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Mistaken Identity?

Posted on Thursday 29 April 2021 @ 14:47 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Near the colony medical facility
Timeline: MD6 1300
2127 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Mathias needed to get some fresh air, where he was at was feeling stifling. Maybe it was due to his injured arm or he just needed o see the sky for the moment to clear his head. The attack had sent some rippling echoes in his memory, that of the explosions of Starbase 308 by the Sona. He felt a slight wave of dizziness wash over him and Mathias sat down to let his head clear. The smoke the acrid stench. Bad memories. Mathias leaned his elbows upon his knees and placed his face in his hands, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves....

"You Starfleet types are always so stupid." A female voice came from behind him that was almost familiar. Behind him stood a woman in a dark outfit with brown hair, a very pregnant belly and a phaser that was aimed at his head. "Make a sound that I don't like and it will be your last." She said in a low tone and took a step towards him, not showing him any sign of fear or respect. "What's your name?" She asked, "Not that I'm interested, it's just easier to call you by that rather than idiot."

Gingerly turning his head to get a look at the woman, "Mathias, and you are..." searching in his mind, her face familiar for some reason. Then it hit him. "L-Lieutenant Amelia Fox? What are you doing here?" Being careful to not make any sudden movements. He also winced as the sudden start he gave made him move his injured arm.

The woman laughed to herself. "Not quite, but much better." she scrutinised his face for a moment. "Well well well... I was wondering when I'd run into you. You know the one thing I like about this universe is running into so many familiar faces, especially when they owe me money or I can get some revenge." She sat on one end of a nearby bench and motioned for him to sit at the other. "So 'Mad Dog' McPhee is in Starfleet over here. Figures. You know the only reason I haven't killed that low down cheating, womanizing snake yet is that he knows how to get his hands on weapons, and he's good for the occasional 'ride' if you get my meaning." she added with a wink. "I could sit here and swap stories all day but I don't have the time, and neither do you. I can help you.... for a price of course."

Mathias moved over to where her phaser filled hand indicated, sitting down. "Mad Dog McPhee?" Him blushing slightly as he caught her meaning. "Other universe... Wait you aren't this universes Amelia Fox...I don't think I'm wanting your help on anythi-"

She interrupted him "The group who attacked this planet and your ship. I know where they are hiding and I know they have your Captain. For the right price, I can tell you how you can approach their base without been detected and you'll be able to get your Captain back and then... you do what you want with them."

She just laid her cards on the table, Mathias gawked at that. He couldn't trust her as she certainly wasn't the Amelia he had met on Starbase 308. "The ship was attacked, oh crud!" thinking about Caroline and the others. "And the Captain was captured?" his brain starting to pick up speed. "What is the price you are asking for help to recover the Captain. " Mathias sending caution to the wind. He had a fondness for the Captain of the Merlin, well hey her whole family. And the babies that were coming, can't let anything happen to the wee ones, don't want them to lose their chance at life.

Fox observed his reaction and smiled to herself. "Sooo, you have a soft spot for your Captain eh? Or is that a hard spot? I caught a glimpse as they brought her in. You naughty boy, maybe you've got a bit of the old 'Mad dog' in you after all" She laughed wickedly. "It's not your bastard child she's carrying is it?"

His eyes narrowed at that and he growled, "I do not poach, and she is not carrying my child either. I am not a cur to do something like that. What is your problem..."

She waved it off. "You need to loosen up more. At least 'Mad dog' can take a joke. He's got a thing for redheads too ya know? He's been chasing this red-headed arms dealer for as long as I can remember. He says he knew her when he was a kid but she won't give him the time of day. Pity. Anyway.... I was just looking for a quiet place to have my baby. Then this group of idiots descend and start causing trouble... Which is the last thing I need. I've decided to get away so I'll need some latinum to finance a new, quieter life. Say, a hundred thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum?"

"Just how am I supposed to get that much money? I don't have that on my person at this time. And if I do agree to that, it's going to take some time to get it." Mathias remarked. "There has to be another deal that can be struck, Amelie" deliberately not calling her by the other Amelia's name. "You need a new lease on life, why not get a runabout and take off there, then sell it for that price. There is a lot of confusion and chaos that is going on, and I'm sure they won't notice one disappearing." Mathias did have that much in a bank account for he had been putting aside some money just in case he wished to buy his own piece of property he could have for his own.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "Do not take me for a fool. I'm sure a resourceful Starfleet officer can get permission from someone to get me a handsome reward for your Captain's life. I'll take the Runabout and no less than a thousand bars of Latinum. I've heard the colony Administrator has a few bars... put away for emergency purposes. I think this qualifies. Get it from him. I'll be back here in one hour with your information to save your captain's life. I'll expect the Runabout and the latinum at that time. Are you a smart man Mathias McPhee?"

