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Blue prints

Posted on Sunday 16 October 2022 @ 17:21 by Lieutenant Itithos Th'ithaanit
Edited on on Thursday 3 November 2022 @ 18:03

Mission: Revelations
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Last days of leave
1078 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

As he walked to the holodeck, Seklar studied the program he'd been given. The very idea of actually having something to do, something constructive besides the obvious of having spent some much needed time with his family, made him appear a lot happier than he had the prior days.

The specifications showed a shuttle, which meant he has to call in the help if a pilot with some mechanical skill, and an additional engineer as this was something he would not be able to complete on his own. "Lieutenants Th'ithaanit and Paragon, please report to the holodeck. I apologize for cutting your leave short, however I require assistance."

"On my way," Wintrow replied, wondering what this was all about.


Itithos had been on duty for a few hours, something of a boring duty shift given Merlin was in dock, and most of the crew had been given leave to go to Deep Space 21. The caverous chamber that was the main engineering deck seemed almost silent without the usual compliment of engineers on duty.

When the call came in it was something of a blessing as he was only needed to keep the lights on, so to speak. "On my way Commander and no need to apologise. I volunteered as part of the Skeleton crew in Engineering!"


As the two officers walked up, Seklar finished uploading the program. "This project is, for now, need to know," he explained. "The captain has insisted on being this project's pilot but we need to fine tune before we get our hands on the actual shuttle." As the doors parted, the representation of a brand new shuttle appeared, given form from the blueprints Seklar had been given. "Our task is to make certain it will be safe to fly, and we only have days to it. Lieutenant Paragon, your task is to keep the flight controls within specifications, though I am aware you have maintenance certification as well. Lieutenant Itithos, I need your assistance in upgrading the engines to warp 10 capability and set safety parameters. Are you up to this task?"

Wintrow nodded. "Yes sir, I'm sure I am. And I'd love to fly this baby too," he grinned.

Itithos' antenna twitched nervously "Did travelling at warp ten not end badly for that pilot on Voyager... Lieutenant Norway... Belgium or some country or other?"

"That depends on how you define badly," Seklar answered dryly, "they did discover a new species, of sorts. We are to go over their reports and work with this new engine, see if there are any faults, and fine tune it. We can test it here on the holodeck but ultimately it will be the captain at the helm."

"The Captain?" the Andorian asked nervously. "Surley that goes against some sort of regulation. Surely it should be someone less important at the helm?"

"I am quite certain it does," the Vulcan agreed, "but who is going to contradict a commanding officer when she has her mind set? I know better...I used to be mated to one." He offered the thinnest of smiles. "For now, we are to reconstruct a shuttle and go over engineering flaws. Soon, the actual vessel will arrive, we cannot afford any errors."

"Understood Commander!" Itithos said in a clipped manner, his antenna twitching giving away his own discomfort with the thought of letting the Captain pilot an experimental ship. He was almost tempted to approach the first officer about his concerns but would he be listened to, after all he was only a lower decks officer.

"Do you have any construction experience lieutenant?" The Vulcan queried as the computer started to reproduce various sections.

"I don't," Wintrow piped up, sounding eager and cheerful, "but I do have maintenance experience. Fighters and shuttles, sir, And I can test the shuttle when it's assembled."

"I can turn my hands to it but I wouldn't say construction is my speciality!" the Andorian offered almost apologetically.

"Today is a good day to learn then," Wintrow beamed at the Andorian. "Isn't it? Do you know how to fly a shuttle?" The Betazoid hybrid beamed at the chief engineer, not even caring the man was Vulcan and supposed to be emotionless. The waves of emotion coming from the man sure told him differently! "Don't worry sir, we got this. Don't we?" He continued to smile at the nervous looking Andorian.

Madeline walked inside the holodeck, she had her tool belt on and her tricorder held out as she was taking some readings. Seeing several people there she paused. "Er sorry to disturb you, I hadn't realized that this was in use, had been picking up some fluctuating readings." she paused as her dark brown eyes noticed something that looked interesting. "What are you putting together there?"

Just as the young woman spoke, an explosion happened, followed what was clearly an expletive. "We just blew up an experimental shuttle," the chief engineer answered, "how is your knowledge on experimental warp engines?"

"Well can't tell you what my experience is until I get a look at the plans you've drawn up." she quipped " But I've been known to do a bit of tinkering from time to time." Madeline answered. "So a new warp engine based off the slipstream drive or just a more juiced up version? Are you trying to make certain that we don't cause a rift in space while we move faster?"

Seklar handed over his PADD to the new arrival. "Nothing wrong with tinkering," he answered dryly, "I do it all the time when sleep eludes me. As far as I am aware we are improving on the known warp ten engine, but so far we are not having any luck. We are attempting to keep the ship from appearing across all time and space, as well as prevent....mutation? The avoidance of a rift is at all times preferable."

"And we still need to figure out some kind of shielding to stop transwarp speed turning into... What did that Human call it... Salamander speed?" the Andorian turned a confused expression at the others. "I still need to figure out the Human sense of humor!"

"So do I," Seklar answered neutrally. "So... any suggestions to avoid further explosions, while we try not to mutate those who are aboard during the test flight into slithering salamanders?"

Commander Seklar
Chief Engineer

NPC:Mathias McPhee

Lieutenant Itithos Th'ithaanit
Assistant Engineering Officer


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