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The Docs

Posted on Thursday 31 May 2018 @ 23:30 by Lieutenant Michael Ki MD & 1st Lieutenant Cara O'Reilly MD & Lieutenant Colonel Kachiko Bayushi

Mission: Lost Souls
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
4007 words - 8 OF Standard Post Measure


Cara was still confused about her role on the Grissom. The words "TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT" were repeated several times in her orders and the Colonel had been no help at all. She wasn't used to all of this cloak and dagger stuff. She was a physician...not a Section 31 spook. In silence she walked with the Colonel up to the doors of Sickbay and shook it off. Maybe she would find some answers here. Just as she was about to step into the doors' sensor range so they would open she heard, "make a hole," from behind and jumped aside as two medics rushed passed her on either side of a hover gurney with a young man in a tattered gold shirt on it...his chest covered in second and third degree burns.

"Stats are dropping," one of the medics said.

"Let's get him inside," the other medic called out.

Cara jumped into action, without thinking and forgot about Kachiko being with her. "Report," she said as she rushed into Sickbay behind the gurney.

"Some sort of manifold exploded in Engineering. He has second and third degree burns on his anterior neck, chest, upper left arm, upper and lower right arm and both hands. Airway is clear but there is some rales in the left lung. Pulse is 112," one of the medics reported.

"Here," Cara said, motioning to the nearest cubicle. She shoved the biobed out of the way. "Leave him on the gurney for now," she said. "And grab some towels." It was times like these that she was glad that cabinet stocking was pretty uniform throughout Starfleet. She opened a cabinet and found bottles of sterile water and tossed them to the medic not doing anything. "Start bathing his burns," she said as she unhooked the biobed from its monitors and plugged them into the gurney.

A nurse, having seen the entrance, dashed around the nurse's station counter and over to the cubicle. "We need a doctor over here," she called out.

"I am a doctor," Cara said as she looked for the Derma-Gel.

Michael ran out of his office as soon as the doors burst open. "And I am the Doctor." He said as he pulled out his tricorder and scanned the patient. "We can pause on the gel or the moment. This man needs to be placed into the surgical bay immediately. We need a look at that lung. Once he is on the surgical bed we can resume the gel application." As they were moving the patient through Sick Bay. He smiled at the 2nd Lieutenant and his typical calm Japanese accent rang out. "I am Dr Ki welcome to the Grissom."

Cara stepped out of the way and held her hands up in surrender...allowing the staff to take over.

As soon as the patient was in place Michael triggered the surgical shield and let it due it's work. "Nurse we need a hypo of Thedramine. If we don't kill the pain his body is going to go into shock. Also someone get me 10 dermal regenerators." Michael has way of taking control of a situation and keeping his voice calm and his facial expression stoic. It had a calming effect on those around him.

"Doctor...may I suggest changing the Thedramine to Bicaridine?" Cara said. "It works faster and doesn't depress the respiratory system. With only one lung functioning, he needs it to work at full capacity."

Michael smiled at the woman in the Marine uniform, she didn't know it but she had just passed his test. "Do it doctor. You are correct You and I are going to rebuild a lung while the nurses take care of his burns. Scrub up Doctor?" His smile broadened.

Kachiko spoke up now, "I'm going to remain out of the way, but I can assure you that the young man still has plenty of neural activity."

Cara was already removing her blouse. She stuck her arms in the sonic cleaner and rubbed her hands over her skin, then pulled them out and held them in front of her as a nurse helped her slip into a surgical gown over her tank top and uniform pants. The nurse gloved her and she stepped over to the patient opposite the CMO.

"First thing we need to do is get a temporary patch on the lung so it re inflates and allows air to flow throughout the body. What I would like to do is use a version of a forcefield. My thought is the same as a hull breach. This is going to take precision timing. I am beginning the field calibration now keep an eye on the vitals. On my mark I am going to need you to transfer his respiratory system to the computer while I get the field in place. Are you ready to proceed?" Ki's voice was as calm and collected as if he had just asked her to pass the jam at breakfast.

"Ready," Cara said, her voice muffled behind her mask and for the next hour and a half, she worked in sync with Ki. When the lung had been repaired and was inflating on its own, she took him off the ventilator and began to work on repairing the burned tissue while the CMO closed the chest cavity. Unlike the old days when third degree burns had to be scrubbed to debride them of the charred tissue leaving the new tissue raw and seeping while it healed, the tissue could be regenerated, still attached and sealed with derma-gel. It, not only, was less painful during the healing process, but prevented infection, which, in the old days, was the main cause of deaths and major scarring. It also replaced the many reconstructive surgeries burn patients had to go through. Now a burn patient could look like their pre-burned self after only a few treatments and suffered minimal pain (usually only over movable joints when the skin was stretched for the first few times).

