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Ocean Bottom, Stasis and Power

Posted on Monday 19 March 2018 @ 13:34 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix
Edited on on Sunday 24 June 2018 @ 00:05

Mission: Lost Souls
Location: Deck 15, Medical, Quarantine Stasis
Timeline: Merlin Search - Discovery SD70219.91 - Date 239412.24
962 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Save'ena Tillatix, within her dreams, managed to feel the power links as well as the backup power to the Cyrostatic chamber she was within. She also felt the young life cradled within her bosom, Sierra, a kitling of 6 years old. A kitling who was Sav's commanding officers Daughter, one Captain John Barstow, who was missing, not there, yet needing his daughter.

The two were dreaming together thanks to Sav's touching Sierra and using her Telepathy to control and direct the dreams. And, Sav was happy that the Cyrogenic Stasis Chamber very low temperatures slowed down the two's thoughts and dreams, allowing for a long time to pass outside while a short time passed within the Cyrostatic chamber.

Even while she and Sierra were rolling down a grassy hill with a playground awaiting at the bottom, in another part of her mind she vaguely remembered the events leading up to where she was now.

Everything had been going well, nothing amiss, on the used to be current mission of the Merlin. Then, suddenly, Sav's memories were of something overwhelming, something planetary, something precursor taking over the ship, the crew, taking the crew somewhere, while taking the ship to the bottom of the ocean, to be out of sight, out of mind, out of range.

Sav knew she had to save Sierra, to save the child of her commanding officer. She used her cyberapathy to forge a concurrent reality, one with Sav and Sierra getting to one of the Cyrostatic chambers within the quarantine zones of the main Medical bay of the Merlin, one that was part of the surgical suite, and to activate that chamber, with Sav and Sierra within, to be dormant and not detected by the force that took the crew to elsewhere, elsewhen, away from the Merlin.

Her last acts of keeping Sierra safe was of flooding that particular area, then the outside medical bay, double locking using quarantine red procedures the egress lock double doors into the particular Quarantine zone she had chosen. A DCS mark was on the program to flood the area, as well as upon the coding sequence that would be required to release the double red quarantine to allow others ingress into the area where the Cyrostatic chamber was. Of course, that also had more crypto locks upon it. She was making sure that only command crew of the Merlin, or command crew of a rescue ship could get to them. Being a Bridge Control Specialist, she knew any command, or DCO, would notice and understand the emergency sequences to get to Captain Barstow's daughter, and at the same time, her.

Of course, She had to hide Sierra and herself from what happened, and that was the why for the flooding. With the seawater flowing about them teaming with life, that would hide their, Sierra and Sav's, now very minute life signs from who or whatever had taken off the rest of the crew and buried the Merlin in the water.

Thus, within a compartment of her mind that linked to the Cytrostatic Chamber, Sav only knew the flow and ebb of computer programs, control programs, stasis of holding within and with of, to be of the chamber, within the chamber, and yet over riding of the power of auxiliary power and fusion power, that fusion power now linked to the ocean residing over the Merlin. The flow of seawater went through the aux power cores for medical and quarantine, creating power for the divergent zones of quarantine and stasis chambers, allowing for full life support, full stasis, full air within the main medical areas of the Merlin, despite any other zone failures or repercussions.

Sav's deepest thoughts within the slowed space of the Cyro was that Sierra had to survive. And, to keep her alive, Sav had to survive. She was lightly worried, Even in the slowed down time-space of the very low temperatures, she could feel fluids slowly flowing out from her nethers. She had just survived surgeries of her lower organs, surgeries to remove several meshes that had been meant to kill her, yet she lived. And, yet, now, she had a kitling with her, Siearra, who had to survive. Sav was not sure why she was able to escape the mass transportation from the ship, (Her tail responded to the danger and hid her and Sierra's life signs, and thus, neither were found in the mass transportation off of the ship of the crew by what had occurred) but, she had, and with her, Sierra had also, because Sav had found her, and kept her, safe, for Captain Barstow.

(Unknown to Save'ena, her once every two month period had finally started up again, the period that had been missing since the 'incident' on Mr. Thompson's Island. Thus, she was fearing the worst when it actually was a joyous time that showed her body returning more to functioning as it should. Then again, given her circumstances, unless rescued, the truth would never be revealed.)

Sav kept up the synergistic flow of energies and controls for the Cyrogenic Stasis of the chamber within Quarantine within Medical for Sierra and her, and she knew it was what was needed for the Merlin and her commanding officer, even though the Merlin was beneath miles of ocean. She had to protect the kitling, especially as Sav could not have one, especially after Diostros, yet, now, after the surgeries, there was a chance she could, and so, she would protect, in all she could Sierra Barstow.

They nestled together, Sierra within her grasp and lap, curled together, dreaming together, awaiting rescue, by Starfleet, from the ocean floor.

End, or new beginning...


Lt. Commander Save'ena Amilia Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin


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