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Morning revelations

Posted on Thursday 3 November 2022 @ 16:30 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: Revelations
Location: The Ba'Ku Planet
Timeline: MD9 0700
1967 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure


The sun's rays filtered through the branches of the trees, a gentle golden beam drifting downward and shone into Hamish's eyes. He snorted, and sat up, rubbing his eyes, then realized he was in unknown surroundings. Where was he? Where was Sansa? Where was Aurae? He noticed that he was in a state of undress, with his clothing next to him neatly folded. Holding his head, Hamish rubbed it feeling like he had gone out on a bender and had no memory of it happening. "Ohhh what is going on?" he groaned, moving to get dressed. He rose unsteadily to his feet. His mouth felt dry. "I need some water. I need to see Sansa, what happened to me?"

Meanwhile, back at the cabin. Sansa stirred in bed. She had not slept well, and she was miserable. She spoke aloud to herself. "I've been a fool, I;m going to find Hamish and apologise."

"It's too late for that, my dear." an unexpected voice answered.

Sansa screamed and bolted up into a sitting position for standing at the foot of the bed, dressed in a white gown, was Aurea. "What are you doing here? Where is Hamish?" Sansa demanded of her.

Aurea smiled which sent shivers done Sansa's back. "I think it's time you and I got to know each other better."

Sansa suddenly realised that she could not move. "What have you done to me?" she asked fear starting to creep into her voice.

Aurea sat down next to her. "Before we begin I want you to know that I hold no malice against you, you are simply an inconvenience that needs to be removed." Aurea's eyes flashed a brilliant emerald green which triggered a memory deep in Sansa, it was one of Esme's memories.

Realisation began to dawn on Sansa. "Wait... I've met your species before."

Aurea clapped her hands together and chuckled. "Very good. When we first met I could tell that you were somehow blended with that ancient race. I didn't think they were interested in humans though, just those massive water-dwelling creatures you have on your planet. Come now my dear, I want there to be total truth between us."

After the initial shock and fright, Sansa started to feel more relaxed, even though she was been interrogated and did not know what Aurea's ultimate goal was. "Yes, we made first contact with them recently..." and she started to recall the details of her experience with Fay and then with Esme.

Aurea listened with great interest. When Sansa had finished, she nodded thoughtfully "So Esme is part of you now. That explains it. A very brave, if quite foolish thing to do young one.

"I did it not only for myself and Esme but for Hamish too... I... I love him." Sansa stated honestly.

Aurea regarded her for a moment. "You mean that. Hamish has the potential to be so much more than you limited creatures and only I am the only one who can help him reach that potential."

Sansa looked at her, picking up a vibe from her. "You're lying," she replied simply.

Aurea's features darkened. "Do not test me girl! Blended with an ancient you might be..." then a smile crept over her face "But I've still been able to whisper ideas into your head."

Sansa's eyes went wide. "That was you. Why did you do that?" she asked with shock.

"Because Hamish is mine and the sooner you realise that the better."

Sansa found her inner strength. "I think you'll find I'm not that easy to intimidate. Also, Hamish might have something to say about that."

Just then the door to the cabin slammed open with a thunderous crash. Hamish arrived with a somewhat wild-eyed look. Bits of twig and a pine needle or two stuck in his hair. His cheeks were scruffy with a bit of a five o clock shadow. He scratched at his jaw, looking first at Sansa "Sansa?" then at Aurae, "Aurae?"

"I need some water." moving quickly over to the sink and drank from the faucet itself. He drank a lot, feeling a bit thirsty. Turning the tap off, he turned and leaned against the counter. "Just what is going on." his voice rumbling in his chest.

Aurae smiled at him. "Ahh, hello my love. I was just explaining to Sansa how you would be staying with me from now. Surely you cannot deny the connection between us... Especially after last night..." She added with innuendo.

Sansa looked at Hamish. "Hamish, what's she talking about?"

Hamish who seemed like he had gotten a bit more muscle tone to his body, crossed his arms across his chest, looked back and forth between Sansa and Aurae. His brow furrowed as he worked to remember what did happen last night. He and Sansa were having dinner, they were arguing about something? He was feeling hot, feverishly hot, colours hues, the lake- Aurae- He had spent time with her in the lake, on the land in a rather intimate way.

"I found out who I am, who I can be, what I can be." Hamish gave a seductive smile towards Sansa. "She opened my eyes to things I never thought were possible, the tantalizing world beneath the surface of the water, not connected to terra firma." he turned to the other woman, "However Aurae, where did you say we were going? I may have forgotten where you said we were going"

Sansa's eyes went wide as she listen to what Hamish was saying. Aurea simply smiled. "All in good time my love." She turned back to Sansa "You see, he had made his decision." She stood "Come, my love, it's time to go."