Mathias cocked up an eyebrow at that one. "I can be resourceful" he admitted. "And a thousand bars of latinum might be easier to get than the other amount." Wheels turning in his head. "I do believe I can get you a runabout, and hopefully the price you are asking for. Let me make some inquiries. And don't worry, I will have said price, but you..." giving her a sharp look, "had better come through. YOU do me wrong and I WILL hunt you down with a vengeance." actually snarling at her.

She looked at him for a moment and the corners of her mouth turned up and she nodded. "I like you. You've got spunk. Here take this." She reached in a pocket and tossed him a small PADD. I managed to get some information on some of the members of this gang of rouges. Should prove my intentions are genuine. One hour. Don't disappoint me 'Mad dog' Just you here, no one else." She lowered the phaser, securing to herself and moved closer until she was right in front of him. "I'm putting my trust in you." and before he could react she leant in and kissed him. She pulled back and raised an eyebrow. "An added bonus. Follow me and you'll regret it." She added before she turned and started to saunter away.

Mathias watched as she walked way "I'll be here, you better be here." he growled, then wiped his lips with the back of his good hand, trying to scrub the taste of her lips from off his. He was needing some help, and he thought of whom he could get help from. He caught sight of a marine, the marine who had helped him out early on, Bijoux was he name. He walked up to her, she looked at him.

"May I help you, Lieutenant McPhee?"

"Actually yes, I've got some information to rescue Captain Jones, and I'm sure Scarlet would love this information. But I need some help in something. "

This got Pearl's attention. If there was a way to get in the good graces of Scarlet this could be the ticket.

"What do you need help in, and the captain has been kidnapped?" she hadn't heard of that happening. "I'd do anything to rescue the captain."

"Well good, then this is what I need you to do." Mathias telling the plans.

Pearl nodded and thought it a good idea, and the two of them went to find Ransa. With a great amount of conversation, some persuading and a bit of nonverbal threats, from Pearl the two got the money that was agreed upon with that MU Amelia. The runabout wasn't a problem either as Ransa had one of his own. For personal use. Pearl settled the runabout in the designated place and then took the information given to her, to take to Scarlet. Mathias watched her as she left.

Mathias then waited for Amalie to arrive back as she had said she would, the hour was almost up.

"Well...." A voice came from behind him "At least you Starfleet types are punctual." Fox came sauntering over up behind him, not bothering with a phaser this time, she did have another PADD in her hand. She looked over at the Runabout. "I take it that's my ride. And my latinum?"

"Yes it is. I see you decided to be congenial and not point your phaser at me, this time. " Mathias growled "You probably know I don't attack pregnant women. I've got your latinum right here. And what do you have on that padd? Some more nefarious plans? " having a scoffing gaze. He set the bag to where it was a few feet away from her and then stepped back. He didn't want another kiss from her.

She tossed the PADD at him. "The information we agreed on." She picked up the bag, feeling its weight. She nodded satisfied. "A pleasure doing business with you. I find any sort of tracking device in that runabout and I will kill you and the people you love." She said as calmly as if she were telling him the weather. "Speaking of which..." she added with an evil glint in her eyes "How about I take you in there and have my way with you?" She took a step closer to him. "Call it an added bonus. "I may be pregnant but I can still make your eyes roll back in your skull."

Mathias caught it with his good hand and stepped back away from her. "I didn't even think of putting in a tracking device, and no thank you. I don't want a roll in the hay with you either. You got what you wanted, now get out of here. I don't want your bonus. Not one iota."

She just shrugged her shoulders and his brush off. "Suit yourself. Well, I've got a few loose ends to tie up and then I'm out of here. Try not to get yourself killed rescuing that Captain of yours. Those guys look rough. Tell 'Red' I said hi." she called over her shoulder as she headed for the Runabout.

Mathias watched as she headed towards the runabout, "Not like you'd really care if I get killed or not, Amalie. And what loose ends are you talking about?" wondering if he'd get an answer, but then again, he may not get one, as she may want to do another deal and he didn't want to deal with her anymore than this. "Then again never mind."

She turned just before she got onto the Runabout, giving him one of her usual twisted smiles and wagging a finger in his direction. "Don't ask questions you really don't want to know the answer to." She then blew him a kiss and added as the hatch door was closing. "I'll be seeing you."

Mathias got a cold chill when she said that, like someone walking over his grave. "Not if I see you first." he groused then headed his way towards where the others were at the command center. He needed to get the additional information to Scarlet and anyone else.


Mirror Amelia Fox
NPC Jones

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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