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This changes things

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 @ 20:58 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Mission: Homeward
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD2 2230
830 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Kyhl was reviewing the various scans that she'd taken through the day. It'd been long and productive. She took a sip of her coffee and flipped to the next set of scans.

She spat her coffee across her desk. Oh no! How had she missed that! Tapping her comm badge she spoke quickly, hoping that she wasn't asleep yet.

"Melody, it's Kyhl. I need you in medical right away." She said as she found some paper to wipe up the spilt coffee.

Melody had been dozing in Draxx’s arms on the sofa in their accommodation at Starfleet headquarters when her comm badge came to life with the Doctor’s hail.

We sat up quickly, now fully awake. She hired the urgency in the doctor’s voice and replied: ”Yes, we're on our way.” Melody nudged Draxx’s arm ”The doctor wants to see up, it sounds urgent.”

Draxx nodded standing up and looking worried. "Positive thoughts," he said out loud really hoping nothing was horribly wrong. They had wanted this so badly.

Soon, Melody and Draxx we're over at Medical. They found the Kyhl waiting for them. ”What up Doctor? Melody asked, trying to remain calm ”Is there a problem with the baby?”

"Sorry for the late night call, I need to confirm things but I think I missed something earlier." Kyhl said as she motioned to the medical bed. "Please lay down."

Melody nodded and quickly lay down on the biobed.

Kyhl walked over and used the interface to bring up a 2D holographic display over Melody. The same as before, the heartbeat was rapid and now represented by a rapidly flashing light.

Melody reached out to Draxx and took his hand. "There's our baby. Sweetie."

"That is the heartbeat." Kyhl said as they watched. "The scanner I used earlier detected a slight "out of phase" beating." She looked at the concerned parents as she turned her hand on the console.

Slowly the 2D image shifted and rotated around the flashing light. As the image turned, the light in the centre seems to expand before finally separating into two separate flashing beacons.

Melody looked at her. "What does that mean Doctor?" Almost guessing but not quite believing it.

"Congratulations," Kyhl said with a big smile. "It's twins."

”Twins?” Melody repeated as her hand flew to her mouth. ”Oh my. That's wonderful news, isn't it Draxx... Draxx?”

Draxx’s face had frozen in place and the colour had drained from his face. Like a domino, he simply topped over backwards and Melody had to move quickly to catch his head.”

”Er... doctor?” she looked up at Kyhl. ”Little help?”

"Oh my!" Kyhl rushed over and quickly checked his pulse. He passed out! She giggled as he started to come around and helped him sit upright once more.

"Twins?" Draxx said when he was seemly upright again. "Twins? Two? Two what? Identical? Boys? girls? They are growing at the right rate yes? Twins?" he added again.

Melody put a hand on his arm. "Yes sweetie, twins."

"It's still really early." Kyhl continued. "What I can tell you is that their development is within the 95 percentile."

She walked back over to the console and motioned for Melody to lay back down. "A quick scan should answer the rest of your questions if you really want to know."

Melody looked at Draxx. "We might as well know now."

Kyhl looked over the readings and smiled. "They are developing from the same egg, so identical. They're also male."

"Captain, with twins and your past complications I'm going to want to see you at least once a week if not more to make sure everything continues to progress safely for you and the babies." Kyhl said as she looked over the console and then walking over next to Melody.

Melody nodded most enthusiastically. "Yes, by all means doctor. I want to keep a close eye on these two. Sansa is going to be thrilled when she finds out. Thank you for calling us. Could the fact that it's twin explain my increased appetite?" he asked her.

"Possibly." Kyhl said calmly. "You will certainly have to increase your caloric intake. Right now I would say that if you're hungry, eat. It's your body telling you that you need fuel."

"If there are no other questions, you can get back to your night and we'll make standard appointments from here on out. Congratulations again Captain."

"Thank you Doctor. Goodnight." Melody said as she slipped off the biobed, making sure to hold on to Draxx for as much his sake as hers.

Kyhl smiled as she watched the happy and somewhat shocked couple. She really enjoyed giving good news like this. One of the perks of the job. "Goodnight you two."

She made sure she had a good hold on Draxx. " Come on Sweetie, let's get you to bed."

Drax allowed Melody to lead him from the room as he repeated softly to himself "Twins?!"



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