When she was finished with the patient's hands she told the nurse, "put some gloves on his hands for a few hours until the skin has had a chance to adhere to itself. They'll protect the regeneration when he uses his hands." She straightened up, stretching the muscles in her lower back, and looked at her handiwork.

Ki had took his time sealing the chest as it was delicate work. Numerous times a nurse had to dab his brow to keep the sweat from blinding him. In due time he had finished the surgery. He pulled his mask off and turned to Dr O'Reilly. "Brilliant work Doctor, thank you. You prove that there is more than meets the eye. Well done..." He took his gloves off and extended one hand. "Now let us meet properly I am Lieutenant Michael Ki, however I prefer Doctor to ranks." He smiled broadly as he looked at the woman.

Cara did the same, giving the CMO's hand a firm shake. "Dr. Cara O'Reilly. Your ACMO," she said. "Thank you," she added. It wasn't her first rodeo but she didn't feel the need to boast as some would. "Hell of a way to report in," she said with a snicker.

"Quite so, and welcome. May I ask what is your specialty in medicine? Mine is Emergency Medicine and Neurology. I also must apologize for my curtness when you first arrive. I have been known to forget myself when an emergency is at hand." For the love of everything he hoped that Starfleet Medical didn't send him another head shrink to be his ACMO. Michael did feel genuinely sorry for his manners, he was raised better than that.

As she removed her surgical gown and mask and disposed of them in the recycler she said, "no apologies necessary. I sort of jumped in without being invited to the party. I tend to do that." The surgical nurse handed her a refreshing towel which she used to wipe the sweat off of her hands from the hot surgical gloves. "My specialty is Trauma. It's why I became a Marine. So I could render quality medical care in the field." She handed the towel back to the nurse and donned her blouse. As she zipped it up she said, "not that the medics and corpsmen don't provide quality care but having a physician in the field saves more lives in the long run."

"Agreed, I am sure that you are aware, but I would be remiss in my duty if I did not state this. A physician's job on a starship is not as glamorous as it was today. Most of the time it is runny noses and muscle strains." He chuckled "Come let us get you acquainted with the rest of the medical staff. Would Beta shift work for you?" Michael was fishing now. For the truth was he was taken by this woman, although his rigid upbringing would not let him show it. At least not while on duty.

As the two physicians exited the operating theater, Kachiko briefly assessed if they were still in treatment mode. Noting that they were talking amiably, the tiny Marine approached, "Doctors. I hope that I am not interrupting anything?"

"Not at all Colonel, we can take care of that physical now. Please have a seat on the biobed. I apologize in all of the chaos I did not realize that you were here." Michael said as he followed Cara's lead and removed the surgical gown placing it in the reclimator.

"I'll show myself around, Dr. Ki, while you take care of the Colonel," Cara said with a smile. "We can talk details of my duties when you're done." With that she nodded to Bayushi then headed for the nurses' station to find the person who really would be running this place....the Head Nurse.

Kachiko sighed, "I am supposed to submit for a physical, actually. After I get settled in, I will have my daughter join us."

"Very well Dr. O'Reilly make yourself at home." Michael turned to the Colonel. "Excellent, are there any medical problems hat I should be aware of." Michael gave a quick once over of the Colonel's file and then began the scan.

The physician would note that much of the Colonel's file was redacted. Kachiko promptly produced a small isolinear rod, handing it is the doctor, "Everything on this is compartmentalized information, Doc. Let's just say that my history is... unusual."

"Understood medical information is always privileged, only shareable with the Captain and only if he needs to know." Michael looked at his scans, "Everything seems to be in order according to these scans." Ki took the chip and brought the data up on his desk terminal. "Ah, now that is unusual." He read just the beginning of the file and it told what the Colonel was. "Well you seem healthy, and you have a child excellent. You are quite intriguing." He sat on his desk as he looked at her.

"Not privileged, Doctor. Compartmented, as in you will only be read in because you are to be my physician for the foreseeable future," Kachiko sighed. "Allow me to give you the short and skinny."

Taking a breath,she gathered her nerve. She hated having to recount any of this. Electric blue eyes, incredibly unusual for the tiny Nipponjin, gazed up at the doctor, "A little more than thirty Earth years past, a particular shady Intelligence organization began experimenting with cloning technology. They had located a young woman with the most pristine genetic structure they had ever found in a life form. They decided to clone the woman, eventually producing about a dozen."