"Wait!" Sansa called out. She was still unable to move. "If your bond with Hamish is so strong, so pure, why were you whispering lies to me?"

Aurea's eyes narrowed "Silence girl. You've lost. Accept it."

Hamish hadn't moved from where he was, still leaning against the counter. "Actually Aurae, where would we be going? I won't be moving from here without an idea of where we'd be going." he then looked back over towards Sansa. "What sort of lies was she telling you?"

Sansa's mind was reeling from the fact that Hamish had not denied that he and Aurea had..... She shuddered at the thought. She looked to Hamish and sighed, resigned to truth "That you wanted to stay here with her... That... you wanted her to bear your children. It made me feel so angry... So lost... So alone... I never meant to drive you away."

Aurea scoffed "Well you did. You drove him sight into the arms of someone who appreciates him and realises his true potential. I'll show you wonders you could only dream of in a place far from here. A place where you and I will be safe for all time." She laughed "Time has no meaning there. No beginning, no end. The place where our kind came from. Home."

Hamish ignored Aurea for a moment, "She said that you knew I lied to you but that you've been keeping things from me. That you scold me while you've been fantasising about other men. She said that you are jealous of what I have. That you want to break me... And that you might have even put something in my food....." he paused and then started walking towards Sansa. "You see though with the exception of you may be fantasizing about other men." flashing a smile. "I do not think you would be wanting to break me, or you even put anything in my food that doesn't belong. And why would you want to break apart something that you helped to put back together? Meaning me." he sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in to give Sansa a kiss.

When his lips met Sansa's, Aurea screamed out. "How dare you! I need you, you don't know how much I need you and that you need me!"

Hamish wasn't listening, as he was paying more attention to Sansa's lips.

"No, you don't understand!" Aurea reached out to grab Hamish by the shoulder to pull him back. There seemed to be a surge of energy when her hand made contact with his shoulder. This went through all three of them and Hamish broke off his kiss, gasping.

Sansa, breathing hard, found she could now move. She jumped up and quickly pinned Aurea to the floor. "What was that?" She demanded.

"Please..... "Aurea gasped "I just want to return home. Hamish is my only hope for that. It's his only hope too. We can only do it together..."

This stopped Sansa in her tracks. She looked at the for a moment. "You better explain real fast!" She got off Aurea and allowed her to sit down in a chair.

Aurea took a breath. "Our race is old, maybe even older than your friends the Megapteraians but whereas they are originally from your universe, mine is not. We came from a different dimension and we travelled here by means of an interdimensional portal. More importantly, it always took two of us to open one of these portals. We were explorers, like yourselves and visited many different planets. Unlike you, we did not have any rules on interacting with the species we found there and in some places, our visits have been woven into that planet's folklore. Some of our kind even went so far as to... assume the form of the local inhabitants and.... breed with them." she paused as she let that statement hang for a moment.

Sansa connected the dots very quickly. "You mean one of Hamish's ancestors was...."

Aurea nodded.

"Now hold on there, are you saying that I'm related to your people, Aurea?" this was mind boggling. "That will explain the attraction, the connection. I just wasn't, I don't know what to say. I've not yet had the chance to do any examination with my tricorder." Hamish walked over to get his tricorder. His scientific mind becoming more in gear than his other mindset. He ran the scans on both himself and Aurea. "Okay, it has been confirmed that there are some similarities at least from the scans. I just would have to get a blood sample and look into it at a molecular level."

"That is all well and good, I just want to get back home and you are the key to that. And you can also meet those whom you are related to." Aurea pleaded with Hamish. "I can't do this alone, it has to be you," she added.

To Hamish, this caught his interest even more, especially on the scientific level. The chance of a lifetime to learn of another race that he was distantly related to. That brought about a new meaning to the study of genetics and their markers and the fact of ancient races going around and seeding people throughout the universes.

"Sansa, we need to help her out, and send her back to her people, her family." looking at her.

Sansa looked back and forth between Aurea and Hamish for a moment, realising what this would mean for her. Eventually, she sighed and looked back to Aurea. "Fine, I'll help but just so you know, I'm doing this for Hamish. So, what do we have to do?"

Aurea stood. "Come with me, there is a lake not far from here. We can open the portal there."

Hamish looked at Sansa, then at Aurea. "Okay let's get this done." Giving Sansa one more kiss, to replace the one Aurea had interrupted.


●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-Jones
Marine Biologist
USS Merlin


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