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Nexus - Perfectum Vitae

Posted on Friday 3 November 2023 @ 07:05 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Nir’anyar

Mission: The Search
Location: Nexus
Timeline: Unknown
1374 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure


The sensation of vertigo started to diminish, the fade as the spinning lights began to come into focus, to coalesce into solid forms around her. Six children sat around the table before her, a strong arm around her waist, holding her close from behind and she was singing a human song, Happy Birthday, a cake in her hands with six candles on it, one for each of her four boys and two girls on their first birthday.

Standing behind them she could see Captain Jones, Commander's Miller and Seklar, her closest friends in this life... This life!

"Now blow them all out!" she said as the song ended to her children before cheering with the rest of the guests as the candles, one by one were extinguished.

"Mum do we now get to eat the cake?" one of the girls said excitably.

"Is it chocolate?"

"Oh I hope so," Caroline said grinning. "They take after their mother wanting sweets before presents," she chuckled.

Mathew chuckled, "She's got you there love," he said placing a kiss on her forehead.

Seklar watched the spectacle, the faintest of smiles playing around his mouth. He remembered the time when he was at this stage of his life, when his twins were celebrating their first birthday. "Enjoy this time doctor," he suggested, "before you realize it they are ready to explore and will not heed any advice you give them." Because at age ten, this was where his were at, especially his stubborn son .

A young girl of about 5 years old ran up to Melody and tugged on her sleeve. "Can I have some cake too, mommy?"

Melody smiled back at her "Of course you can Sansa, get some for your brother as well."

The young girl squealed with delight and headed off in search of cake.

Sansa? It puzzled Anya as much as it seemed correct. Sansa had been a full grown women but now a child. She took it in her stride. All that mattered were her children and Mathew and the friends that she had surrounding her.
"Can you bring the plates" she asked of Mat, nuzzling into him, pressing her lips against his neck to kiss him quickly before he released his arm from around her waist.

Just then an older couple walked in. The woman had long red hair and the man was carrying a present. "Sorry we're late." The woman said she came over to Melody who looked shocked for a moment.

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here? You're you're" Melody frowned as memories that were tinged with sadness were pushed aside with much happier ones. "You're early. I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow."

"I'm sorry we're late in picking you up sweetheart. Your father was just arranging starting you in your new school tomorrow. And he might have picked up a surprise for you when we get home

The elder woman leaned in and embraced Melody and when she pulled back there was a six year old girl sitting where the young woman had been.

"Awwww, is it a puppy mom?" Melody asked excitedly.

Melody's mom just smiled "We'll see."

Melody smiled beamed but then she seemed to remember someone. "Wait where's Sansa?"

Melody's Mom looked at her with a smile "Who's Sansa Sweetie?"

Sure enough, the young girl who had spoken to Melody a few moments earlier was gone.

A look of confusion passed over her face, but then vanished just as quickly "Nobody, she was a friend from my old school. Can I get some cake now?"

"Sure you can." her mother replied as Melody set off over to the table where the cake was still being cut up.

A duality about the situation seemed to be forming as Anya cut the cake, listening to Melody and her parents talk about... someone, had she not been here before? Like a dream it had faded so quickly as her children gathered around, some tugging at her blouse demanding some of the cake. She hurridly passed each one a small serving before cutting slightly larger portions for Melody, Caroline, Matt and Seklar.
"Here, before its all gone!" she handed a plate to Melody first who seemed to be equally as dazed as she. "Is everything alright Captain..." the word felt alien to her but familiar as she corrected herself "Melody I mean".

"Thank you Aunti Anya." Melody replied with a sweet voice as she took the plate. She paused and looked up at her, as if remembering something. She studied Anya face for a moment.... but the memory slipped away. "Is there going to be a magician?"

As if on cue, one of the parents spoke up. "Gather round kids. We've got a magician who's going to do some magic tricks for you all."

A man in a typical wizard's outfit complete with magic wand appeared. "Hello boys and girls. I'm Merlin the magician."

Something ticked the back of Melody's mind and she repeated the name. "Merlin.... Merlin..." She looked up a Anya again but shook her head as if to push away the unwanted memories. "No, I'm going to watch the magician, Do you want to come?" she asked, trying to keep herself cheerful.

'Merlin something seemed familiar, as if a distant memory or an echo in a cavern so deep its had become nothing more than a sound reverberating from the depths of Benzar... But it was nagging at her. Something here didn't feel right... It didn't feel real.

"Wait, Melody... You sounded like you were masticating the... oh what's the Human term... Adipose tissue... you know!" she waved her hands emphatically trying to find the right word but she gave up.

"Merlin... Something doesn't feel right!"

"It's just Eidos dressed up Mel," Caroline smiled at her husband. "He does it for lots of occasions. My favs his sexy Santa although you only see the PC version," she winked at them moving closer to watch her spouse.

"Melody... Captain" Anya snapped, the word hitting her like a freight train, it seemed to physically knock the wind from her as she gulped in air. "Captain Melody Jones of the USS Merlin... I am Doctor Nir'anyar, Lieutenant, Chief Medical Officer of the USS Merlin" The revelations kept flowing. "Captain is it you... really you. Caroline?"

The young girl that was Melody looked at Anya for a long time, trying to separate her thoughts. As if sensing her distress her mother came up behind her. “Sweetie, are you ok.”

For a moment it seemed that Anya’s words had got through to her. Melody looked around at her surroundings and then said quietly “I….. I’m not going back….” She turned to her mother. “Can we go home mom?”

Her mother smiled lovingly at her and took her hand. “Of course Sweetie.”

And in the blink of an eye Melody, her mother and her father….. disappeared.

"Of course I'm Caroline," the blond smiled as if several people just disappearing was nothing. "Oh Eidos is finished. I guess we will be leaving too."

She disappeared as well.

"What in the hells... Computer end program!" Anya called out, utter confusion emblazoned across her features, the ganglia along her upper lip twitching in frustration. She knew something was not right, the situation was off somehow but in the same breath, it felt so right. Azzea, one of her daughters came up and caught her hand, tugging the Benzite back into the main room.
"Father said we have to eat lots of food at Christmas" Azzea said, pulling Anya back into the house as a cold breeze followed her in through the french windows. A quick glance behind her and the warmth of the summer sun has been replaced by the crisp chill of winter and a hearty snowfall. "What is going on?"


●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Seklar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin


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