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Posted on Tuesday 5 July 2016 @ 03:29 by Lieutenant Commander David Tan
Edited on Tuesday 5 July 2016 @ 03:33

129 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal log ::

"Having stood, like the proverbial idiot, in the turbo-lift when Commander Barstow, who I genuinely thought had concluded our conversation, instead of following the man. I went in search of my quarters. they are bigger than on the Galaogos, not that it makes much difference I suppose. I now find myself about to leave my quarters to meet the Commanding Officer in his Ready Room for a meeting."

"Not too sure I've made the best 'first impression' on the Commander, but think of it this way, things, as the saying goes, can only get better."

"Found a note from the CMO on my screen, so I assume she will want to see me at some point."

"Food for thought : Have I made the right decision ?"


End log .....


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