"They were initially intended for use as assassins and other clandestine activities, but the Fleet's losses at Wolf 359 changed the purpose, and these clones were repurposed for the Fleet. The program was shut down, violently, before the Thirteenth clone was matured," Kachiko sighed again. "I am the second of those thirteen. The first is deceased, having been killed aboard the Majestic in the Battle for Deep Space Nine. The thirteenth is but a young girl, in the care of number seven, a retired Starfleet Captain."

"Later on, the shady people whom created me attempted to utilize a crude method of control over me," Kachiko made an unpleasant face. "They cornered me, beat me within an inch of death and implanted a number of self-replicating bio-mechanical implants that wrap micro-filaments around my major nerves. If activated, they vibrate the filaments which I can tell you is incredibly painful."

"A past physician discovered that a particular synthetic neuro-toxin will subdue the implants so that they cannot be activated remotely, only by my hearing a particular code phrase will they activate. Unfortunately," the small woman was practically deadpan at this point. "They are always slightly active, which means that I am in pain at all times."

Michael crossed his arms across his chest as he listened. "Perhaps I can review the data from the previous physician and find a way to get the activity to stop permanently. I am a diagnostician, I am used to solving the unsolvable." He smiled broadly, and waited for the Colonel to finish her story.

"Last but certainly not least," Kachiko really hated this part, "About three years ago, I was assigned to a deep cover assignment. While I was there, someone at Intelligence purposefully exposed my identity and I was taken prisoner. During the year of captivity, I was subjected to physical and sexual assault on a daily basis. My wife and several Marines were dispatched to recover me and my captor chose to vent radioactive reactor plasma throughout the underground colony, killing everyone, including my wife."

"I was exposed to extremely high levels of Alpha and Gamma radiation, though I am inherently resistant, just as I'm resistant to the toxin that subdues the implants," Kachiko finished. "Oh. I almost forgot. She is not yet aboard, but my daughter, Reiko? Actually my niece, but adopted as my own after my sister clone died on assignment. She will want to work for you, Doc. She is already a registered Nurse, but I imagine that there's going to be difficulties for any nurse under five feet tall?"

"Difficulties yes, but nothing that cannot be overcome. I look forward to meeting her. Well Colonel you have certainly been through a lot, and one has to wonder why you are still here, still at it. But I already know the answer you are an officer, and it comes with the territory." He sighed as he placed the results of his scans on his desk. "Well despite everything that you have been through you are in pristine health. With your permission I can start working on a possible permanent cure for your pain. No one deserves to live like that." Michael was soft spoken, as it came from his heritage, but despite the tone of his voice one could hear the passion in his voice when he spoke about curing the Colonel.

"Arigatōgozaimashita, Doctor," Kachiko sighed. "I appreciate everything you could do. Unfortunately, these devices are self-replicating and replace anything that's removed from the network."

"Has anyone tried another self replicating technology, whose purpose in the body would be to eradicate those devices in favor of it's higher matrix. Of course that is just a thought that came to mind. I believe the term is spit balling." Michael chuckled "I will run some simulations and see what I can do."

"Not that I am aware of, Doc," Kachiko shrugged. "I'm quite intelligent, but the extent of my medical training and knowledge is limited to how and where to quickly hurt, disable or kill people. I imagine that you could understand why, considering what my original purpose used to be?"

"Yes I can... You are another in a long line over the millenia that was made to kill but turned to the higher purpose of life." Michael smiled. "Well it seems that you are in pristine health and there is no reason for you not to go to active duty. I will let you know if I make any progress on the research."

Kachiko shrugged, "Apparently, my 'father' designed us for a more... lewd and unpleasant purpose as well. Hence why I was subjected to the sexual assaults. Which pales in comparison to the other effects it's had on me, both psychological and physical." The small woman's gloved hand lifted several strands of shockingly white hair, "This used to be black. The exposure to high concentrations of Alpha and Gamma radiation changed that."

"Yes well the desires of men can be shall we say punitive at the best of times. I am not a counselor however, I have filed a request with Starfleet Medical to have one assigned to the vessel. Once we have one aboard, I can have them come see you if you wish. It seems after all you have been through perhaps you could benefit from a counselor." Michael smiled as he placed the PADD upon his desk.

Kachiko shrugged, "My captor and primary abuser was a woman, actually. As for counseling, I'm expected to see a Counselor at least every fortnight, as a condition of returning to duty."

"And this is the medicine room," the nurse was saying to Cara. "It is accessed through IID (Iris Identification)."

"Very nice," Cara said with a nod. "This Sickbay is quite state of the art," she added.

Kachiko pushed up off of the biobed, "I thank you, Doc. I will be certain to check in with you regularly as well."

Cara followed the nurse back to the nurses' station, glancing over at the CMO's office.

