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Marine CO Log 3

Posted on Saturday 30 July 2016 @ 04:05 by Marine Captain Elias Walker

609 words; about a 3 minute read


Elias activated his helmet cam and sencer until. The seen was something he wasn't expecting. The marines had discovered slight energy readings after detonating several explosive devices.  Due to the incoming fire mission, they had not been able to in ventilate. However now that he was here, he was genuinely surprised.

 "Begin log.  I have just arrived at the location of the strange energy readings, to find what looks like a very old ship." Elias said as he looked left to right to capture the image.  It was only an exposed section of the hull, uncovered by the explosions. It was still covered by grey/brown rock and dust.  "From the new scans that we have conducted, the craft has multiple hull breaches and appears to be Vulcan or Romulan in origin. The energy readings are coming from deep in the ship. To me, it looks like some low level equipment in power saving mode. I'm half tempted to wait for the Merlin, and let the science people have a look first. But why should they have all the fun.”

Elise waved two marines over to him. The first was one of his platoon leaders, LT. John Anderson call sign Gawain. The second was his First Sergeant Torg, call sign Bors. As they approach; Elias chuckled and wondered who at marine HQ picked these call signs.

“Ok here's the deal. We're going to take a look around that ship. I want all helmet cams and sensor on, so watch the language. We do not touch anything. If a door isn't open, we going a way around.” Elise informed them.

“Whats are objective?” Torg asked.

“Find where the power readings are emanating from. Simply. Gawain you have point, them me and Percival, Bors brings up the rear. Heads on a swivel, weapons on stun. Move out.”

The marines moved through the opening in the hull and made it to the end of the corridor. Most bulkhead doors were open or partially so. Further into the vessel the damage and decay were less apparent. There was no doubt in Elias mind that ship was in some accidents or battle before it crashed on the asteroid.

The marines followed the energy readings down a longer corridor,and then a ramp leading down into the ship. Some of the structural beams had come down out of the overhead. Part of the way the marines had to crawl to get to where they were going.

“Believers, the readings are come from here.” Gawain said , standing next to a door opening.

“Ok let's have a look.” Elise and Potter stepped into the room and were not expecting what they had found.

“Sir are those what I think they are?” Potter asked.

Elise moved closer to the life pods to record each in the ongoing log. “Yes they are. And according to the readings, there still functioning.” Elise replied in amazement.

Then suddenly there was a spark and a slight wave of energy and all went silent. Turning, he saw Potter with his hand on a dusty control panel. He look was that of intense fear.

“What did I tell you? Don't touch anything!”

“I'm sorry sir I...”

“Right.” Elise said turning back to the pods. They seemed to be fine. However Elise's insult recorder wasn't reading anything, anything at all. It seemed to be broken by the emp the Percival set off. “Walker to Merlin” Elise said after hitting his comm system. There was no answer. “Long range comms are out.” He said in discuss. Gawain, you and Bors stay here while we go back. We need to get the ship here fast.

End log.


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