aside for the moment, what's new with you?"

"I spoke with Draxx today, that's Sansa's father. He seemed to take everything well and wants to be a part of her life. I want him to be a part of her life too."

"What about your life?" Caroline asked taking a sip of her drink.

Melody almost choked on hers. She looked at Caroline "I......I don't know." She faltered. "We don't gel well as a couple but..... Who cares about that when he makes your toes curl up."

Caroline grinned understanding completely. "You know you can always find a way to gel if you have commonality. I think Sansa pretty much covers that."

She took another sip of her drink letting the sweetness of whatever syrup they made Sumarian sunsets make her relax somewhat. "Talking of toes curling, Galeraz is taking me on a proper date."

Melody almost choked on her drink again. "Caroline. Please! Are you trying to kill me?" She managed to get out "Back up here. When did this happen?"

"He's onboard here too Melody. I went to go see him and he said he cares for me more than a friend," she told her.

Melody raised an eyebrow "It certainly sounds like he wants more than friendship. I'm impressed. I thought I was the adventurous one of the two of us."

She filled her glass again and mocked it back in a single draft before signalling the waiter who came over.

"Yes ladies what can i get you?"

"A double Altair sandwich with no mustard and a side order of fries with Bajoran shrimp." Melody answered before looking back at Caroline "Would you like anything?"

"Steak, medium rare. Eggs and greens please," Caroline smiled at the waiter. "I'm hardly adventurous but I am curious to see what he had planned. Does it feel odd being back?" she asked her.

Melody smiled "Oh no. It's just like old times. So you and Galeraz eh? Will there be a happy announcement or even the pitter patter of tiny feet soon?" She asked, her smiled turning into a grin but trying to look innocent.

Caroline laughed, "I think it's a take it very slow job. He's one of my best friends. I won't lie I'm scared if things went wrong I could lose a very important friendship but equally what if he's the one and been right there with me all these years."

Melody sighed "I know what you mean. I Still......." She hesitated, trying to find the right words. "Me and Sav'ena...... I still have feelings for her..... I don't want to loose her either."

Caroline replied quite sagely "I think you need to go have a chat with Sav'ena but be aware that it could likely complicate things with this Draxx."

Melody nodded "I know. Thanks for the advice."

Caroline smiled. "Anytime."


Commander Melody Jones
Second Officer / CSO
USS Merlin

Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin


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