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Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Posted on Monday 5 September 2016 @ 00:29 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix
Edited on on Tuesday 13 September 2016 @ 23:18

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Deck 9, Junior Officer Quarters
Timeline: MD8 - 0300 Hours
1473 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Light filtered through the bars of the dungeon cell and gently fell upon the Mephetian young girl lying on the filthy straw in the corner. She stirred, her eyes opening, as a drag of a moan sounded from within her. She must have completed chores, come here for a quick nap before being called out for: other chores, beatings that left no marks, or forced to watch 'adult' movies with a biobed hooked up to give pleasure to train the body to need and want what the eyes were seeing.

The young lady shuddered upon the hay, the smell of others urine strong in the air. The soaking of the bed in others urine was to get the nose inured to smells that would be present in quarters and situations to be encountered with future owners. Worse smells would come later.

She did not really want to wake up, but knew she must. She had been having a dream of flying a Valkyrie Fighter among the stars, and thought she remembered being past all of this, but yet, reality set in and she was back in her cell. She opened her eyes in the dim light, trying to remember her name. Sav, yes, she was Saveena, not this 'Uniqueria' they were trying to program her into being. She moved up onto her hands and knees to go over to the wall pit to do her toiletries as taught, even while fighting within herself to break free. She was Sav, in college, flying yachts and shuttles, not a slave for peoples basest desires of the unspeakable.

Sav moved over and managed to get up onto her master's chair in her luxurious quarters.. no, no, her chair, her chair in her cell, it was a cell, not her luxurious quarters. She managed to sit upright, once again, working on overthrowing the constant bombardment of forced labor and responses always being thrown at and ingrained into captured girls at this estate... this estate, Mr. Thompson's estate. She had come here to fly his personal space yacht, not to be a harem girl.

She stared at the wall before her. Adorning it were instruments of BDSM, with pictures and descriptions, all designed to imprint upon the psyche and be known to be desired, needed, and no life without. Then, before her eyes, it began changing, from instruments of 'love' to instruments of skinning. Smells of various fluids came to her nose: Fecal, Urine, infections, discharges. These faded to the background, already fading to the background. Sav had been sold for 20 times the normal exotic slave amount for her pelt and chastity, of 250K to 5 Mill. Each instrument had a description and CGI picture of her and its use upon her. She shuddered, knowing this was done to take away all hope of her escaping. She had to remain strong to find her chance. Or, had she done that and escaped already? Or, was she dying and remembering this?

Images began blurring as working on Mr. Thompson's private yacht began appearing over the baseline of her cell and their plans for her. These images followed through to where she was slipped a Mickey because she was defiant? To happen? Had happened? and while she was working on the hull of the space yacht. She was bound in bondage gear and hauled into the air as she worked on a hard to reach integrity field outer circuit, and then a Federation Councilman approached her, her buyer, as her harness was failing. She began fighting, fighting hard against the harness/bondage gear. No, NO, NO, not again... not again.

In her quarters on the Merlin, the Commander, Air Group Officer tossed and turned in her bed. Her climbing claws were out, growls and cries were coming from within her. Suddenly, she sat bolt upright in her bed and screamed, fighting off what was going to happen, yet knowing she could not. At the end of the scream, when there was no breath left, she drew in a haggard shuddering breath. Her eyes gained focus once more as she looked around the room in trying to place where she was.

Sav grabbed herself around her middle as she broke down into a gentle crying. Those dreams of the past were becoming more frequent, the blending of the two, what was the truth, and what was the implanted psychic overlays by those Highly Psionic Federation Counselors. She could feel their oppression, yet could also feel the truth bubbling underneath.

She focused, focused on what happened yesterday, to throw off this 'dream' so it would not take her into its clutches once more. She remembered the after mission drinks, only two people having showed up, one a marine, the other the Chief Flight Officer, no one from her units. She sighed, wondering if she had shown up at the wrong place, not knowing the traditions of the pilots on the Merlin, and thus missed them. However, her psyche had taken a blow by no one having been there, and thus, the likely reason for this dream to visit on this night, the first night on her first assignment after the Academy.

Sav shakily got up and stumbled into the bathroom to go, freshen up, get a drink of water, and return to bed. As she sat down upon the bed, she let go a shuddering sigh. The threads from her internal mesh were just starting to appear again. It hurt to clean herself when the threads coming from all three openings in her nethers became long. It hurt to have what happened forcibly buried, and it hurt with it trying to surface.

She needed to go see the counselors to help her get over this, but they were the ones to do this to her. Why go to them when they would be treating a lie and not the truth? When she had to, no, was forced to lie about the incident due to the psychic overlays, that always tore her up more inside. She collapsed backwards upon the bed, low sobs racking through her body.

Even in her deep emotional distress, she noticed she had shredded her covers and pillow and another part of her mind marked the event for her to feed them to the replicator and create new in the morning. It would not due for someone to find such in the sterile quarters of the subdued and stoic new CAG of the Dragons.

Unknown to Sav, her minds natural Psi, shields, and healing abilities were slowly throwing off the physic overlays, as well as starting to break down the nylon meshes implanted within her. The original syntheduralex meshes had done their duty and had dissolved, but the deliberate nylon implanted threads to cut, tear, and hurt, along with the toluene derivatives embedded into that, were still there and her body was trying to figure out ways to get rid of the inert nylon while not releasing too much of the toluene at once which would kill her. She was supposed to have died two months after implant, but her body and its tenacity on life was not reckoned with and she lived.

The only 'good' side effect of the toluene with its endocrine and hormone disruptive properties was her age had remained the same at implant, 17, besides not having had a period since. However, because of their dampening on the body, her senses of smell, taste, touch and hearing were lessened, as well as anything dealing with sensation or arousal were very much dampened as well.

Even so, her mind and body were strained, at their limits. Soon, she must seek help, and her body and mind were trying to tell her this.

Sav did not understand herself. She only knew she never felt any desire or need for anything more than friendship since the 'accident', and that everyone could always trust her, the 'It', with their dates for being a duty driver, making sure people made it home, and tucked into bed for the night. She had even told Melody this, even though the very beautiful redhead couldn't believe it. Right now, the only thing, the ONLY thing, to make her truly happy, was joining with her flying companions to feel, to see, to sense, and fly among the cosmos with them. It was what she had left for herself, and she loved doing it to help her companions, and the crews within when starships, to survive missions and encounters.

She laid down onto the bed, not caring about the shredded bedding. She might shred it some more if, or more likely when, her dreams came back. She wrapped herself around a pillow, gently crying, waiting for the sandman to once again send her to sleep, all the while hoping this time she would not dream.



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