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Unexpected things

Posted on Sunday 29 January 2017 @ 19:13 by Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Ouarters
Timeline: MD11/12 - Midnight
386 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Martin was fast asleep when the door to his quarters was pried open and 2 figures in black appeared in the darkness as he sat in the dark corner of the room trying to figure out what to do next if toe captain was going to ask questions about his absents from the meeting when a voice from the darkness shouted "GET HIM" as a hood was thrown over me. Martin struggled and squirmed as the 2 lifted me up off the floor and towards the bathroom as Landau shouted "GET OFF ME" and various other things then came the next part into the light up bathroom. The next move was someone saying "In here" as Martin was shoved into what looked like a cubicle of some kind then a deeper voice of the other shouted the words "ON" as he felt water running down him.

The next thing he remembers is a large brush type object strike my back as a scrubbing motion was felt all over me and my clothed body feeling slightly embarrassed but something in my mind was going Martin you know those voices. They continued with the scrubbing then one shouted "OFF" and the water stopped then suddenly Martin was thrust out of the cubicle and back into his corner as the 2 men disappeared from the quarters. He sat there dripping wet but smelling a whole lot better still sleep deprived but smelling like roses and wondered who those 2 where that barged in kidnapped me and did some random things with me.

He sat there cold and soaking wet in the corner wondering why did they do it why did they want to do it and so forth but it felt like someone had done science experiments on Landau like he was in a lab of sorts. His mind was racing then came to the conclusion after swearing a lot with centaurian swears that it was probably Carter and Highway trying to clean me up so that Martin didn't want to make them feel like vomiting all over the place or becoming ill from my stench but now as he sat there he smelt better but felt it was worth them actually helping him out as he would have never done it himself

Lieutenant JG Martin Landau
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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