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V Launch

Posted on Saturday 2 July 2016 @ 01:15 by Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox
Edited on on Saturday 2 July 2016 @ 01:38

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Location: USS Clément Ader
Timeline: 239306.28
491 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure


The three ensigns and Lieutenant Lidox stood in shuttlebay of the Ader looking at the Shuttlecraft that was going to be there home for the next 8 hours.

A Lieutenant from the Ader walked towards them “The captain has authorised the V Launch. Have a good trip, wish I could join you in the Launch.”

Ensign Harper looked at Lidox “What's a V Launch?”

Lieutenant Lidox lust smiled “Everyone onboard Launch in 10 Minutes.”


Lidox sat at the controls of the type 11 shuttle craft named Gandalf. The 3 Ensigns Kahn, Redox and Timoth sat in the other seats. Redox sat at navigation. The Captain of the Ader was on the view screen.

“Ready to V launch in 1 minute. Get ready.”

Lidox moved her hands across the control panel and the shuttlecraft lifted off and across the shuttle bay stopping millimetres from the door.

Redox looked across at Lidox. “What is this V Launch?”

“You’ll see in less than a minute” replied Lidox.

The door of the shuttle bay opened and space could be seen going pass at warp speed.

“We can’t launch at warp. The shuttle will be ripped apart” Redox observed.

“We’re not launching at warp” Lidox smiled.

The Captain started to count “Launch in 5...4....3....2.....1”

Several things happened in quick succession Lidox moved her hands across the control panel like a virtuoso pianist turning off all propulsion. At that exact moment the force field was dropped on the shuttle bay. The shuttle Gandalf was shot out into space like a bullet out of a gun. Both Kahn and Redox screamed in unison, one constant scream. If they could have looked behind them they would have seen the as force field was raised and the Ader jumped back into warp leaving the Gandalf alone in space.

Timoth Laughed “Can we do that again please”

Redox turned and slapped Lidox across the arm “Don't do that again without warning me first, idiot”

“Did you enjoy your first V Launch” Lidox asked.

The Captain appeared on the view screen “We got all the readings we need for now. I will pass them on to Starfleet and we will start running tests here. Safe journey”

“Thank you for the lift Captain Johnson” replied Lidox.

Lidox went on to explain “That was a V Launch. V strands for vacuum. It was an idea I came up with while I was at the Academy. The theory is to be able to launch shuttles quickly and get the ship back into warp in less than 5 seconds so that the shuttles can get on with combat operations rather than worrying about protecting the ship. It’s still experimental at the moment but Starfleet think it has penitential”

“8 hours till we catch up with the Merlin. That’s plenty of time to get to get to know each other. Timoth can you get me a cup of Zariphean tea”


Davina Lidox

Chief strategic operations officer

USS Merlin


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