"We have two replicators," the nurse said, indicating the two separate units built into the wall behind the nurses' station desks. "One is a regular one and the other is designed specifically for medical supplies. We can actually go for three years at a time without having to resupply from a starbase."

Cara lifted an eyebrow. "Impressive. Do you do long range tours often?" she asked, leaning against the counter.

"Not often. But I have only been on the Grissom two years and in that time we have gone pretty far out. Like six months away from any form of Federation civilization," the nurse replied. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, thanks. I'm fine," Cara answered with a smile. "Just waiting for Dr. Ki to finish with the Commander," she added.

"Very well Commander speak with you soon." He smiled at her as she took her leave.

"Looks like he's available," the nurse announced, looking over at the CMO's office.

"Thanks," Cara said and walked over to the door of the office, smiling and nodding at Bayushi as the Marine CO walked by her. She knocked on the door jam and poked her head through the open doorway. "Shall we make this official?" she asked in a light hearted tone.

"By all means Doctor welcome." Michael smiled as he added. "I could use all the assistance that I can get at the moment."

Cara walked in and took extended her hand across the CMO's desk. "Cara O'Reilly," she said.

"Michael Ki" he said as he took the hand. "I must apologize for my curtness earlier it seems that you caught me with my pants down as the saying goes." He smiled.

"No apology necessary," Cara said, backing into the chair in front of the desk. "At that moment this was your domain and I was just some Jarhead horning in on it. I'm the one who should be apologizing." Changing the subject she said, "so one of your nurses gave me the nickle tour and this is quite an impressive set up you have here."

Thank you... The Grissom has state of the art medical facilities. I wouldn't have it any other way." He added with a smile. "Are you going to be making the leap over to the fleet from the Corps?" Michael was curious if she would have an intimidating Marine presence or a soothing medical one in his Sick Bay.

Cara was a bit surprised at question. "I'm Marine Green through and through, Dr. Ki," she answered, adamantly. "I hope that isn't going to be a problem."

On the inside Michael was a little put out by the fact that he would have a Marine in Sick Bay. However, he did not let any of that show on his facial expression. "No, Lieutenant not at all. I asked merely because in the past when I have had Marines assisting me in Sick Bay it seemed that they were a little too gruff with the patients. However, they were corpsmen and you are a doctor so I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that will not be a problem in this instance." He smiled broadly, and continued to speak. "I specialize in Emergency Medicine and Diagnostics. What is your specialty field of medicine?" He leaned back and folded his hands.

"Trauma," Cara said. "I was a field surgeon for 4 years with the 5th Regiment during the Four Year War. Then I was transferred to a MARS station on the NZ. That's why it was a reflex to jump in when I saw the extent of that young man's burns out in the hallway."

"Ah, great, then we shall make an unstoppable team. I can perform surgery but it is not my forte. So with your scalpels and my knack for diagnosis we will cure the galaxy." Michael's deep voice broke into a rolling deep laugh.

Cara laughed along with Ki and sat back in her chair. Testing her elbows on the arms of the chair and clasped her hands together, interlocking her fingers. "I would like to talk about shifts," she said. " you run a two or three shift department and which will I be working?"

"I prefer a two shift rotation. I will take the Alpha shift with yourself on Beta. Now unless there is a patient that needs tending to I do not expect you or anyone else to sit in Sick Bay. Just be on call whenever needed. In your case I would also request that you be on call 24/7 just like myself. The reason being is since you are a surgeon I never know when I will need those skilled hands." Michael smiled at his own terrible joke.

Cara smiled and nodded. This was the type of schedule she was used to. Her duties would, most likely be the same, administratively, as they had been. "Sounds perfect," she said and held up her hands. "And don't worry. I'm not going to bother to ask about the elephant that seems to be in every room I've been in since coming on board. I know that we aren't supposed to know why our assignments read "temporary". My only two questions are....when do you want me to start and how comfortable should I get with this sickbay?"

"In truth I am not sure... My assignment here is only temporary as well so I guess we will both be playing this by ear as the saying goes. You can start as soon as you are settled. I would suggest reading up on cold weather injuries and ailments. It seems that we may be treating some quite soon. It has to do with our next mission." Michael liked this woman, she was efficient, and to the point. She was easy on the eyes as well he thought.

Knowing that Dr. Ki had been running things on his own for several days, Cara smiled and got to her feet. "In that case, I will unpack and take a quick nap and I will see you back here for shift change report," she said and extended her hand across the CMO's desk.

Michael took the hand offered and smiled broadly. "I will look forward to it..."

Dr Michael Ki
USS Merlin

Dr. Cara O'Reilly
USS Merlin


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