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Sleep Deprived Mess

Posted on Saturday 28 January 2017 @ 03:39 by Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Ouarters
Timeline: MD10 - Afternoon
614 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Martin had not been sleeping properly the last few weeks he had been awake longer some days that the recommended 4 hour sleep pattern for his race. He had been not getting enough sleep which was affecting his performance on duty the past few weeks and felt any other contact with other senior crew would be a bit suicidal in his sleep deprived state eyes hanging out his head wondering what to do next. Landau felt like not sleeping but sat on the edge of the bed wondering why he couldn't sleep so well or fall asleep for the required 4 hours he so desperately needed maybe the nightmares where the cause which he didn't know.

He stood up and rubbed his eyes walking over to the replicator passing a mirror noticing how such a mess Martin looked totally scruffy looking with everything out of place. Landau didn't feel like doing any face to face meeting or doing other stuff in his state of mind as he ordered up a centaurian drink that Martin assumed might help him fix this issue as of late he had been sleeping on the job a few minutes here and there but never the full amount sometimes being on duty for days on end without going off duty. He sat down at the new table and put the concoction on the table taking a sip from the straw and leaning back wondering if he should go out to the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, He stood up and looked in the mirror a purple diplomatic shirt and jeans with the uniform boots and rank had reminded him of how he dressed himself this morning before duty shift but the red dress jacket had hidden the bad clothing choice for being on duty.

Martin returned to the replicator ordering a centaurian dish then returning to the table to tuck in and remind himself of home as he toook a bite of the pie and felt happy but starting to nod off which was where the centaurian sweets came into play giving him a boost of energy to finish the food and the drink standing up to return it to the replicator and stared once more into the mirror gravy stain down the front of the purple diplomatic shirt unshaven hair a mess and the scruffy jeans with the scuffed uniform boots. Martin felt totally embarrassed at his filthy appearance and then he could smell something rank and disgusting which was coming from himself. He felt like something or a traumatic event was causing the sleep deprivation or causing him to skip the planned sleep cycles and stay awake longer than usual. He thought long and hard maybe its because my sister is docked at this station or something related causing the issues of sleep,

Martin had notice the crew staring and running away almost at his disgusting appearance but as his sleep deprived state took over more and more every hour he had felt more and more sluggish but the special sweets kept it at a minimum as he paced around the room. Landau paced up and down the room wondering if he would ever get over this and return to normal or would he have to face it for another week till whatever problem went away thinking was he sick or was this some kind of centaurian thing everybody experienced every so often when something triggered it. He sat down on the bed head in his hands wondering should he make an effort to at least look less disgusting and try and look ok in front of the other senior staff.

Lieutenant JG Martin Landau
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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